Thursday, March 12, 2009

lovin' the Maya Road minis...

Here's another little sample for the Stampers Anonymous booth...a gift tag.
This uses my MOST FAVORITE (REALLY!!) new Maya Road chipboard alphas...this font is Jonathan...the other mini choices are Noah (skinny font) and David.
I'm happy to have several choices to mix & match...I have wanted these for a LONGGGGGG time.
These guys really ARE mini...
To give you a reference point...the base is Maya Road's ATC coaster...2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. It's inked with scattered straw distress ink, and stamped with coffee archival ink ...

the screen stamp is studio 490 and so are the scrolls...
All 3 flowers are Maya Road...the large is inked with broken china & it's stamped with the studio 490 bingo background. The medium is scattered straw & my polka dot background.
The cute center flower is called felt beaded blossom...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE black flowers!
I used my gingham background stamp on the letters & also to make a small border @ the top. Jet black archival ink for that.
One black eyelet and a little pen stitching added for detail...
That's it 'til Tuesday...I'll be back then with a CARSON convention report...and hopefully a photo or 2...
I hope to shop a bit in California...hey...
It's my civic DUTY to help the economy.
I hope Rick falls for that line..........
Til then...get inky and...
Make ART!
ps...If you come to the convention...stop by the Stampers Anonymous booth & say hi!


  1. Have an amazing time Wendy!!! Meet new friend and.....Make Art!!

  2. Hi, Wendy, very nice to meet you in the Carson Convention. It is my first time ever to any stamping convention and your booth is one of the/ is THE highlight of the day.
    I am the one of the audience who ask you "if you have extensive art training..." It looks like it.
    I won't be surprised if you told me " I have an MFA in painting or ..."
    But then, if you went through all those, you may not be as enthusiastic as you are with your art making.
    Just want to say: Love your texture, color and your art. They are BEAUTIFUL and extremely inspiring.

  3. Hi Wendy - it was fun to see you at Carson today, great to see you in action :)

  4. hi! I'm so glad I got to see your fabulous samples in person and meet you! I am loving my new stamps and the technique you taught me is super! I had so much fun playing with them last night!
