Monday, September 15, 2008


Thank you so much Linda!

I met Linda @ CHA in July. She came all the way from the UK, just to attend CHA & SHOP! We visited & talked about my stamps.

Look what she sent me...

A stamping magazine from the UK...

It was a THRILL to see this...

An ad with.................

studio 490 stamps!! YIPPEE! This arrived on Friday, so I got to take it with me to show Mr & Mrs Stampers Anonymous on Saturday.

In the article it says...
"Linda feels that these stamps are one of the most innovative products she saw @ the show".

As you can imagine...that TOTALLY made my day...make that the whole WEEK!!

Thanks again Linda for sending this!! Linda will have these instock @ her store.

On to some art...

On Friday I told you that I was "on a roll". I finally completed this Maya Road mini tab book. It's called "notes & quotes" & it will be a fun new class offering.

It's so loaded with chipboard, grungeboard, metal & "stuff" that it won't even come close to closing. Just what I like...loaded with goodies.

Here's a peek.

What I LOVE about this book, (in addition to the cute size) is that we'll make all the backgrounds using inks & stamps. There's only a tiny bit of kraft colored paper used for a few of the sayings.

That's the Monday update.
Time to make more kits.......
Enjoy your day!


  1. very exciting. your little book looks great!

  2. That little book looks YUMMY!! WOWZERS?!! An International celebrity!! Could you be any more important??? :-)
