Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Now...why would I NEED a blog??

Hmmm. I've been thinking about this BLOG thing for a long time. Lots of questions...what would I write?? Who would be bored enough to read it??? What interesting things would I say...
I couldn't think of anything until the last few weeks, when interesting & very exciting things started to happen.
First thing...Got accepted to Ranger U. 3 days of classes with Tim & Robin. PURE HEAVEN!! Hmmm...someone might be interested to hear those juicy details.
Next...I am now on the Maya Road Design team. WOW!!! I am totally excited & now (maybe) I'll have some interesting things to say...and some cool art to share.
So...we'll get started...............once I figure this beast out...


  1. Wow, Wendy! I'm so excited for you! These are all great things that are happening to you, and you absolutely deserve them all!

    I'm happy to make the first comment to your new blog, and will be so anxious to keep an eye on it for future postings!!!

    Congratulations, and thanks for sharing with us!!


  2. WHOO! WHOO!! I could not have said it any better, Cecile!!!! Wendy deserves every good thing that has come her way.

    It's good to see that a hard-working, generous person can still make it in the Art world today!!

    Show 'em what you've got, girl!


  3. Welcome to the world of blogging girl! I can't wait to get our goodies! Shelley

  4. You guys are THE BEST!!!
    THANKS SOOOO much!
