Saturday, September 29, 2007

October Carry Out Kit...

This is the kit I designed for the LSS for October. My photography skills are that of a 3 year old, and in my opinion...this looks much better in person! I'm certainly no Rachel Greig! I guess that's pretty obvious! The calendar stamp is from Stamper's Anonymous, as is the herringbone stamp which I used on the tree trunks and the border on the 3rd section. It's a great stamp that finds it's way into many of my projects.

Rick is gone this weekend to a horse I'm home alone spending every minute in the studio. I thought about dusting, but arting is more fun!

Back to the studio.

Have a GREAT artful weekend.



  1. Love this Wendy! And your photos is just perfect :)

  2. Wow, I love this. What did you use to connect the coasters?
