Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The 300th post??


WOW...I didn't know that I had that much to say.
Normally...I'm the quiet one.
it's true...

So...that explains why no posts the last few days. When I saw that 300 was coming up...I thought it should be special...
something really good...

I had no ideas...nothing cool...
nothing to make you laugh... #300 will just be random stuff...

What have I been doing?? NOT Ranger, the cover cat...

There's no time here for laying around eating bon-bons...

CHA is coming VERY soon & the TO-DO list continues to grow...

tim called yesterday with another GREAT booth idea...SURE...I can do that! I think it will be very cool...

Sleep before CHA is optional and over rated...I think Lisa said that...

And speaking of CHA...

Here's a tip...


Just you wait to see all the cool new things coming out @ CHA.
Cool stuff....REALLY cool...

from Maya Road...I played with some... and not only new chipboard...although...I LOVE the new chipboard goodies...some really fun other things too...I'm very impressed!

Ranger!! MUM's the word...but also a VERY cool product or 2!

And from tim...let me just say...OVER the top exciting & my most favorite thing that he's ever made...SERIOUSLY!...I have been having a total blast...working with this new product...
You won't believe your eyes...TOTAL FUN!!!

And save some $$$ for the new studio 490 stamps. I'm very happy with these new sets...I have a few samples done...and LOTS more to do...

7 sets total again...that might be my lucky number?

There are...
some giant backgrounds again...
think polka dot...

They are all EASY to cut...
all are very versatile...
perfect for layering...FUN!

And for those looking for the studio 490 ACRYLIC covers on the Stamper's Anonymous site...

Here's the order #...if you can't find it on the site...just type it in the comment section...or check your LSS.

#wvacbind...the price is $19.99.

Other random stuff...

When Rick was in the studio making THE CARD..he set the inked stamp on an acrylic block...What to do?

2 drops of Alcohol Blending Solution on a paper towel...the block was clean & good as new. Simple...

He was also impressed that just a few drops will quickly clean the craft sheet and that it will remove excess Glossy Accents from fragments...

He called it "the wonder drug"...He needs to get in there more...
I'm surprised that he didn't know these things...hmmm...

And how about a chance for some Maya Road goodness???
Check it out here... They have a...NEW Valentine release...
How cute are those stamps??

And my final thought...

just think...
365 brand new days to
wendy...Rick & Ranger, the cover cat too

Friday, December 26, 2008

the conversation on Christmas Eve...

I'll give you the shortened version...

Picture in the kitchen making the trimmings for Christmas dinner...

Rick in the studio...

Rick...hey it OK to use any red cardstock I find in here?


Rick...I know you paid a lot for this paper trimmer & it's old...but it still works great.

me...yep...I love it...(my genesis)

Rick...I stamped on bumpy red cardstock & it doesn't look good. I bet I should have used flat cardstock...right?

me...yes dear...

Rick...OK...I'll trash this one...

Rick...One of my favorite tools in here is this paper creaser thing.

me...Yep...LOVE my Scor-it...

Rick...hey wen...I need white ink to stamp on black. Why doesn't Ranger make white ink?

me...they do...look in the ink drawer. It's called snow cap...

Rick...DUH...I was looking for a lid that says "plain white ink".

me...I'll ask Justin & Alain @ CHA if they'll change the label just for you...NOT!

Rick...can I use one of these sparkly green flowers or are they "just to look at?" can use one...or 3...odd numbers are good.

Rick... these red envelopes don't match the red card. Is it ok to use a white envelope instead?

me...sure... you care if the envelope isn't 100% perfect?? It's JUST the envelope...'s fine...whatever..................

Rick...(laughing hysterically)...wait 'til tim see's this masterpiece. You might be demoted on the cruise...He might want me doing classes & he might tell you to go park it on a deck chair...


Rick...hey blondie...we'll find out if Maya Road reads your blog...


Rick...if they see this card, they'll be asking me to make CHA samples for them...but I'll have to tell them I only do cards...not those books you make them...they take too long...

that's the short version...

So...I'm sure you're dieing to see "THE MASTERPIECE"...

Your wait is over...

Here's his card...

Not bad... although I do not see any studio 490 stamps...only tim's...Oh's the thought that counts.

This guy is always worth a laugh...or 10...

