Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Maya Road, Stampers Anonymous & Ranger...

Today's photo is one of my favorite CHA assignments. It's loaded with products and embellishments from my 3 favorite companies...(see title, incase you can't guess who they are!) This baby took me a solid week to complete & weighs a ton. A week?? YES...I probably have 40 hours invested...I TOLD you I was slow...
If this paper is ever discontinued, I'll cry. It's Periphery, by Basic Grey. LOVE it!
If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you'll see what really thrilled me. Look on the "E"...for "the journey of a lifetime"....That's a mini rub-on from the UPC area of the rub on sheet. I wondered for quite sometime, if that was printed or an actual rub on..It's a rub on & it was a perfect fit, both for the title (Notes & quotes, for the journey of a lifetime) and the space available on the "E". Little details make me happy.
Now check out the Heart & Home ruler in the header. See the tiny "Maya Road"?? Same mini rub on. It's a small detail, but it finishes the project. Gives the street a name...
So...the moral of the story today?? Look @ everything, not for what it IS...but for the possibilities. WASTE nothing! Now if the words Maya Road aren't appropriate for your project...use the mini letters individually...not the right letters?? Mix them up with other fonts. Random is good.........See how much FUN this is??
Yesterday I told you about my thrilling invite to Absolutely Everything in Massachusettes. I worked on samples to send to Kate. I hope to have them mailed off to her in the next few days.
The day got even better...
Last night I got an email from Michelle Cutts...Mrs. STAMPERS ANONYMOUS. I'm teaching 2 inky grungey classes @ the convention in Rockford, Illinois, on Friday March 14th. Guess what??? Ted (Mr. STAMPERS ANONYMOUS) can't be there...so...I get to demo in their booth! So...if you're in the Rockford area...come play with stamps, ink & grungeboard. It's great fun!
Time to get to work. I think I'm busier now than when I had a real job. RETIRED??? Not really...but I've NEVER been happier!
THANKS ...Maya Road, Stampers Anonymous & Ranger! Actually tim & Robin...
Enjoy the day!
ps...edited...Mr Blogger won't allow me to put spaces between the paragraphs...drives me nuts...so I had to add the stars...sorry!


  1. I want to be like you when I grow up!!! So awesome.. what a great great great life!!

  2. Wendy, I am so excited for you! Things get better and better as the days go by! Good luck at the Rockford event! xoxoxo

  3. How neat that you're getting so many wonderful opportunities. Congratulations on all of your success!

  4. Miss Wendy:

    Thank YOU! You really, really, really, really, really, really, really are so talented and so much fun! (really!)

    Inky Hugs,


  5. very exciting for you!!! i am stopping into the convention sat. morning first thing....i have the grunge board but scared to try it out! i am tempted to maybe taking your class on friday....will have to see if i can get part of the day off?????

  6. It's all in the details-and you've got them! Sweet"notes-and quotes" booklet...

  7. Congrats to you Wendy! The album is just yummy!!!! Shelley

  8. Mass is where I live... AE is a great store!
