Sunday, June 14, 2009

stepping outside the box...

this was something new for me...

NOT the art...that's the same old me...
but what's behind the art...

I was asked to be a guest artist @ creativetherapy...

and I was given this catalyst...

"Create art around someone or something that you still have unfinished business with (something that’s been bothering you for a while)".

I immediately had this idea...
for the ART part of the article...

But, since I don't scrapbook, I have no experience journaling...

I only write goofy stuff here to make my friends laugh!


did I really want to share the thoughts behind the art???

Would it sound stupid?
Would it make me sad?


Still thinking...

I'll stall around a bit more...trying to decide...

You KNOW...

All my art MUST have at least one flower somewhere!
Here's a look...

Ok...I'll be brave, since the journaling is posted on the site...
it says...

I’d love to talk to you just one more time.

It’s been 20 years since your passing…but it seems like forever. So many things have happened since then. My life took an unexpected turn, in September of 2007, when fate stepped in. I wish that you were here to enjoy my new career.

After 30 years, I’m no longer a surgery nurse manager…now I’m an ARTIST! Imagine that…
If you remember my kindergarten report card, one of the comments that Mrs. Yazbeck wrote was...
“Wendy is very creative”.

I had no clue until recently, but I’m sure this creativity came from you.

So now instead of working in a sterile controlled surgery environment, I do my best to get my fingers inky every day! I’m not as shy as I used to be. I bet you’d be surprised to know I travel around the country (all by myself!) helping others to enjoy this art of stamping. I’m working hard & having a blast!

I have some awesome art & business friends who you would just LOVE! I’m so sad that I’ll never get to introduce you to them. They are all very kind and so supportive. I really lucked out here…they are THE BEST!

I wish you could see how totally happy I am with my life. I think you’d enjoy seeing my art and what has become of me. I’m sure you would be proud of my success.

There’s lots more to say…lots more I want to tell you.

I just need to talk to you..

one more time.

Now for a laugh...
If you've taken a class from me you've heard the longer version of the story about the rest of the report card...
we found it when we cleaned my dad's house after he died a few years ago...
I'll make it the short version...
Her comments...
Very sociable....
Very creative...
Here's the good part...
TENDS to be BOSSY! Always wants to be in control!
That was @ age 5...imagine me now!
Before you ask...
Here are the project credits...
The base is one page from Maya Road's Rectangle banner book
The chipboard letters...from Maya Road too.
So is the yummy brown double stitched ribbon and my favorites...the microchip hearts.
The base is inked with Ranger's brushed corduroy distress ink...lately I'm using it more than my usual vintage photo...
I's shocking!
But I REALLY love it with broken china...
The stamping is done with both jet black & coffee archival inks...
the flower is grungepaper...
The 490 of course!
So...I really was OUTSIDE MY BOX...
but I did OK...
Now I really need to...
make art!
ps...there's MORE art from others on the creativetherapy site...check it out. See how others interpreted the catalyst...


  1. awesome! Journaling in scrapbooking is just telling the story or writing a letter etc. so you did wonderful! As for the report cards, I don't have mine, but I work with my former teachers, so I am reminded all the time I talked too much! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your Mom would be very, very proud of you. But even happier to know that you're doing something you absolutely LOVE!

    Great job, girl!


  3. Wow, very touching. Journaling is something I need to work on as well. I'm sure your mom is looking down from Heaven with a big smile on her face.

  4. I've been to that site before. It's an interesting concept. You did good, girl! I'm certain your mom would be most pleased with your new found career. By the way, I picked up the June copy of Craft Stamper. One of the members in our Prairie Stampers Club was telling us about this great British magazine that had an acrylic stamp with each issue. I finally found it. Much to my surprise, it was the issue that featured YOU!!!! I had forgotten about that, not being able to find the magazine and all at the time you blogged about it. Again, I'm sure your mom would have loved knowing how happy you are making art!

  5. Very touching, and something everyone, especially as we get older, can relate to. And really, is our business with our parents ever finished?
    Good journaling is what comes from the heart, so yours is not just good, it's great.
    Eileen in NYC

  6. You did a wonderful job with that journaling! Perhaps, that's another outlet for your creativity....writing.
    I will think about the value of time with my mom a little more after reading your tribute.
    I'm sure your mom would be so happy to know you've found a new career that makes you so happy.
    It's great for all of us, too, that you "make art"!

  7. I need a tissue. Your journaling came the heart. Thank your for sharing. Your mom lives in you.

  8. You should never have felt insecure about those comments... they were from the heart! How wonderful they are!

  9. That's such a touching story Wendy! I'm sure your Mum would be so proud of you!!!!

    Stew's Dad died just before our wedding. We often think about all the things we'd like to share with him. Our wedding, our kids (who he's never met), Stew's different career (quite like you really: nursing first, now graphic art!). It's really nice to hear your feelings and know we're not the only ones who wish we could see loved ones just one more time.

  10. You did a wonderful job of journaling! I am sure your mom IS watching everything you do and is so proud!

  11. I read your journalling with a lump in my throat - I found what you had to say very moving. My Mum is seriously ill at the moment and you have certainly touched a chord.
    Simply love your flowers and your stamps by the way. Have become a bit of a Studio 490 junkie - lol.
    Take care ....

  12. Wendy your journaling turned out lovely...but I'm sure your Mom does see you creativity and is so happy for your success and that you are doing something you truly LOVE.
    I know how hard writing personal journaling like that can be.

  13. It's a fabulous piece and I love the journaling... thanks for sharing!!!

  14. Um, yeah, tissue time. I'd have to say that writing and flowers are your thing. So very touching ... those emotions for mom never go away, do they?

  15. WOW...loved your touching! As Linda had said, she would be happy to know that you are doing something you LOVE :)
    It's a wonderful tribute to your mom! TFS with us! xoxo

  16. Wow! Way to make me cry on a Monday morning! Love your art, and I'm sure your mom does too! She probably brags to every Angel she talks to:)

  17. Wendy your story is very touching - we can all see how much you love your Mom! Don't worry - she is VERY proud of you! I'll have to give my Mom a call today...

    Now - are there new stamps in this sample? The numbers and the flourishy flowers at the top??? Just wondering...

  18. I like you, can't do the mushy stuff, I would rather throw a joke out. However, you did a fabulous job sharing just how you felt in the moment, you let it out as a part of your art. Great Job! Thanks for sharing that with us, I am sure it was not easy.
    Lighter note....when are we going to see the new stamps?

  19. Just got back from the state softball finals East Peoria and found your beautiful post. I loved the art of course and want to thank you for sharing your journaling. It was touching and just shows what is important. Thanks for the sneak peek too. Can't wait to see all of your new stamps.

  20. What a heartfelt loving letter to your mother.

    Your project is awesome.

  21. Wendy--thanks so much for sharing your journaling! It made me cry! My mom has been gone quite awhile but I think often about her. I've been working on a scrapbook project about my mom for a few years and your journaling made me want to get it out and work on it some more. Anxiously awaiting your new stamps!
    Barb B (kybarb)