I hope you laugh today and...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

from Rick and I...

to ALL of you...

Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May these coming days be...

Here's our wish for you...

May you all have...


LOTS of fun time with family & friends...

LOTS of laughs...the belly shaking kind...

LOTS of good food...especially desserts!
They're all low cal on holidays...(I think...)

LOTS of NEW memories...

and maybe a few presents too!

that's my version of a
GIANT VIRTUAL HUG to all of you!

remember to...

Make it MERRY!
wendy and Rick too...

ps...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet hubby...he was born on CHRISTMAS DAY!

oops...One more thing...
KAT...I think you're right...there just MIGHT be a flower or 2 in those new studio 490 stamps!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

stamps and shoes...another version...

I's NOT my fault...they find...ME!

While shopping in Prescott...these guys just jumped right out and waved for me to notice them...

And they were bargains too...$12 for the shoes...don't you wonder what the final shoe looked like? Obviously they were heels... I bet they were cool...
Hmmm...I wonder who wore them...

And that stamp...actually works... $5.00...another MUST have for the studio. At least I was a cheap date...THIS TIME!...
NOT SO on other days...what's a girl to do?

Now... on to some art...

On my "to-do" list for Ranger's booth @ CHA is a project using Claudine's sticky back canvas...and her paints...

I set these products out a few days ago...trying to decide which of the fun colors to use... I think this color combo looks like me...

So...I'll paint some on the canvas (it's cool stuff!) and then...

OOPS...can't say...MUM's The word for CHA stuff.

I can't wait to start...I did die cut some flowers from the canvas...TOTALLY FUN and sooo easy...since it's already sticky!!!
And...the canvas can be shaped for dimension & it magically stays in place...try it!

Maybe I can post a tiny peek later...maybe not... I certainly don't want the RANGER cops to come & take away my Ranger products...

Here's a link to claudine's color mixing chart...check it out...she makes it VERY easy to get great custom colors...

And last...but NOT least...

Michelle left a message yesterday that my NEW STUDIO 490 STAMPS were shipped to me... YIPPEE!! Now if the weather's like a blizzard out there now. We have 4 more inches predicted..put that on top of about 2 inches of ice...NOT a pretty picture...
I have a vision of Rick on a the satellite dish...AGAIN!

NEW STAMPS!!! What a GREAT Christmas gift...Let the inking begin...
***EDITED*** MR UPS braved the elements to deliver them.
They arrived an hour ago & I have already made a very COOL...???

Ok...time to wrap. I love to shop...but hate to wrap...I think it's because I HATE to waste paper...Nuts...I know...oh well...

After will be time to ...

and...ENJOY the holidays!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Stamps and shoes...

But first... a "THANK GOD" for hubbies & heat tools!

We had a major storm last night. First freezing rain...followed by 3 inches of snow...then more freezing rain. This is NOT good when combined with a satellite dish...

Poor Rick had to get a ladder (which did not break the ice...even with his weight!) and use my heat tool to de-ice the dish so that we could get back in this century & have internet access. How did we ever live without the net???

Winter in Illinois sucks...but I think I've said that before...@ least I made it to Arizona & back...phew................

ENOUGH...On to fun stuff...

One of my MOST favorite gifts from Holiday Hideaway were these stamps...

It might be hard to tell...but these are all MINI'S!!!
OMG!! They are soooooooooooo cool. THANKS Ted & Michelle!
I LOVE these guys...

And check this out...

EXCLUSIVE to Holiday Hideaway...YIPPEE!

If you missed it in yesterday's charm photo...Michelle's charm was a real mini stamp. It's adorable.


We shopped in the cute town of Prescott and it's hard to believe...


these guys were there waiting for me.

I'm not sure how this happened...but they now reside in my closet. This time the flowers are on top.

That's it for today. Now that we are back online...I'll go look & see if I can find some Holiday Hideaway photos to steal.

Until then...enjoy your weekend and...

Make ART!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Next...the charms...

The first evening @ Holiday Hideaway, we swapped charms. The only requirement was to make them just one inch...

Here they are...all layed out. We were given a bracelet...but I think I'll attach mine to some sort of book instead.

Closeup of some...

Another closeup...

I presented mine in this envelope...

