Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm soooooooo excited to tell you...

that @ CHA, in July...

Stampers Anonymous will be introducing...

RUBBER STAMPS......................

with my name on them!!!!!!!!!!!!

studio490, by wendy vecchi

I should have them in my hot little hands in a week or so. I'm having a very hard time NOT parking myself out by the mailbox, so that I'm ready to rip that box right out of the hands of the PO man. If you think I'm kidding... BELIEVE ME...I'm NOT! Maybe I should warn the poor guy...

On to the juicy details...

They will ALL be available cling mounted. Remember a few months back??? I asked what you all preferred?? Cling mounted received the most votes, by a landslide. Since rubber makes a great image and lasts forever...we decided rubber. Since storage is an issue, cling is the perfect solution.

Some will also be available wood mounted.

There will be 7 sets total...6 everyday Christmas set.



I've had lots of people ask where to start on a collage... How do you design it?? How can you make it quicker & easy???


ALL the stamps you NEED to create a collage, will be in these sets.

ART PARTS...all the parts you need to make art.

A special THANK YOU to Ted & Michelle
(Mr & Mrs Stampers Anonymous) for this wonderful opportunity and for making this adventure so much fun. YOU are the best!!

Ready for a peek???

NO WAY.........It's WAYYYYYYY too soon for that!


I'll be waiting to hear what you think...
ps..woohoo & yippee!!!!!!!!!


  1. WEndy! This is so exciting, I can't wait to see them IRL! Congratulations on this new opportunity!!

  2. YEA!!!!! Great Job, Girl! Can't wait to see them!

  3. Wow! That is great!! Very exciting news!!! I can't wait to see what you've come up with!

  4. OH MOTHER!!!!!!! I am SO SO excited for you girl!! I can't even imagine YOUR excitement!! How FREAKIN' COOL is that that people EVERYWHERE will be using stamps that YOU designed??!! HOLY COW?!!!!!!!! How do you even sleep at night knowing that you are some kind of stamping GODESS GURU??!!! And oh my god...I KNOW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!! Know.....GIVE US SOME PEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUHLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!!!!!!
    Awesome! simple AWESOME!!! peace and blessings and Happy Happy Hump Day!!!

  5. Congratulations Wendy! Can't wait to get some sneak peeks!

  6. CONGRATS!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!

  7. you are so bad leaving us hanging like that! i was so ready for some pics! a super big congratulations to you! WOW!

  8. OMG...CONGRATULATIONS!!! rock girl...can't wait to see them.
    I'm loving you more and more each day!

  9. Yay!!!! Yahoo!!!!!

    I'm very excited for you and can't wait to see them.

    I'm also loving that I guessed correctly. I sure love being right, since according to certain teenagers, that NEVER happens.


  10. Sign me up...I want 'em all!

  11. CONGRATULATIONS Wendy!!! I'm very excited for you :) And let me tell you - there is NO other feeling like seeing your OWN designs on rubber stamps. Truly, when that parcel arrives, I bet you'll nearly cry. It's so awesome. Good on you - and to think that we'll all be able to see what you CREATE with them, now that is pure inspiration! You rock.

  12. Congratulations!!! This is a fabulous opportunity!! We'll have to have a "Wendy wall" at the store! :-)

  13. Wendy I think I going to buzz Ted and pre-order it all. Congratulations and you could not have gone with a better folks.

    Tim Holtz told me upon my meeting Ted, "Are you kidding, this man is a god." LOL He's funny.

    But Ted and Michelle are both awesome. I so hope they make it back to Columbia with the ART Tour.

  14. congrats! cling mounted sounds terrific. How long till we can peek? We're not good at waiting patiently, you know!

  15. Finally got to post - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!

    How stinkin' exciting is that?! I am so so happy for you, Wendy. I hunted my poor FedEx guy until I first saw my designs! LOL!! Oh, what a feeling! I cannot wait to see the images!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful news with us!!!!

  16. Wow!! Congratulations Wendy! Amazing!

    How soon can we get them in Oz? Or maybe I won't even wait, I'll just order direct. Yey for Wendy and Stampers Anonymous.

    PS.I still think you're mean making us wait for a peek!

  17. Oh I cannot wait to see! When will we get a peek??

  18. How exciting Wendy! Can't wait to see a sneak peek!

  19. Congrats! I can't wait to get my hands on some! Sneaky Peeky quicky pleasey!

  20. OMG that's awesome Wendy! Congratulations! I can't wait to see them!Can't we have a sneak peek.....pretty please??!! :)

  21. Wendy!! I am thrilled for you woman...suuuuper HUGE congrats :)
