Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ALL "T" words today.........

First "T" word...

THANK YOU ALL. The hit counter is @ 10,200. You guys make me sooo happy! Now if more visitors would leave a comment, I'd REALLY be happy! Like I said yesterday...it's NOT fun to talk to myself. Get the hint?? Comments = RAK...simple.

Second "T" word...
as my THANK you gift to all of you...here's a little TUTORIAL.

Start with THESE... ha!...Another "T" word ...

These are in my top 3 favorite new Maya Road products. They're from the Trinkets collection & come in 2 styles...flowers & blossoms. I had this idea before CHA, but since I only had a few of these guys, I was afraid to ruin one. So, for CHA, I used them as flat embellishments.

Here's how to make them look totally different...stamp them with Staz-on and bend them to create dimension. Add some grungeboard, Stampers Anonymous stamps, distress ink and you get this.

Here's a closer look.

Third "T" word...

TIP...ok, I gave you a tip. Now it's your turn to play.

To be entered in the next RAK...leave a comment below & share your favorite tip. It can be as simple as giving us a time saving tip, a cost saving tip, or something you discovered that you'd like to share. Have a favorite product that makes things easier?? Share it here.

Ok...it's your TURN! Remember...comments = RAK!

Thanks again!



  1. Hey, looks like I am first. I love this tip, If you are a green person, and don't like to use the mr. clean eraser. Baking soda and a wet rag works just as well, to get scuff marks and crayons off walls.

    Okay, craft tip, hmmm, I don't know that I have one that your bloggers won't know. hmm.

    okay, swifter duster, works well on cleaning your craft area...lol

    I got nothing wendy sorry!!

  2. Okay, my tip is simple, come here daily and see some of the best ideas that can be found. I can't imagine that I would have a tip that most people that come here wouldn't know. I come here to your blog daily just to see what you have done and I can't tell you how many times I have used your ideas to make them my own.

  3. For a fun, new spray, mix a couple drops of Mica Magic Reinker with water in a Ranger Mini Mister. Makes a wonderful, sparkly, vibrant spray. I especially love the Royal Red. I've had mine in my mini mister for a couple of months, and it hasn't clogged my Mini Mister, which kind of surprised me.
    And Wendy, I feel the same way...love comments on my blog. It's amazing how many people visit and never comment. So I'll try to comment more often for you...I check your blog daily. Your blog is one of my favorites.

  4. Oooh, now that I LOVE!! So dimensional and yummy!

    My tip?

    I love to emboss tiny detailed word stamps but they sometimes loose their detail with pigment ink. So I use Versafine and emboss them but on COATED or GLOSSY card. No loss of detail then!

  5. I love getting tips from other folks!
    Here are a few I have lifted from others:
    1. For glitter lovers: Run chipboard through a Xyron, then apply glitter... less messy than glue..
    2. To keep from burning your fingers with your heat tool, stick a glue dot under your project and stick to craft matt! Stole that one from Tim Holtz!
    This also works if you don't want to paint your fingers or ink your fingers..especially when working with little things....

  6. wow wendy, very inspiring. i don't want to be put in for a RAK but hrere is my tip:

    use leftover stickers and rubons to create cool one of a kind patterned paper. if you don't like the color of the stickers on the cardstock, paint it with some acrylic paint to get an "embossed" look (make sure your cardstock can hold up to the paint though)

  7. LOVE this project Wendy..Thanks for the tutorial :)! Your work is absolutly gorgeous!!!

    Hmmm Tip {Alcohol inks work miracles on the clear accrylic that is oh so popular right now- I love to die cut the acrylic and then color the shape with alcohol inks}

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oops. The deleted post was me. The teenager didn't sign off her account on this computer.

    The flower is gorgeous. I didn't realize that grungeboard could be molded like that.

    My tip: Buy several rolls of Removable Scotch Tape (blue dispenser). It is incredibly useful to line up images, temporarily tape stuff down, mask images, etc.