Here's the charm I made for everyone, using my favorite metal flowers from Maya Road.

Think about this...on the last evening I got to see tim's 12 tags...IN PERSON. Get it???
I need to go now & ...
Make ART!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

There are no words to describe...

Holiday Hideaway.

I looked in the dictionary...nothing can express how awesome the weekend was.

I'm not even sure where to start...

BUT... I liked...

The attention to detail...LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Tim is AMAZING!!! But...I already knew that before going...

The YUMMY food...Thanks Mario & Michele...GREAT job!!!

The'll see my MOST favorite below...

The surprises...just when I thought it couldn't get any better...

The group attending was just soooooooo much fun.
My table mates...Mr & Mrs Stampers Anonymous, Keychain, Kim & Pearl...THE BEST!

My travel mates...the St. Louis 6. Thanks for including me on the church bus...That was fun!

Prescott...what a cool cute town.

The SHOPPING! But that's a story for another day...

Jerome...another story for another day...more shopping...

There's more...but I'll show my favorite class..

When we entered the room, we had a table FULL of these vintage things...

There were HUGE pans of...

And more... (Don't be impressed. I didn't take the photos...I stole them from Sue. THANKS SUE!)

And here's what I made...I am in love with this guy!

Isn't he cute?

I can't wait to make another.

Each turned out different & oh so cool. I'll post more photos just as soon as I find some to steal.
Now...time to get back to the studio to...

Monday, December 8, 2008

The report...the shoes and the countdown

Woodfield was a blast. However...we did see that the decor was significantly scaled down this year. That was kind of disappointing...but we still had great fun and enjoyed the day together.

Like Rick told can't make art EVERY day...sometimes you have to get out & blow off the stink.

Hmmm...sounds like I was driving him nuts...worse than I thought. Oh well...he's tough. He can take it!

We got some gifts bought...but we're no where near done. YIKES!

There was a neon sign flashing on drew me in immediately...I had NO CONTROL.........

Check the name...

Just what I NEEDED!

Hey...they're BLACK...what can I say?

Then I also got this VERY THOUGHTFUL ...
***( I LOVE that guy)***

early bd gift...Something to occupy the long waits @ the airport...

This totally amazes me........Got some some I need to hire a genius to help me get connected to the net...

And I'll leave you with this enabler review...

I am in LOVE with the Maya Mists. Here's a little peek of what the red & green look like...

What's fun is that I sprayed the green over the stamped
(studio 490) image and it doesn't cover it.

I've done an entire large album for Maya Road for CHA and used
very little paper...all the pages were sprayed. This makes the background process quick.

Check them out...great product....easy to use...and QUICK.

And the OFFICIAL countdown to Holiday Hideaway...just 2 more sleeps. Think I'm excited???

YOU BET! addition to the message above...(make it merry)...

I also want to tell you to........

have a wonderful warm day and...

Make ART!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Woodfield or BUST!

We're headed out the door now for a full day of SHOPPING @ Woodfield Mall, which is about 2 hours from here.

Rick (the bag slave) & I have a yearly tradition of going for the day. We've been doing this since we started dating a LONGGGGGG time ago...think circa 1969...

He hates to shop...but this is one place he'll go & ENJOY!

The mall is MAGICAL @ Christmas & HUGE.

One year they built an entire FULL size...
2 story house in the center of the mall.
The decor was unbelievable.
So...I'm telling's HUGE!

I hope you enjoy your weekend. We'll be buying gifts for family & friends & looking for cool tidbits to...

Make ART!
ps...and a little teaser...or 2....
Mr PO guy brought me a box yesterday with some NEW MAYA ROAD products. Let me tell you.............WOW!!!!!!!!!! I am TOTALLY impressed with this release. We saw some photos...but in person...OMG...COOL!

and Debbie asked about a sneak peek of my studio 490 stamp release #2...

They're all submitted (YIPPEE)...7 sets soon as I get the real deal I'll show them here...

Sorry...just kidding!
No way can I show them..........but, I'll tell you this...

they're RUBBER. Hope that helps!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's a small world after all...........

Check this out & see some absolutely AMAZING art.

Normally I don't pass along videos or jokes...but after I watched it twice, I knew I had to share. Here's the scoop.

