Friday, April 11, 2008


Here's the scoop... and the prizes...

Shari Carroll asked me to design a collage style card for Hero Art's new blog. Since I'm president of her fanclub, I ALWAYS do what she asks!!

This is what I made. I used lots of different products. Stamps from Hero Arts of course, Maya Road sheer ribbon & a sheer scallop page, Grungeboard from Tim Holtz/Advantus and inks from Ranger. The complete supply list is posted on the Hero Arts blog.

Here's a closer look.

Sucking up to Shari paid off!!

Here's the first PRIZE...An AUTOGRAPHED copy of her book, "LAYERS".

Thanks so much, Shari!

If you don't have this book, believe need it. She has it LOADED with great photos, great ideas and wonderful instructions on creating collages. If you need'll get it here.


Want to give this book a good home??? Leave a comment & we'll draw a random name first thing Monday morning!

If you don't can get the book here.


On to part 2 of the story......................and why we have 2 freebies.............

Here's the original card that I made. When I sent it to Shari, she told me that some of the stamps I used were discontinued. YIKES!!

We had planned to give away some of the same Hero Arts stamps that I used, so that's why I made the first card in this post.

And a closer look...

Yesterday, HERO ARTS found & generously donated these 3 stamps for me to give away to my blog friends!
THANK YOU HERO ARTS!!! How exciting!!

Want these 3 stamps? Will you give them a GOOD HOME?
Will you PROMISE to get them inky??
Leave a comment & the SECOND PRIZE will be drawn Monday morning!
So there you have it...
FABULOUS FREE FRIDAY, with not one, but 2 FREE prizes!!
Don't forget...leave a comment and YOU could win.
ps...I REALLY LOVE comments!!


  1. Hi happy to have discovered your blog via Hero. Beautiful! I love 'em both. I have Shari's Layers book but I dropped it in the tub one evening...waaaaah! It's looking pretty sad to say the least. ;)

  2. Wendi, the cards are absolutely georgous! When I first saw the card I wondered how you got the thickness - wow - never thought of stamping on the grungeboard - it gives it the neatest look. The colors are great as well! I too am a fan of Vintage Photo and bear the "stains" on my fingers as well. Thanks so much for sharing your gifts with us - what inspiration! Now time to go play.

  3. Wendi,
    I love the card you made for Hero Arts. The colors are beautiful and when I saw the way you stamped, curled and layered the grungeboard I knew I had to see more. I'm glad that they had the link to your blog because I now I have a great new blog to add to my daily list!

  4. Wow those cards are gorgeous thankyou to Shari for mentioning my online acquaintances card on Hero Arts so I could go have a look from the link on Scrap Therapy and come over here to see you - I have grungeboard I am going to borrow some Ideas for and guess what - I know it's sad but I have neither Shari's book or any HeroArts stamps - now how sacriligious is that.

  5. Hi Wendy What beautiful cards. I have peeked at your blog a few times :-) (A lurker!) Love the inspiration that I've seen here. I will definately be back for more peeks in the future :-) Thanks for sharing and neat prizes! Rachel

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE...never was into collage, that is until now. This is beautiful. Can't wait to try these techniques.


  7. Hi, I'm a newbie but jsut love what you have done. You are so talented

  8. Your card is beautiful and such a great inspiration. Thank you!

  9. Fantastic. I love your blog and will be back often. Your project rocks. Thanks for a chance to win. Jill

  10. Wow, they are both amazing!! I love that versatility with stamps and these are very much 'you'. The flowers are so inspiring.

  11. Wow! I really love both of your sample cards! Shari is right; you really have an eye for detail!! And I would love to win either prize! Thanks for the chance!

  12. Awesome art! I love the inspiration I found here. It's nice to see ideas for the grungeboard too. And of course, fantastic prizes, this is really cool!


  13. You do such beautiful work! Thank you for sharing your ideas!

  14. Shari, I love Ranger products and my Hero Arts stamps; I'm so glad that I found your blog via the HA blog today.

    Love both cards and would love the opportunity to win one of the prizes. How fun!!!