  10. loving the tips!

    now, a tip for "you" -- hmmmmmmmm

    i sort all my alphabets by letter into a large nuts & bolts drawer unit from target! then i can easily mix and match alphabets!

  11. Hey Wendy!

    These are so cool!

    One of my tips for keeping a clean workspace is to keep a little pint sized mason jar or a brown paper sack (sides folded down so it's about 4" high) on your workspace for small scraps.

    As I cut and tear and demolish, I put the small scraps and bits and pieces in the jar or bag. This keeps my space tidy and helps me not lose my small embellishments like eyelets and brads that I may have sitting on the desk.

  12. sounds wild, but I cut a hole in my scrappin' desk so I can brush garbage right off the table into a trash can waiting below....

  13. My favorite tip is to make my own patterned paper with stamps or stamp pads. The other day I was looking for aqua card stock and instead of going to the lss I got a piece of white bazzill cardstock and my aqua ink pad and made my aqua card stock it was fast, fun and easy. You can apply as little or as much as you want. It was great!!!

  14. My favorite tip to beginners and ole' timmers. Never redo a layout, a project, nothing. What you created was from the heart and even if you are not satisfied with it God has a purpose for it. The layouts I like the least are the ones that get published. Go figure. I like T!m's new stamp:
    "Embrace Imperfection." He's right.

  15. A tip....hmmm....what did I know before Wendy? Attach a straight pin to your bottle of Stickles/Glossy Accents/whatever with a dimensional & you'll always have something to use to unclog the bottle. :-)

    I don't leave a comment every day cuz I figure you get tired of hearing from me!!

  16. Hi Wendy, Beautiful work as usual! Most of the tips I could think of are already posted ;-( . . . but . . . for a fine glittery edge to almost anything, run a 2-way glue pen around the edge and then run the object though a 'puddle' of fine glitter. Just a subtle sparkle but quite effective.
    I do check your blog most days and will try to leave a comment more often :-)


  17. The flower lady has done it again!!!
    Tips...let your stamp set for a second to allow the ink to transfer to the paper fibers, before pulling it up. This was told to me years ago at a convention, and I have only heard it once, but find it does improve your images...try it!

  18. A TIP OH no way your joking none of my tips would even come close to what i pick up of here... mine would be something ridiculous like

    Place double sided tape down on a piece of paper and attach your letters on top & paint ... save messy fingers

  19. wow! this is so beautiful flowers!!!!

    I dont have any tip... I still learning about scrapbook things...

    "i love your banner! it so cute!!

  20. Great work and a great blog! I came over after visiting my buddy Linda Cain and so glad I did.

    Tip: If you ware going to place some words on your ATC's glue the paper to a piece of cardboard (cereal box) and they will pop! NO need for pop dots.

  21. I don't comment often, not sure I have anything too exciting to add, but I love your blog and the things I learn here. My cost/time saving tip is not new or original, but I file all of my decent size scraps by color and company in 9x11 manilla envelopes cut to about 10 inches. I file them in a hanging file box that I keep right beside my desk so I can easily put my hands on scraps--I use them alot.

  22. Bodacious Water Lily flower/Pad!

    Tip: Dust cardstock lightly with cornstach before stamping and embossing...keeps the stray embossing powder from sticking here and there where you don't want it, then you brush the cornstarch off after the melted embossing powder is cool.

    Sorry for the crappy tip. I did'nt even use this tip myself last time I embossed! I was using funky old black powder for some Halloween images and it was straying to places without ink-yeah, cool disstressed look we LOVE!

    Keep up the great work. I love your blog and am proud to say I leave comments a lot of the time-dangle a RAK in front of me and you have a guaranteed comment!

  23. TIP: Keep a stash of chocolate at your workspace. ;)

  24. I'm mostly a card maker. To save time, I sit in front of the tv and cut and score a whole pile of cardstock. Then, when I want to make a card, I have the base all ready to go.
