Friday, March 21, 2008

Must have tools!

When I was making my projects for the Maya Road booth @ CHA, I knew that they would be handled a lot, so they had to be very sturdy. I would have died on the spot if a project fell apart in someones hand. Can you imagine??? HORRORS!!
This is how I stumbled across these guys. Actually, Rick gave them to me as a gag gift. I used to get it's times have changed...ha!
The key to getting good adhesion is to apply pressure after you apply your adhesive. They work especially well when gluing grungeboard to in layered flowers. Sometimes I use them on chipboard too, if I have a hard time getting something to stay put or if I'm gluing onto a slippery surface. I've been recommending them in my classes and we use them for every grungeboard class.
You can get them @ Home Depot, Lowes, Menards $2 or less & they are a great addition to your arting tools. I like all 3 sizes, depending on what the project of the day is. Make sure you pick up one with a long reach. I use that one a lot!
That's the shopping tip for today!
Have a fun Easter!!


  1. What a great idea...I usually use clothes pins, but the clamps would apply MUCH more pressure...THANKS for sharing!

  2. HA! Bill gave me all of his little clamps long ago. My fav is the one on the left that has the flat levers that don't dent the work.Yes, tools are more fun than jewelry now!

  3. What about a small "C" clamp? That way I can free up my hands. What do you think?

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  5. Just found your blog... and it is fabulous!

  6. You have been awarded a "You Make My Day" blogging award. Come check it out on my blog.

  7. OMG...jennifer mcquire posted on your cool is that!!!

    thanks for the shoppin' tip :))))
