Saturday, October 13, 2007

So...what's inside all those drawers??

That seems to be a common here's one little lookie! This is a watchmakers cabinet we found. Very tiny compartments...but PERFECT for all those must have embellishments. Can you say SHOPPING??? I LOVE IT!!!

And...for those who asked, YES...the little birdie in the post below is from Maya Road. He's a microfelt guy that I stamped. He's sooo tiny & sooo cute.

Ok..... I'm off to teach the canvas class!

Stay tuned...there will be a give away & grand opening of the blog when I return from Ranger U.

Make ART!!
ps...this made me laugh. Just got an email REMINDER that I have a hotel reservation in NJ. Like I'd FORGET??? NEVER!! HA! Ranger U or bust!!


  1. LOL - well here's a reminder to take your camera! I want photos!!!
    Love your drawers, I'd love to fossick through them!!

  2. Ooh, what lovely goodies you have! I love peeking at other's stash :)

    Fossick??? Hmmm, must be an Australian to look it up!

  3. ooooh, is that my present? I think that will fit nicely in my house. Thank you soooo much for your generosity. :-)


  4. I've seen those drawers and there are HUNDREDS of them!!! Hundreds of DRAWERS...THEN there are the compartments!!!!

    "Whoever dies with the most stuff wins" theory! Ya gotta love her!

