Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Arizona was...absolutely AWESOME!

There's another of those same letter titles...ha!

So in Arizona I...

* was welcomed with great southwest hospitality! THANKS Sharon & Debbie!

* did 4 fun classes @ Frenzy Stamper and got very inky. Everyone made some great art.

* met lots of new art friends.

*connected with some old friends...Nice to see you Lisa!

* got a surprise visit from Kim & Pearl. They drove down from Prescott & I think I actually screamed when I saw Kim. That was soooooo cool & totally unexpected. THANKS so much for coming!!

*enjoyed the awesome WARM weather. I REALLY enjoyed NOT wearing a coat.

* made art for the bathroom @ Frenzy Stamper. That's a tradition for guest instructors.

*shopped...2 cute pairs of shoes...Sharon made me do it. Photos another day...

*shopped...8 new stamps...Debbie's fault...she has a GREAT selection. Got some other arty goodies there too. I even special ordered some way cool mini word stamps. I LOVE rubber!

*had a little wine in a class...that's a first! Last class...so it was ok...don't worry! I behaved!

* had great ON TIME flights via Southwest, my favorite airlines.

* fell in love with Sharon's 4 legged boys...Vito & Wesley. 2 very cute Westies...

Thanks again to Debbie for the invite & to Sharon for making me feel @ home. I shall return!
I'll see you in just 3 short weeks...

Now I have a little something arty to share...

I'm always looking for ways to combine products & get a different look.

So...I had this idea to try alcohol inks OVER snow cap white pigment ink.

Here's the result........I'm loving it...

I inked my Maya Road chipboard flower with snow cap white pigment ink, dried it, then using the alcohol ink applicator, I applied the alcohol inks over the dried ink.

The top flower is cut from grungeboard. It works on grunge too. COOL!!

Here's a better look @ my favorite. This ink/alcohol ink combo makes a very cool very matte finish. I think I'll stamp on this guy later...with my studio490 screen stamp. (page 12).

And here's another color combo...same technique... he needs to be stamped too...

This is fun, quick...and very easy. There are tons of possible custom color combos.

Try it...let me know how you do...and....



  1. Oh I must try this! I've been demonstrating alcohol inks for the last couple of months and I just got tons of new Maya Road Chipboard! WOO HOO something new to try! Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Wow! Awesome! How DO you come up with this stuff? I'd like to borrow the creative piece of your brain someday. Is that possible? tee hee

  3. OMG, I was needed a new technique for some chipboard and by golly, You've provided! You Rock!!!

  4. Welcome Home! Sounds like you had a great time and you are rubbing in that it's warm (we have a half a foot of snow this morning)....

    Love the idea of the snow ink and alocol inks.... I'll have to get mine out and give this a try!!!

  5. Wendy I just sent your info into my LSS in hopes that they will get you in for a weekend of classes... The store is Stamplistic. They just had Tim Holtz about a month ago (you know it I am in LOVE)....

    Well anyway - hope Jennifer contacts you!

  6. It was so good to see you, too! And thanks for your help in class--I really appreciated it. I keep looking at my Notes & Quotes & loving it!!

    Did Debbie hear from the itty bitty stamp person? I need to check!

    It's 87 today...... :-)

  7. It was AWESOME to see your reaction. It was exactly what I expected!! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!! Ahhh relaxing in the pines, little holiday cheer! Great friends and activities!!

    WooHoo!! - Kim

  8. I tagged ya!


  9. I live in Scottsdale, and took one of your classes here last weekend. You were a superb teacher and I am so hooked on inking everything in sight this week. I was so inspired from your class. Thanks for coming to Sunny AZ, please come back again. I hope your buddy Sharon reads this I want to keep in touch about the Westies, too!
    ~Dawn Binyon

  10. LOVE the alcohol inks over the snow cap. I just took an alcohol ink class from Angela at A Scrapbook Store. Now I want to use them on everything!!! Glad you had a great trip to AZ! Heard it's snowing there. UUGH!!! Maybe it will be a white Christmas for our visit to IL!