    Thanks for hosting the blog candy. And have a lovely weekend.

  15. Yet ANOTHER reason I am so happy that I bought those scalloped sheers - what a BEAUTIFUL card!!! (and the first one ain't too shabby either, LOL!!!) BOTH of them are just so pretty!!! Hmmmm....that Layers Idea book looks pretty amazing!!! And I always LOVE me some Hero Arts stamps!!!

  16. Breautiful Cards...the use of the grungeboard is Brilliant....
    So glad to have found your blog!

  17. Wow, your cards are just fantastic!!
    Wish I had that much style when I am creating cards.

    Great give away.

  18. Wow Wendy! I'm so happy I stumbled upon you blog! Absolutely amazing! Those cards are so beautiful! You did a fabulous job!

  19. Your cards are so beautiful. I'll come back to your blog in the future.

  20. Both projects are gorgeous! I look forward to seeing your latest creations on your blog.
    chris p

  21. Thanks Wendy for sharing your stamp art!
    I am a big Hero/Ranger fan and I have your blog in my feed so I get your updates glad you're using Hero too!
    thanks for this give away!

  22. Ok, I´ll leave a comment, but just because you REALLY like them, not that I want any of those goodies... (TIC)

  23. I am so inspired by your page. So happy I found it :-) I can't wait to try a few things I see here...

  24. Love the projects! I'm so into the subdued teal color right now, so these provide some additional inspiration!

  25. I love how you shape your flowers.
    I just got to try that myself.

  26. beautiful projects and wonderful blog. I'm so glad I found my way here.

  27. I am so glad that I found your blog, your work is fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win!
    ~Amanda (

  28. I just love how you've used the grungeboard and your use of colour is fab. Will definately be checking out your blog now that I've found you. Was lucky to meet Shari at a trade show here in the UK earlier this year, what a super lady. Didn't know the "Layers" book was her's it's on my wish list at amazon!!!

  29. CUUUUTE cards! One of my favorite Hero Arts stamps, Wallpaper background, is discontinued too. But I love so many of their new stamps, so I won't hold it against them. LOL. Thanks for doing these fun prize giveaways.

  30. CUUUUTE cards! One of my favorite Hero Arts stamps, Wallpaper background, is discontinued too. But I love so many of their new stamps, so I won't hold it against them. LOL. Thanks for doing these fun prize giveaways.

  31. Wow! Sign me up!!! TGIF! What fabulous prizes!!!

    Your work is gorgeous! I love how you did the flowers! Amazing!



  32. You've got a great blog and I love your samples. Thanks for the give-aways. It is very kind of you.

  33. I am totally wowed by how you weaved all these products together to make amazing art! I am totally inspired, and hope to find more here. :)

  34. Would love to have the layers book. Thanks for sharing. Your blog is great!!

    Julie BOwman

  35. Both cards are gorgeous, well done as always. (Could I be the president to your fan club lol...)

  36. Both of your cards look great and I don't have the book.

  37. Amazing composition! I really love the many layers! Hero is one of my fav companies. I would love to have a copy of layers. Thanks!

  38. You're work is just beautiful. So much inspiration!

  39. Gorgeous work! Thanks for sharing.

  40. Love the cards! Can't wait to try some of the techniques myself! Thanks for the inspiration!

  41. well, hellllo there!!

    Your projects are fabulously jaw dropping woman! :)

  42. Hi Wendy! That card is just gorgeous! Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  43. Those are both fabulous cards! I don't care if the second set is discontinued, it's a wonderful inspiration. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  44. Wendy = HERO with ARTs ! These are gorgeous. I would LOVE to have the stamp set to get me started with Hero Arts!!

