Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ok...I got it...

You wanted to see the FRONT of the stamps.

Here's one of my favorites...

Sorry for the blurry photo!

Here's a hint...I'm off to make a grungy Christmas card or 2!!
Got it???


  1. so mean ;). what a tease. I'm so looking forward to your stamps coming out!

  2. Have you thought about taking a class or two in photography???HA!

  3. wth??? yeah, yeah, we got it... You aren't going to show us ANYTHING!!! :-( Christmas theme - it's 90 degrees outside woman!!!!! :-) How do you sleep at night with teasing us all the time???? :-) Have fun with your new stamps (I know you will!!) Happy Thursday!!!

  4. You are such a stinker and enjoying every minute of it... I check in every day to see what you have been up to... So give... when are you showing the goodies??? Do we REALLY have to wait until after the CHA? You know we are your fans and should be treated special...

  5. Yes, definitely photography lessons for this one! LOL!!

    Yes, very much of a stinker!!!

    Yes, you have a fan base!!!!!! to please fans - SHOW US THE IMAGES!!!! LOL!!!

    Keep cool!

  6. Do you really think your funny!!

    LOL, I don't grrrr...LOL LOL LOL

  7. We are all going to remember this!!!! Santa is only going to bring you coal for Christmas.....

  8. You Tease!
    Look - I promise.....if you email me a proper pic, I won't show anyone! Truly I won't......
    Pretty please! LOL!

  9. OMG, Please do not torture me. I log in everyday, really I do, but not to see intentional bad photography... Just tell me how long we have to wait. I think Santa bringing coal might be too generous. You are definitely in the Naughty list this year. Cant wait to see good pics, really. Priya

  10. no fair teasing like that, LOL!!
