Monday, October 22, 2007


Grab a cup of coffee...the juicy details make for a LONGGGG story!
First of all, I want to thank Tim & Robin for an INK-redible experience. I am TOTALLY blown away by their attention to every detail, which created the journey of a lifetime weekend. I had seen Tim demo @ CHA & I thought he did an outstanding job. After this weekend, I have a whole new respect for him. This guy is very organized, on track, INK-redibly hilarious, extremely knowledgable, DID I SAY FUNNY??, kind and the best speaker I have ever encountered. To say I am impressed is an understatement. THANKS TIM!! Enjoy your time off. You certainly have earned it.

Now Robin...This art goddess had our classroom set up & organized, had our handouts and schedule done, filled our goodie boxes, had labels ready for every technique that Tim demoed, brought breakfast, got lunch, got us MORE goodies from the warehouse, showed & contributed to the techniques, offered suggestions, busted her butt to get us anything we needed and made us all laugh about 100 times. She is like a computer brain & rattles off techniques with ease. THANKS ROBIN!! These 2 spent 8 hours with us on Friday, 13...yes 13 hours on Saturday & another 4 hours on Sunday, which explains why I look like shit in the photo above. Ranger is lucky to have such a talented team.'s what you're probably wanting to hear......

Ranger was INK-credibly generous with the products we received ...we all felt like it was Christmas morning when we opened the goodie box!

We learned TONS and got to played with all these cool products.........
Distress Crackle paint
Alcohol Inks, which are now my new addiction. TONS of cool techniques.
Distress inks
Adirondack Color Washes
Adirondack Acrylic Paint Dabbers
Adirondack Dimensional Pearls
Glossy, Matte, Sepia & Crackle Accents
Archival Ink Pad
Adirondack Pigment pens
Cut & Dry nibs & Cut & Dry foam pads
Embossing powders..I LOVED the Distress Embossing powder the best! No shine...WAYYY COOL for vintage looking art.

Maya Road gave us a tin of chipboard, rub-ons and 3 chipboard keychains.

Heidi Swapp gave us masks.

Luxe gave us tranparencies.

Prima gave us 3 sheets of their new Paintables, a really fun new product.

And last but not least... we also got Grungeboard from Advantus. A TOTALLY amazing product that has TONS of potential for some really fun play. Use it with the Distress Crackle Paint or the Distress Embossing powders for some fun effects.

A short summary of events...we toured the factory (there is only ONE STICKLES machine that supplies the entire WORLD!!), watched demos, learned TONS, laughed TONS, ate way too much, shopped just a little, had show & tell and had a few cocktails for medicinal purposes only!

So...the summary............
Ranger U tuition...$175.00
OVERWEIGHT luggage...$50 ha!!! Imagine that!!
The experience...INK-redibly PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The end................... for today.
ps...the picture in the post below shows the gift I brought for Tim. I'll put Robin's up later.


  1. WOW!!! Worth every penny! Great blog entry. I know TIm and Robin had to love their gifts! Have a bottle of wine for me and enjoy your jammies!

  2. Great post!! I knew you'd have a LOT of fun :) Enjoy your goodies! Can't wait to see what you do with them all :):)

  3. What a great experience! What a wonderfully 'goody packed' event!

    I would add that getting to have a photo op w/ Tim is priceless as well.. Look at him! So cute! So hot! So darn talented!

    OK.. I'll stop..
    Robin is hot, too!!!
    Post those projects....

  4. Sounds like an exciting time! I've taken a few classes from Robin & Tim and LOVED them all...going to Ranger U must've been over the top exciting!

  5. Did I tell you that there's a test? hehehe

    You were awesome!

    Inky Hugs, R.

  6. Wendy, glad to see your update! Makes me what to of these days! Aren't Robin & Tim the BEST?!!! They're good people in my book ;0) Can't wait to see the creations you made @ RangerU! MargieH in Chicago

  7. Ranger is the best!!!!
    Now you can play with your new goodies!!
    And don't forget the grungeboard
    love it that you had so much fun

  8. Wow, what an amazing experience!!! And such great goodies - swoon! :)

  9. wow! Sounds like you had such a wonderful and creative time!

  10. Sounds like so much fun! Can you see me turning green? Whad do you have to do to attend Ranger U?

  11. Oh my goodness, Wendy. What a fun time it sounds like you have had, and what a fabulous selection of goodies you have come away with. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
