Monday, April 28, 2008

Up & running a few fragment tips...


Maya Road's new web site is up & running.

Here's a summary of what you can find there. I stole this info from Deb's blog...

1) Store Locator - If you need to find a LSS who carry Maya Road goods, checkout our new store locator. You can also see all of the online stores who stock Maya Road goodies.

2) Order Maya Road Goodies from the Site - If you cannot find our products are your LSS, you can buy it from our network of LSSs and online stores straight from our site. That's right! Just place an order from our site. Your closest local store will fill the order for you! And then you know just where to go to pick up more goodies.

3) Creative Corner - Our Design Team has outdone themselves with the Creative Corner! You will see great new ideas each week from our awesome team.

4) Templates and Images - Get templates and images for all of our products. We have updated it all for you on our new site. Just print out the outlines from our site and use them for your next project!

Make sure to check out the templates Deb has there for us to download. It's a great service for all to enjoy.

And in other news...

Maya Road is exhibiting @ the New York Stationary show in May, so I've been working on my assignments for them. I've been playing more with fragments & want to pass along these tips. Sorry...can't show photos of the Maya Road/fragments project secret stuff. I'd be in BIG trouble...

Anyway...a few fragment tips...

1. Fragments can be stamped on with Staz-On. If the image isn't perfect, if can be removed with Ranger's blending solution or rubbing alcohol. Then, just start over...

2. Rub-ons are perfect for fragments. Put some under the fragment & some ON the fragment to create dimension.

3. Glaze pens (Sakura) and Ranger's Inkssentials new opaque white pen are great for adding dots/doodles to the fragments.

4. Glossy Accents is the adhesive of choice for adhering paper, metal, buttons & for adhering the fragment to your project.

5. If you're messy like me and get some of the Glossy Accents on the top of your fragments, it can be removed with blending solution or rubbing alcohol. A Q-Tip works great on the small area.

6. If you aren't happy with the paper you adhered to the fragment, just soak it in some water & dishsoap...they come out like brand new. Guess how I know that...

7. You can stamp on the paper before adhering the fragment.

8. The Crop-a dile does not work. Tim recommends a drill press or the Fiskars hand drill.


It's actually SNOWING here on our nice green grass.

WHAT??? April 28th? What gives??? Will we ever see spring in Illinois?????

Enjoy your day! I'll be here, with the FURNACE ON........geez....
wendy more thing. We are NOT receiving email AGAIN. HUGHESNET, our satellite service did an upgrade over the weekend, which was supposed to be finished @ 7am on April 27th. Yep...YESTERDAY & STILL no email 27 hours later... I called & they SUGGESTED that I be PATIENT. Interesting...I hope they are PATIENT if I don't send them a check.

Please hurry HUGHESNET...I NEED to talk to my friends!


  1. Hi Wendy!! GREAT tips for the Fragments. Can't wait until you can show us what you are working on! And guess what? I was forced to turn my furnace on yesterday too...when the house reads 60 degrees I guess it's time. LOL!! Have a great day!! peace and blessings, Cindy

  2. LOVE the tips! Especially about fixing mistakes!!!

    I am off to check out the new Maya blog... As you know, no Maya out here in the boonies!!!

  3. Don't cha just love technology??? Great tips.

  4. Thanks for the tips! Glaze pens? Cool!

    I wonder if Sharpies would work.

  5. Thanks for the Fragment tips!

    Too funny about them being patient for their check-HA!

    Going to the new MR website--Bye!

  6. Hey wendy - hope you get your email back up soon! Love your tips with the Fragments!!

  7. I love my fragments. I did a layout this past week and I was just upset and throwing everything on it except the kitchen sink. Well I grabed up a fragment piece and said the heck with it and stamped on it. Well, cool .... it worked. I feel much better now. LOL Thanks for the tip.

    Finally, I was able to get some plain grungeboard so I can cut my own designs. Guess where? And with a 50% off coupon...acmoores.

    I'm heading for grungeboard heavent.

  8. love the fragment tips

    hava a great arty week

