Monday, June 9, 2008

It's catch-up Monday...

I guess I didn't give enough info about the Zutter corner rounders, so I'll finish that story first...

YES!!! It does work on grungeboard, with no effort at all!

I paid $19.99...but, I got an email from Marco's paper over the weekend & he said the price is going up to $25 in the near future. So...if you're interested...check them out soon.

studio490 stamp update...I had no clue what the answers were to these questions, so I called Michelle.

I got several emails inquiring about where studio490 stamps would be available...would they be sold thru a distributorship in addition to directly from Stampers Anonymous/Art Gone Wild??

Michelle said that hasn't been decided just yet. They do work with Product Performers...but again, that's not been decided. When I know...I'll post an update here. soon after CHA will they be available??

She said that they will be ready & WAITING to be shipped right after CHA. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!

Will the images be available individually???

They will come cling style "in sets" ...but some will be available individually wood mounted. I'm not sure just yet how many or which ones...I guess that story will be continued too.

And the last...will they be stored on those white sheets???

YES!! But.........these will be different!!! We're working on that now!!! You just might see a...........hmmm...better not say just yet! ha!!

HMMMMMMMM...I had something posted (with a photo) here...but "someone" requested that I remove it... I Guess MUM is the word & I didn't know is a no photo post.

I better get going!
Have a great Monday!!


  1. Hi Wendy,
    I have a 'technical question' for you! Is your class going to be posted through Sandy's WSW thread on the stamp board at 2peas or somewhere else? I didn't see you in the 'line up'!

  2. Wendy, let Michelle know she needs to have a few consumers give your new stamps a test run to make sure everything is just right! LOL I do that for other companies, so I'd be perfect to do it for them, yes?

    I can't wait...such a teaser of a blog.

  3. I'm with Debby...I could test run for you!

  4. B-O-R-I-N-G....I want PICS of the STAMPS!!!!!!!!!! :-) LOL!!! Hope hubby is doing good!!

  5. Hey Wendy! Just got "Embellishments", the Quilters Newsletter.... and your Grungeboard Flower Purse was top feature! You are EVERYWHERE these days... can I have your autograph?
