Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just a reminder...

while I sincerely appreciate all the wonderful comments & emails about the class @ 2 peas...Caroline is a stickler for following the rules, to make it totally fair for everyone.

So...check the post below & leave a comment @ 2 peas to qualify for the stamps. I don't want anyone to miss this opportunity.

Yes...FREE MAYA ROAD STAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be back tomorrow with some new grunge couture...as long as I finish them today.


  1. woohoo i'm first!! ;-) I left my comment @ 2peas so I guess I'm in the running! Can't wait to see some Grunge stuff!! ps. I FINALLY got some plain Grungeboard. WOOHOO!! Now I just gotta play!

  2. I can't wait to see what you create and post tomorrow. WSW is a "rockin' house." Wow....stampers are serious in their play!

  3. Hi Wendy!
    I left a comment, and I actually used lesson #3 to create a project!
    I left a link on the class thread, and just loaded it at my blog...

    Here is a link to my blog post!

    Thanks for the great class!! Guess what???
    I won the What Time is It Challenge at WSW and was asked to share the project at another site hosting a time related challenge!

    Thanks girl!

