Friday, April 4, 2008

ask & you shall receive...spritz & flick!

I've had quite a few questions about spritz & flick, so here is the info I promised. This is one of my favorite techniques, (developed by Tim), that I learned @ Ranger U.

You'll need these basics...
1. Ranger's craft sheet
2. 2 colors of distress inks. I used broken china & vintage photo.
3. Ranger's blending tool/foam pad
4. Ranger's mini mister, filled with water
5. Heat got it...made by Ranger.

Start by covering the entire tag in the lighter color of distress ink. Start on the craft sheet & bring the color onto the tag in a circular motion, using the blending tool. This is the secret to no blotchy spots.

Now add the second color, to create this look.

Next... using the mini mister, squirt some water into your hands & FLICK the water onto the tag. I made the drops larger than normal to make them easier to see. Notice how the water lifts the distress ink?? Let the drops sit for 10 seconds & then dry with the heat tool.

Now add some embellishments...

The stamp is from Stampers Anonymous # U5-1203

Some fun metal flowers from Maya Road. They're from the trinkets collection & they are the blossoms...# TK763.

A little pen stitching around the edge and a few dots from a gel pen & you get this.

Here's a closer look @ the water marks & the metal flowers. You can see that I bent the flower petals up to create dimension.

There you have it...SPRITZ & FLICK!! See why I LOVE this technique....Try some other colors...use 3 colors...use this as a starting point & make it your own.
I'll show some other variations soon.
On to some other things........
If you read this post a few days ago, I'm copying Cecile's comment for all to see. Here it is.........
Thanks to everyone who made such nice comments about my gift to Wendy. I had a lot of fun making it. I don’t get much time to do this, so it was all that much more enjoyable. I’m sure it is further enhanced by all the cool art that will surround it in Wendy and Rick’s home! By the way, can you see the influence from Wendy in this piece? It's there!
Thanks again!
And here's your reward for reading this whole post...
Next Friday...that's APRIL 11th... there will be an exciting give-away here. Don't miss out!! REALLY good...and I'm NOT exaggerating!!
Hmmmmmmmmm...I bet it involves...rubber. And, another's NOT from Stampers Anonymous...
Have a GREAT weekend.
Try spritz & flick & show me what you made.
Sharing is good. VERY good!!


  1. B-E-A-U-tiful! thanks for sharing. I now know how you made my lovely autographed piece of art!
    Your finished tag looks always!

  2. OH beat still my heart!!!!!!! Could it possibly be something from the Darkroom Door?????.............did you hear that big CLUNK?! It's me, falling off my chair!! :-)
    Have an AWESOME weekend!!

    ps. Spritz/Flick - LOVE IT!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing the "spritz and flick" technique...your card is beautiful!

  4. Great Tag. I love to see what others do with a stamp I designed. Fun!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. great tutorial love this tejnique always have great results with this!!! thanks for sharing!!!

  7. That's gorgeous, thanks for sharing your techniques! Very sweet of you.....

  8. I've seen Ted and T!m do this in person. It is really very cool. I'm going to brave the world and try it.

  9. Wow, thanks for the tutorial! I just added you to my blog roll, I'm so glad I discovered your blog today!


  10. hay wendy

    LOOK out tim holtz has some huge competition... LOL

    looks amazing your always doing womderful stuff...

    send your mojo my way


  11. Wow, Wendi thanks for sharing the technique! Can't wait to try it out!

  12. You are SO crazy-talented and I LOVE your style. Thanks for the how-to!

  13. Wendi, This is a great piece I love the grunge. Your style is GREAT plus the usage of the products is so imaginative. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Wendi, I just love your creativity! What an inspiration you are to all of us out there in Stampland! Love your tags and techniques and am going to try several of them. You are now on my favorites. Thank you for sharing your talents.

  15. great job!! fun fun fun!!! see you soon at Ranger!
