Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Here's my garden journal...

How many favorites can a girl have?? This one is for sure a favorite... I showed a peek weeks ago, now I can FINALLY give you a better look.

This is Maya Road's suitcase binder. Click on the photo & you'll see tons of new Maya Road products and some studio 490 stamps too!

I LOVE the dimension that the grungeboard creates. Don't you just want to pick it up & inspect all the details?

Notice the new MR chipboard trim? There is one on the seam and I used another portion for the flower stem.

Naked trim is good...you have tons of options for painting...stamping...inking...sewing..etc.

Now the back cover. The grungeboard butterfly is a Maya Road stamp. It's one of my favorites...It fits on tons of projects.

Hmmm...what do we have here?? Some studio 490 stamps...
and MR chipboard letters on the cover.

It was fun to use just portions of the stamps (Maya Road and studio 490) on the individual letters for a collage effect. I like the look of random letters too...can't stay with just one font!

And the binder fits in this MR suitcase...well...it should...but I added 10 pounds of embellishments...so the binder needs to be displayed alone. It's too fat to fit...

This was TOTAL fun. I challenged myself to see how many Maya Road stamps I could fit on the suitcase top...tim's Fragments add dimension & they were a perfect fit.

How many stamps do you see??

If you inspect the trim...you'll see a cool new ruler stamp from MR. Cool...huh?

The flyspeck stamp on the top is studio 490. YIPPEE!

I'm using my suitcase for storage. These plastic containers are from Hobby Lobby.

There you have it...2 of my Maya Road CHA assignments.

Stop by & see all the wonderful things the design team has made for you. I GUARANTEE that you'll be amazed and inspired. It's booth # 3507!

Now about those Perfect Pearl tags...yes, I will show those better when I get back & I promise to do a little tutorial here.
Thanks for asking!

And that studio 490 stamp storage photo...tomorrow FOR SURE!!!!

I'll get it up before I head out the door!

Happy Tuesday to you.

ps...YIKES...this photo is on here twice & I don't know how to delete it...SORRY!


  1. Wendy, this is FABULOUS...I'm running out of adjectives! LOL! But truly a work of art :0)

    Hmmm...another one to my list (love that suitcase set!)...every CHA, my wallet gets lighter! LOL!!!

    Can't wait to see the storage :0)

  2. I don't know what to say - this is too beautiful for words! You are sooooo talented and I love your style! that butterfly is to die for and the top of the suite case - wow - with the fragments.... Really you continue to out do yourself... Gushing here.... Love it.... Wish I was at the CHA to see this in person.... Really I do!!!

    Keep up the beautiful work and I can't wait for your stamps to come out of hiding!!! (althought the peaks have been a real treat)

  3. Beautiful work Wendy. I'm heading out tomorrow morning at 7 am for Chicago! See ya there.

  4. Beautiful Garden Journal, Wendy! Can't wait to learn a new Perfect Pearl technique & see the storage binders....

  5. You're killing us, girlfriend! I can see my wallet shrinking at the same rate that journal is expanding! :-)

    Only 3 more sleeps.......

  6. Cute, Lisa!

    And I LOVE the suitcase!!! WAY COOL!!! Get some sleep, wishing you a great show at CHA....see ya Friday! Knock their socks off!

    Your Friend in ART,
    Linda Cain
