Wednesday, May 20, 2009

art stuff, vintage stuff and skunk stuff...



First...the art stuff...

I need to add more info for yesterday's post...

I was in a hurry to leave...Sorry about that!!

Rick said...
ROAD TRIP...get dressed!

We'll go get your organizers @ Costco...
(I'll have photos, as soon as they are assembled!) They're cute!


And maybe a quick stop @ an antique mall???

I'm outta here...I moved like the place was on fire!


Here's the scoop about filling the alcohol pens, right from tim.

Filling info & more...check it out on you tube...

The cool striped background paper I used is from My Mind's Eye...

The pattern name is BelleBella French Flea Market Bleu Striped Item # BB1027...

Presentation board is a black mat type board...
it comes in large sheets @ Hobby Lobby...
I use it a lot...'s BLACK!

Yes...once filled...
the pen works just like a marker on non porous surfaces...

metal, like I did...
glossy paper...
clear rhinestones...

try the'll have fun!

now the vintage stuff...

We found some cool things again...

I love numbers...text...

A whole roll of carnival tickets...LOVE the color...
perfect for a class or 2 or 50! old drawer with a cool handle...
It's black...
I knew it was meant for me...

This was my best find!!
A vintage garment cutter...
it's about 2 feet tall...

copyrighted 1890!

Right now it's leaning on a hoosier in the dining room...
but it may just end up in the bathroom...
after the redo...
still got to find some cool black faucets...
I need more hours in the day!

Since our bedroom is across from the bath...
I'm planning a bedroom redo too...but that's still a secret!
Don't tell you know who...I'd like to surprise him...
or gently break the news...

We had a lovely day together...
stopped for dinner...

I sat down to read the newspaper...
looked out the window & saw this...

Click to make the photo larger...
See the spot in the middle???

I thought we had company...
a new mouth to feed...

I think...NOT!!


A SKUNK!!!!!!!!!!

Now what???

We both love animals...

but ...we have limits...

How can we get this guy out of here??????????

And we saw him again early this morning...horrors!!

Any ideas???
Tell me if you do!!!

I don't have time to be on "skunk patrol"...

I need to...

make art!


  1. Hi Wendy,
    The only way we've ever gotten rid of skunks is to spread moth balls around. They seem to hate the smell and find elsewhere to live. Hope it helps.

  2. Oh my goodness....a skunk...get away from there, skunk. Wendy has to make art for us! She can't worry about you.... You are like me...if dh says to go or we are going...I don't let the door hit me in the behind! Can't wait to see what you have for us on June 6th. See you make a!

  3. Skunks prowl mostly from dusk til after dark. Seeing one in the bright of day would make me suspicious if it might have rabies. Call Animal Control. They will trap it and remove it.You should not try this. If they can't help then shoot it. Be very careful!! ms.cherylhondic

  4. I remember finding a nest of them under our garbage cans once, try the moth balls good smelly ones, ours couldn't make it to their nest before daylight so they just camped out on garbage day, maybe their nest has been disturbed.

  5. Tomato juice .... oh, wait, thats to get rid of the smell afterwards ... NOT what you want!! Good luck with that one .. the skunk that is!!
