Monday, March 9, 2009

grungePAPER news flash!

I just spoke with Daisy, the owner of Eclectic Paperie...

and she has grungePAPER in stock, as of this moment.
Hurry on over & get it before it's gone. The next shipment isn't due until late April...beginning of May.

She also has the new Graphic 45 papers there...I'm hearing that they are hard to find too??

Not associated...yada yada yada...

I just want my blog friends to be informed...and to get some fun stuff before it's gone!

I'm VERY happy to enable you and...

I hope no hubbies want to shoot me........

Back to...

make(ing) art!


  1. Oooooh thanks Wendy! I just placed an order with them last week, and just placed another big one. Just love Joy and Daisy!

  2. WHOO! HOO! I saw this last night while running through sites and thought I would wait until tomorrow to order the glad I did! Now I have Grungepaper AND Graphic 45 on the way! BONUS!
    Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Thanks for the grungepaper tip and also for the wonderful class in Peoria last Saturday--I went home and made more grungeboard flowers. Thanks for sharing your ART with us.

  4. thanks for the tip on the grungepaper. i will get some. had a great time at your class on sat. cutting was the pits but I am so in love with these flowers. hope you can make it to springfield to teach.

  5. Well, I'm thankful my husband's airm is bad! I have the Graphic 45, but I'm still praying for the grundge paper.

  6. Oh I sooo want to be @ the Carson show, I usually don't miss it! But alas I am going to a wedding in Puerta Viarta Mexico.... bummer.... Or do I feel the flu coming on??? evil grin.....