  45. Hi Wendi, Love your cards! And I promise to give all that I win a good home :) Thanks!

  46. Hello Wendy, I like your creations a lot because they are so sophisticated. I always keep my cards clean and simple because I'm afraid I'll ruin it when I put something extra on it. But you really know to find the right balance! Thanks for a chance to win!
    Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  47. Both of your cards are fabuloso, as is the rest of your blog! It is great that Hero Arts is connecting consumers, designers, and retailers all in one place, and the link to your blog is just one example of that. As a store owner, I may just have to contact you about teaching at my store... In the meantime, thanks for the opportunity to win your goodies!

  48. Pick me! Pick me! Hi there. looks like some great prizes! I haven't seen that book but I LOVE layers. Must check it out...
    Happy Weekend!

  49. I love both of your cards. Sad that some of the stamps are discontinued from your first card. It is beautiful!

  50. Hello Wendy,

    I'll be glad to make a comment so maybe i will win one of those great prizes.
    I really like your blog. I'm gonna link yours to mine.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Many greetings Anita from Holland,

  51. Great cards! I prefer the first one you made though. Wouldn't you know it would be the discontinued stamps. Glad the Hero Arts blog directed me to your blog. Terrific samples of your work.


  52. Love what you have done with the Hero Arts Stamps. The flowers are just beautiful! Great Job I love visiting your blog to see what you have come up with!

  53. Really love what you did with the maya road sheer and grungeboard. I'm inspired to try something similar. :)

  54. Wow! Are you lovin' all these comments, Wendy? And the weekend is "young"!
    BOTH your card samples are GORGEOUS!(As always).
    I have really been enjoying the new Hero Arts Blog, and YES, I need Shari's book, "Layers"...her tutorial on the blog was fantastic, and I want to learn more! And SIGNED by Shari herself? *swoon* I promise to give it a good home, study it cover to cover(but not in the bathtub) and create with what I have learned, and share those creations(cards) with people I love!
    Thanks for your FANTASTIC blog and exellent Giveaways, Wendy! Have a great weekend-Erin : )

  55. The cards are fabulous! The blog candy is wonderful! Kudos to Hero Arts for finding the stamps!


  56. The cards are both wonderful.

    I absolutely adore your stamped grungeboard and chipboard flowers. They're gorgeous and inspiring.


  57. Lots of inspriation. I love the use of the clear page, and all the lovely layering. Fabulous. Thanks for the great ideas.

  58. Love what you have done with so many different products - texture , texture and more texture ~~ LOVE IT !!! I have not worked
    " vintage " for some time , but am back in full board ! I am loving it again , stayed up last night until midnight making multi layered tags and a darling ( I like it ) "Celebrate Coffee" plaque for my kitchen ( on canvas, with grunge board,crackle paint, distress ink , stickers and a torn apart Starbucks sleeve )...I am inspired by your work, I hit your blog and Ali's in the morning with my coffee to start my day....thank you for the inspiration !!!! We met you at CHA and your art is fantastic - thank you for sharing !!!

  59. Hi! What fabulous goodies and super gorgeous work!!

  60. Wonderful cards! I just got some grungeboard and am anxious to try it out. Thanks for the inspiration & chance to win something.

  61. OMG...your collage cards are simply stunning! I would love to learn how to do that! I promise I would give the book or the stamps a good home! Thank you for offering such a great give-away!

  62. Wow another great addy to put in my favorites. Love your work and thanks to Shari I arrived here. Well it would be nice to win something but the inspiration is priceless,


  63. I absolutely love both cards!! Such a shame to see those lovely stamps are discontinued :( You can never have too many stamps in my book!! The way you did the flowers in your original card is awesome.

    I really need that book!! :)

  64. Hi Wendy - I am so glad Shari linked us to your blog cause it's awesome! I love your style. I've been scrolling down through your previous posts. I'll be adding you to me favs :o)

  65. those cards are great...once again!!! hope i win!!!
    have a great weekend wendy!

  66. Hello Wendy,

    Would be an honour for me to give the stamps/autographed book a home. Lucky is the lady who wins either of the fab prizes.

