Friday, December 26, 2008

the conversation on Christmas Eve...

I'll give you the shortened version...

Picture in the kitchen making the trimmings for Christmas dinner...

Rick in the studio...

Rick...hey it OK to use any red cardstock I find in here?


Rick...I know you paid a lot for this paper trimmer & it's old...but it still works great.

me...yep...I love it...(my genesis)

Rick...I stamped on bumpy red cardstock & it doesn't look good. I bet I should have used flat cardstock...right?

me...yes dear...

Rick...OK...I'll trash this one...

Rick...One of my favorite tools in here is this paper creaser thing.

me...Yep...LOVE my Scor-it...

Rick...hey wen...I need white ink to stamp on black. Why doesn't Ranger make white ink?

me...they do...look in the ink drawer. It's called snow cap...

Rick...DUH...I was looking for a lid that says "plain white ink".

me...I'll ask Justin & Alain @ CHA if they'll change the label just for you...NOT!

Rick...can I use one of these sparkly green flowers or are they "just to look at?" can use one...or 3...odd numbers are good.

Rick... these red envelopes don't match the red card. Is it ok to use a white envelope instead?

me...sure... you care if the envelope isn't 100% perfect?? It's JUST the envelope...'s fine...whatever..................

Rick...(laughing hysterically)...wait 'til tim see's this masterpiece. You might be demoted on the cruise...He might want me doing classes & he might tell you to go park it on a deck chair...


Rick...hey blondie...we'll find out if Maya Road reads your blog...


Rick...if they see this card, they'll be asking me to make CHA samples for them...but I'll have to tell them I only do cards...not those books you make them...they take too long...

that's the short version...

So...I'm sure you're dieing to see "THE MASTERPIECE"...

Your wait is over...

Here's his card...

Not bad... although I do not see any studio 490 stamps...only tim's...Oh's the thought that counts.

This guy is always worth a laugh...or 10...

I hope you laugh today and...


  1. VERY nice, Rick!!
    Next time, you'll need to leave your stamps out in the open ;0)
    I think I'll have more time to make ART since DH just left for Japan...heehee!!!!

  2. Hey Rick...That's a fabulous card!! Now we will expect to see more of your fabulous art on a more regular basis!! WTG Guy!! Thanks for sharing it with us Wendy! (He's a keeper!)

    A job well done!
    A very talented man...a keeper I must say...and he did make me chuckle!!

  4. and once again rick creates another piece of holiday genius! way to go rick... i see a midnight workshop on the ship in your future...

  5. Soon you'll be the high-paid assistant she can't do without...or that's probably already happened!

  6. I think it's great that Rick gets in there and creates. My DH made some note cards with some of his photography a couple of weeks ago and I loved it that he was using my supplies.

  7. Great card, Rick! I see you impressed us all including T!m. Just remember, if you start teaching in Wendy's place she'll go shopping & buy even MORE shoes!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wendy your are brave to let your husband play in your space. Rick you are uber talented! I think Maya Road or Ranger may be calling any minute.

  10. LOL Rick is a stamping Genius! my first thought, "what?! no Studio 490 stamps?!" but looks great.
