Monday, December 17, 2007

New rules here...

I saw this @ Hobby Lobby & thought it was just perfect for this time of the year. In addition to holiday preparations, we are in pre-CHA mode. So, in simple terms, art is the priority. I am up to my ears in Maya Road goodness and loving every minute. No sneak peeks, but I'm making some way cool things, if I do say so myself. I'll share just as soon as we get the word...I am soooo excited about CHA because I'll have my work displayed in 3 booths!! A DREAM come true!!

THANKS to all who sent birthday greetings. I appreciated them ALL!!

A few random things that make me laugh...

Rick's posting got 16 posted comments & generated about 40 emails here. Maybe Maya Road got the wrong family member!! He even got a comment from TIM, so now he thinks he's a celebrity! What a guy!! Can't wait to see the Christmas card he makes. Stay tuned...I'm sure he'll HAVE to show you!

Get this...on December 12th, I went to JoAnn's. Guess what the sales gals there were doing?? Putting out Valentine's Day things. DECEMBER 12th!!!!!! GEEZZZZZZZZZ...I still need to pick up a few more things for Christmas & wrap it all.......... YIKES!!

And here's a Jerry is it that there happens to be just enough news everyday to EXACTLY fill the newspaper pages??? HA!

And this is guaranteed to make you smile...go & visit cooper...what a cutie!

I'm off to make spaghetti! Gotta have energy to CREATE!!


  1. Another Jerry Seinfeld-ism... yesterday we had to drive to the mall to finish off some shopping, and we got a car park right at the door. Jerry has always said to enjoy these random moments!! We took a moment to enjoy the fact we got the best park in the lot during the crazy Christmas!

  2. Cant wait to see what your playing with !!!!

  3. love the sign i need that at my front door over the chrissy period.. i think anyone staying with us would quickly get the message ... a very merry christmas wendy and looking foward to all the new projects your working on

    ps rick will check back here for your chrissy card (hehe)