    Awesome cards, Wendy. I havent got my hands on grungeboard yet. Soon, soon... When I see you use it, can I say I feel a tad jealous. We dont get them here. I'm saving for it so I can order online (and pay international shipping). Priya

  67. So great to see you make what some feel are traditionally scrapbook materials look so artsy! Great use of color and designs are very inspirational - so glad Shari pointed us to you!

  68. Which do I love the best, both are fab. and yes, I promise, promise, promise to love cherish and ink the stamps and read the book and well you get the idea. I do love your ideas, keep them coming.

  69. These samples are fantastic!!!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    ~Hugs, Deb

  70. Fabby!! What beautiful work, very inspirational, I love how the flower has curled petals, adds great texture, you just cant beat hero arts for stamps now can ya?? Thanks for sharing your creations, I love em!!!!!

  71. Thanks to Hero Arts for introducing me to you! I will definitely be back to check out more of your wonderful work!

  72. Wowzer. I would love this book...too cool. The stamps too, but the book would be so helpful.

    Thanks to all of you. Wendy your project is great!

  73. With all the information on the internet, you'd think we wouldn't need books. I love books. They are so inspiring to just look through and be able to do so any time, any where. Love your collage card. Its quite impressive.

  74. BEAUTIFUL CARDS! I am happy I found your blog through Hero Arts. I'll check often for inspiration. I like the way you curl the edges of your flowers. I'll try that. Two of the stamps you are giving away are on my wish list - I HOPE I WIN. Thank you for sharing your work!

  75. Wow! Two very cool prizes. I like both of your cards. How awesome is Hero Arts? I love them!!!

  76. The work you did for the Hero Arts blog is amazing. I looked around your blog and ALL of your work is amazing! Thanks for sharing it with us. JIL

  77. Love your work! You are so talented. I would love to be added to the drawing. Kudos to the companies for providing some fun free treats.

  78. Oh my your work is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!Thanks for the inspiration and I would love to have my name tossed in the hat!

  79. Your cards are gorgeous!!! I would love to win either prize.

  80. I just love your work! You inspired me to try the grunge flowers, and now I am headed out this afternoon to pick up a supply of blank Grungeboard! Love love love all your work.
    The hero arts stamps would make great grunge flowers as you have proved and I solemnly swear to get them inky within moments should I be lucky enough to win them! LOL
    Again thanks for always having great inspiration!

  81. Your cards are stunning!!! And I would definitely promise to get those stamps good and inky!! ;)

  82. Your projects are just gorgeous! I love your style!

  83. I love what you did with the grungeboard! Amazing! I need to get some of it soon. I also really like your colors on the card...beautiful. Susan E

  84. Congrats !!! I saw that card this morning on the blog. Awesome :)

  85. Webdy - Your cards arre great. I love the design and the colors. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

  86. You did an amazing job on those project.

  87. Beautiful, just beautiful! You are so creative!

  88. Absolutely stunning work!I have always loved Hero Arts stamps! I look forward to the monthly news letter too! TFS!

  89. You sure have me searching for the Hero Arts stamps! Awesome as usual.

  90. You & Shari & Hero are the best!!! I still don't own Shari's book (shame, shame!) and I KNOW its awesome, so please put me in the draw for that - AND those Hero stamps are to die for too... and lastly but definitely not leastly (LOL) you're collage pieces are hot! HOT, I tell you. Just love how you do the grungeboard flowers. Is that enough sucking up????? LOL. You guys are awesome.

  91. Your collage sample on the sheer page is just stunning and your original card is lovely too. Thanks for the opportunities to win the goodies!

  92. WendY,
    I would love to win the book. It looks very interesting. I'm glad you had to make two cards, because now we get to see more of your art. Wish me luck.

