Monday, August 11, 2008

flea market finds and a few other things...

Rick has his horses...I have my art, but the one thing we both really enjoy is the hunt for vintage things. Yesterday we took a road trip and I found these cool things...

The black box is a big steel HEAVY old mailbox. When I looked @ it...I just knew these guys would be the perfect fit...

HA!...I do have a good eye for sizes...So...this has a place now in my studio & is very convenient for storing tim's stamps. And look...

I even have room in there for his new releases. I LOVE it when things work as planned...

Why the #5??? For some odd reason, that number just appeals to me...I have collected quite a few...

Rick collects Starved Rock State park items. He worked there for 30 years & retired from there when he turned 50, a few years ago. We rarely find things for him, but yesterday he got 3 cool items. To say the least...he was thrilled...

We had a very fun outing & then a great dinner. No clean up. Works for me!!

Just a reminder for those who ask questions. I read every comment & try to reply to the person who asked the question. However...if you don't give me a way to find you..I can't answer. If you don't have a blogger profile, that's just fine.


BUT...if you have a question that you'd like me to answer...please send it right to my email. That way I have a way to contact you and you will get an answer to your question. The link is on the right sidebar... THANKS!!

So...for Lori...the class scheduled @ Scrapadoodle in Peoria in September is the Ranger Distress Ink technique class. Since it's my first time @ the store, we decided to get everyone familiar with the inks & tools & how to use them. I use these inks for every class I teach, so that helps everyone with the classes that are scheduled in the future.

Normally I try not to talk about sad things on my blog...but this made me feel so bad. My brother called last night to say that a very good friend of his died. 55 years known health issues...just fell over & died. My brother is devastated...

The moral of the story here??


No matter how busy life gets...take at least a few minutes each day for fun. Life is so fragile & short... this certainly was a reminder.............

So with that thought...I'm headed to studio 490!
Make it a GOOD one!!


  1. You have a great eye for possiblities!

    I'm sorry about your brother's friend. I decided to live life and love every moment of it. I don't have time to play at it and maybe watch it work. I make it work for me. That sounds selfish, but in reality it is freeing. Dream with your Eyes Wide Open!

  2. Very NICE! And works so well in your studio!
