Monday, January 7, 2008

Fun...with a capital....F and also a HUGE thank you...

We inked,
we distress crackle painted,
we labeled...(thanks CHERYL!),
we ironed...(but it was FUN),
we mini misted,
we blended,
we stamped,
we lightly inked over embossed paper,
we embossed...2 kinds...WOW!!,
we wrinkled,
we watercolored...kind of,
we said MARMALADE, laughed & thought of Rachel (thanks accent)
we ate chocolate & most of all...

WE HAD FUN!!! What a GREAT group of gals for my first Ranger Distress Ink Technique class on Saturday @ Scrapbook Friend'z in Bloomington, Illinois. You guys are THE BEST!!!

I think the favorite technique of the day was...SPRITZ & FLICK... Imagine this...a room full of art chicks spritzing & flicking..sounded like applause to me, so that's when I took a bow! These gals were smart...they figured me out. Save the best for last!

Now on to the THANK YOU part...

THANK YOU to ALL who attended both classes!!!

This class would not have happened if I had not been accepted into Ranger U. So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank these friends...

Tim... Mr. Inspiration
Robin goddess
Ted Cutts...Mr. Stampers Anonymous, who got the ball rolling
And last but certainly not least...the RANGER company for an INK-redible experience. I learned TONS & got to pass it on!

And that was just the first class...

For the second class we made this... Maya Road Birdie Box

Each person chose their own papers, but we all used the bird, branches, scrolls, scallop ric rak and flowers from Maya Road. We crackled up a storm. Every box looked great and each was unique. GREAT JOB gals!!!
This was a very fun class too.

To answer some emails that I got...the Ranger apron was a gift to us @ Ranger U. I LOVE it...signed by Tim & Robin!!

Sorry...I didn't take any photos in class...just too busy. I will try to remember that for the next classes. It would be fun to post the end results of the class.

Yes...the chocolate was DOVE!! I really do think it's low cal...

Ok, back to work. CHA is coming VERY soon & there's a TON of work (PLAY) to be done!!

Thanks for reading this LONGGGGGGGGG post!
Enjoy your day!


  1. No question that it would be a success!

    Love the Bird Box! :-)

    Inky Hugs, Robin

  2. Congratulations!!!!!
    Sounds like such a wonderful event! The project you posted is beuatiful!!!

  3. Love your class...beautiful! Hey, I have those birds...hmmm...LOL!!

  4. Marmalade!!! You're way too funny. And I'd love to hear Linda's Aussie accent :)
    Glad your class went so well, but you're an ink goddess already, so it's no surprise!!! :)

  5. The birdie box is beautiful!
    I often wonder who gets the most out of a class...the students or the instructor.


  6. congrats on your class wendy! what a cool project!

  7. We had a BLAST! I'm still working on my Aussie accent, but it's coming along. "Banana" is coming along, too!
    Wendy was tops, but I've taken her classes before and had NO doubt!
    Thanks, Wen!

  8. I only wish I could have been in your class! I learn so much from you every time I see you!! You are truly an inspiration. But alas, I was working and ringing up all those customers buying Ranger products used in your class! :)