  93. 93 comments so far. Wendy, you really have a great gift and I am always inspired by your projects. I wish I was closer to take a class. I have been so far removed since moving to Utah and now to SC, that I am only connected by the blogs. If your ever close I'll come to take a class. Can't forget the inspiration on the alter books class. Such a long time ago. Hugs Fran

  94. Wendy-

    Love the cards! I'm feeling especially lucky today as I found MAYA ROAD goodness at the LSS. They had the houses!!! Wooowhoo. I'm off to create art! Have a good day! Lynn

  95. WOW! Love the samples for Hero Arts. The colors you chose definitely appeal to me! Please, please, please pick me! I promise I will dog ear the pages of the book from hours and hours of soaking up inspiration or I will get the stamps inky, inky from lots of loving use! Shanna!

  96. I love your creations. I also want to thankyou for sharing your talent. I love to see new ideas for use in our homeschool art class and could also use some new things in our supplies.

  97. Thanks to Shari I found you blog. This is my first visit. I totally think you art is amazing. I have bookmarked you blog and will return often. Thanks for sharing your art with us.


  98. What a great blog you have!!! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us.

    God bless

  99. Wendy, I really like This. As always, your work is fantastic.

  100. Wendy, I really like This. As always, your work is fantastic.

  101. The fact that you used 'discontinued' stamps just goes to show how timeless Hero Art stamps are!

    Thanks for the inspiration with the beautiful creation!!

    ~ Pam

  102. Wendy, I love your work! Love your projects!!! I am glad I got directed to your blog from Hero Arts and wow 2 prizes too. Happy Friday!!

  103. I love what you have made. So happy to have found your blog through Hero Arts. It's unbelievable how you transform those stamps! I need to really study these :)

  104. I sure could use a few freebies and I'm lovin' the new hero arts blog, but Studio 490 is my mainstay. Wish I could get some free talent from Wendy.

  105. I love your blog--you have the most beautiful things.
    Linda Peterson

  106. Hi Wendy, Love your creations! I don't have the book yet and would love to have it too.

  107. I love everything you create! The giveaways are fabulous too. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  108. love your art work!
    and I especially love the TWO fabulous prizes.
    pick me! pick me!! pick me!!!
    pretty please :)

  109. Awesome projects! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Deloris T.

  110. Beautiful cards! Thanks for sharing.

    Jane K.

  111. I absolutely adore the tag you did for Hero Arts stamps blog. You are quite talented. Looking forward to exploring your blog.

  112. I enjoyed looking at your cards! I have really liked the Hero Arts blog so far because it introduces new people to me whose blogs I can start checking. :)

  113. dropping over from the hero so happy to have found you ......will be back

  114. Umm, yup I definitely "need" this book! Plus I just love the card! Thanks for posting where to get the book Just in case I don't win!

  115. Both cards are just beautiful. I like the curling edges on them.

  116. Your cards are fantastic! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the great blog candy!

  117. Wow, great card Wendy! I love what you do with grungeboard. It really make the flowers lifelike and pop! Very inspiring and beautifully done! Thank you!

  118. Beautiful cards Wendy. I have just got my grubby (Distress Inks, of course, lol!) little paws on some plain grungeboard and I'm really looking forward to playing with it now that you have given me so many good ideas. Thanks :-)


    PS. It would be really nice to be a winner but the inspiration is good enough reason to read your blog.

  119. And I really, really love your card! Would love to win either prize as well!

  120. That is a gorgeous tag...Love what you did with the grungeboard....

  121. Look at those comments!!! Shari's book is ABSOLUTELY a MUST BUY!!! I have it, and it's terrific....get it!!! The project here is stunning. As always. Good luck to everyone!
    Linda Cain

  122. Three things:
    Great colors!
    Love the mix of space combined with lots of attention to detail in the design-inspiring mix of the two.
    Yet another awesome blog for me check out regularly-I'm not going to have any time left to answer my emails! Thanks:)

  123. I am a are on my new blog all you do;
    Sandi in illinois

  124. Both cards are simply gorgeous! And very inspiring - thanks for hosting, and offering up RAKs.

  125. Wendy - You have the coolest sounding name! And I don't think you need to worry about've got the creative goods, babe!! LOVE all of the stuff I've seen so far! Wow! And how incredible is this Friday's freebie? Sooo cool to see what you did plus find out that you get the stamps if your name is drawn! I'd cherish either prize! ;-)