Now if this guy can use a rubber stamp, I'll REALLY be impressed and inspired to.........

Make ART!
ps...let me know what you think!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Another guest artist & some random stuff...

First the random stuff...I'll save the art for last...

The Studios magazine generated LOTS of emails...including several to "OPEN ALL the drawers & show us what's inside". YIKES!! That would take me forever...but...someday...maybe I'll do a few...


I told you about having a stand in actor for Ranger the cover cat. Anyway, apparently there are lots of cat lovers out there & I got several requests to show the reject cat. Ringo.

He was my first choice, because he's so cute & fat. But after he bit me...he was replaced with Ranger.

I also had some requests to ask my brother about making covers for sewing machines...NOPE...he's too busy. SORRY. It's really just a generic wood box. Paint it & then alter it to match your decor.

The other frequent question was suggestions for storage of supplies. My best suggestion is to toss all the excess packaging that comes with products.

You'll be amazed @ all the extra space you'll have. Try it...
I bet you'll double your storage...

Now on to the art...

This is a class that I did for the gals @ Frenzy Stamper in Arizona.

Debbie Bick is the store's her TAKE on that class.

She used the same basic layout, but made it her own. That's what it's all about.
She replaced the phrenology head with the studio 490 tulip.(page 16)..she changed the word...and she used a different Maya Road frame as brackets. I used a frame from the foundations set...

The walls in the store are painted PURPLE...Debbie's favorite color. Thus...the cool purple tulip. I LOVE it!! Thanks Debbie, for sharing. I'll see you NEXT THURSDAY...
Now with CHA coming very soon...
I'm off to the studio to get some samples checked off the list & to...

Monday, December 1, 2008

I didn't get invited to the inaugural galas...


I don't care!

This invitation looks like it will be much more fun...

and I can wear jeans!

Now that December is FINALLY here...I'm extra excited to be attending tim's event in Arizona. Believe me...I'm counting the days...

I'll leave December 10th to meet my friends from St. Louis @ the airport in Phoenix. 6 friends...
all from the cool store.. FOR KEEPSAKES. I LOVE that place!!

They attended last year & this year I'm thrilled to join them. They had me drooling with the details of the last HH.

So...on Wednesday the 10th...we'll shop in Phoenix... OH DARN... Then we head north (I think) to the hotel in Prescott.

On Thursday we'll shop (again...YIPPEE!) in Prescott until 5pm...then HOLIDAY HIDEAWAY starts. A HUGE YIPPEE!!!

We are each making 42 charms. Thursday evening we have a meet & greet & then we'll swap charms. That sounds like a fun way to begin the event. After's all surprises. We know nothing about the rest of the weekend. HH continues thru Saturday evening. Let me just say that the suspense is KILLING me...I was thinking about it before bed & I was still awake @ 1am... classes with tim for 2 full days???
I get to be the student?? COOL!!

Like I said...

Much better than the inaugural balls.

I know about half of the folks who are it will be great fun to visit with them again & also to make some new arty friends. Mr & Mrs Stampers Anonymous will be there! It's their first time too. I'm sure Ted will be very entertaining... No doubt about that...If you've seen him @ know I'm right.

Mario is in charge of the good eats. I've heard nothing but RAVE reviews about his expertise. Just what I jeans are already tight!

I was planning to show my charms here...but I think I'll keep them a surprise for the group. I'll show them when I get back...and even include a tutorial...

They're PLAN B...

Plan A didn't meet quality control standards & HAD to be trashed.

Really...NOT GOOD.

Then on Sunday...MORE shopping in Jerome. I understand this is an awesome place. Hello...Santa...I'm thinking of a new watch...maybe...

On Monday the 15th .......back home...

So to recap...

Day 1...Shop
Day 2...Shop & ART
Day 3...ART
Day 4...ART
Day 5...Shop...

See why I'm's PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WILL take my camera...and I hope that someone there reminds me to actually USE it.

I'm afraid I'll forget...

I loose my mind when I...

ps...the snow has finally stopped. We got 7 inches...they predicted only 2. What happened??

And with the bad weather we had no internet..the satellite couldn't pick up the signal.
NO internet...ALL DAY...
NO EMAIL...ALL DAY...How did we ever survive?
Life in the country........grrrr....