  126. I really, really love your Hero-card!! It's just awesome! :)

  127. Hiya,
    I adore what you've created with Hero Arts stamps - as if I needed another reason to love them!

  128. Wow both of your creations are devine. I would love to add either the book or stamps to my collection.

  129. Oh what Yummy goodness, your work always inspires me to try new things!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Cristal aka Pinky #3405 (:

  130. OMG! I just love the little touches that you add to your cards. Little dots, and that attention to are so talented. I would love to win either giveaway. Thanks for your great ideas.

  131. wow am i even on the right blog .... 132 comments will u even see me all the way down here.. I LOVE collage wendy .. struggle with but trying the technique into my style of scrappin i got my plain grunge yesterday had an unsuccessful shot at it.. just need to find the right FLOWER stamp.... look at all these goodies and wowzers theres so many comments


  132. I love collage style - you are so talented!! I sometimes have trouble finding the right stamps to go together, but sure have fun trying.
    NancyS (momsnack)

  133. The cards are amazing. I love reading your blog and seeing what you have made. It has inspired me to try different things.

  134. Wendy,
    All I can say is WOW! Your work is out of this world, my DH even enjoys it because it keeps me quite because I am in awe. I am so happy to find you and your fantabulous work!

  135. Hi, Wendy. I found your blog through the Hero blog... I *love* the samples you've made - they're fabulous!
    Elaine (in Scotland)

  136. Just enjoying all the awesome art (like I do every day) on your blog and waiting "patiently" for your return to St. Louis . . . Well, maybe not so patiently *wink*

  137. Love, love, love your art! I love the layers and want to learn more! I added you to my blog favorites today and will be visiting often! :)

  138. Your projects are wonderful! I really love the collage piece!!

    Have a great day!

  139. wow, amazing, i love what you have done with the grunge board, I cant wait to have a go with some of my flower and butterfly stamps, did you heat it to get it stay curled ? Thanks for so much inspiration

  140. I love the dimensional work that you do Great stuff!

  141. The neutral color schemes and 3D effects to your flowers really make them stand out. I learn so much when I visit other artist's blogs. Your work is wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  142. hi love comments...i love give aways...i'm just honest...i do have to say that the maya road scallop sheer is groovy...beautiful job!

  143. wow.. what beautiful cards.. you're dang talented girl.. :)

  144. Oh that is gorgeous !!!! Your work is always so beautiful !!! Thanks for all the wonderful shares.

  145. Love your flowers. It really pops out at you.

  146. I would love to give any of the prizes a good, crafty home :)


  147. Well, speaking of fan clubs, I think I am the biggest Hero Arts fans, and am *so* happy to have found your talent via the Hero Arts blog. Hero Arts, Ranger and Maya Road - that's a beautiful trinity!! {OK, enough sucking up...} But honestly, I'll be stopping by regularly now that I've found you to see your beautiful work. This is really sweet stuff!!

    Thanks bunches!
    Just outside San Antonio {ha*}, TX!!

    *hot already
    *Hero Arts fan ;)

  148. Found your blog via hero arts and I have to say I am so happy that I followed the link!!!
    I love the depth that you are giving to your pieces--something I am just now doing in some of mine!!!

    San Antonio, Tx

  149. would love love love to finally win something :)

  150. Hi Wendy! Love your cards! thanks for sharing.

  151. Your creativity is unending and your cards and projects never fail to amaze me. Thank you for offering such terrific giveaways!

  152. Wendi, just found your awesome talents via Hero Arts. WOW! Love all your techniques and creativity. Can't wait to try many of them. Love the two versions of the tags. Terrific ideas! Thank you for sharing your creative gifts with all of us.

  153. OK, we'll I've found a new blog to add to my favorites! Love your stuff!

  154. Love the things you have created. Looks like I need book. I will definately buy it if I don;t win it. Thanks so much for sharing.
