Monday, July 20, 2009

3 photos...3 peeks

Ah...there's NOTHING like a "Mario mojito"...

He's an AMAZING chef...and mojito maker too.

FRESH mint...the whole shebang!

I had a total blast in Prescott...the treatment was sooooo awesome that Rick had to call tim & say...quit spoiling my wife!

Gourmet food...

marvelous mojitos...SHOPPING...arting...

A HUGE THANKS to TIM, MARIO & MICHELLE for your hospitality...


So, the relaxing is OVER for now...

I'm in rush mode for last minute CHA prep...

still lots to do...

I had to show you how we spend about 15 minutes each morning...watching this baby play.

It makes us smile to see( him? )having so much fun running, jumping & playing...

We see him growing by the week...

As promised...3 Maya Road peeks...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE gingham...

I stamped the naked Maya Road chipboard flowers with

snow cap white PIGMENT ink...(hey! I see it's ON SALE! cool...)

dried them & then inked them with brushed corduroy distress ink...

The stamped image is barely visable...
but once you add enough distress ink, the stamped image magically pops.

One more Maya Road peek...

I LOVE gingham even more when it's...BLACK!

See the glasses? tim's new film strip ribbon is a perfect fit for the face!
It's held in place with the tiny attacher...a cute mini staple.

More Maya Road peeks every day this week...please come back!

Now about that RANGER box of goodies...the final "book celebration contest" starts on Friday.

The big winner gets the above box...

I just need to think of something fun...any ideas?

I'm off to...

make (CHA) art!


ps...want MORE Maya Road peeks? Check here.


  1. Shivers up the spine with all that cool new stuff!

  2. The gingham looks great. I love the touch of feminity that it gives. Good luck with your work for CHA- those of us that arent attending can only imagine the possibilities...
    Dawn in SC

  3. Can't think of ideas when you have this box sticking in my face! LOL!!

    Sounds like you all are having a FAB time planning (or was it eating?! )!!

    Have fun!!

  4. Thanks for the peeks. Looks like you have been busy but you have fun too. There is nothing wrong with being spoiled once in a while. Love the new products!

  5. Lovely projects, Wendy. They are always, always that way if you do them:) Good luck at CHA. Can't wait to see the new products in the stores.

  6. Those Chandler beads are really neat and I love the mini snowflakes.

    I'll have to give the snow cap/blend distress over technique a try... I keep forgetting about it.

  7. I think Maya Road made those gingham flowers just for you!

  8. I'm loving those little gingham flowers.

  9. Thanks for the sneak peeks! Lovin' everything I see.

  10. these are great sneak peeks, thank you! Wonderful to see you relaxing on the porch with a mojito :) But my eyes really popped when I saw the last photo. What a heavenly box, I would love a chance to win those goodies!

  11. GREAT picture of you Wendy!! Sounds like a wonderful time!! ;-)

    I think you should have a color contest. Have everyone give you a color combo for you to do and pick one....BESIDES BLUE AND GREEN!!!! That's the point! ;-) ;-)

  12. GREAT picture of you Wendy!! Sounds like a wonderful time!! ;-)

    I think you should have a color contest. Have everyone give you a color combo for you to do and pick one....BESIDES BLUE AND GREEN!!!! That's the point! ;-) ;-)

  13. Wendy...the doorbell just rang, let me go answer it! WOW...guess what??? It is my new Alphabetically Art set and some other needed supplies from Eclectic Paperie! That was quick. Can't wait to play tonight. I liked the color suggestion for a contest idea but I thought of guessing how many items (packages) you are including in the gift box???) Take care...Michele

  14. What a great photo of you at Tim's. I had such a blast taking your classes at Carson. I really hope you and Tim can do that again. Even though they were rushed I learned a lot by having it "hands on" rather than trying to follow instructions.
    Wonderful peeks too! I'm into asian and retro love & peace movement things (peace signs/yin yang/hippies, flower power, etc.), do you think you'll ever do anything in that genre?

  15. Love the new Maya road products ... especially the cute gingham flowers ... can't wait to get more peaks!!!!!

  16. Love the Sneak Peeks!! Sounds like a great time with Tim & Mario. But now can't give you any contest ideas because I am drooling over the box of Ranger Goodies, imagining all the things I could make.

  17. Have fun at CHA! And thanks for the peeks. Can't wait til your new stamps start shipping. Ordered two sets already with a growing wish list.
    Eileen in NYC

  18. What wouldn't I give to be relaxing on THAT front porch with you and t!m! Have always loved MR. They always come up with unique products!

  19. Great sneak peeks!

    As far as ideas for the next winner, you could make it easy on yourself and just pick me! Having that delectable box of Ranger goodies delivered to my door would be tons of fun! Well at least for me it would be fun, but probably not fun for everyone else, nor fair. And I do like fair, so how about having people post a funny or horrific [short, very short] art stories and you choose the one you like best?

    Have safe travels, see you in October!


  20. Green with envy but happy for you...mojitos w/Tim, a new baby, new Maya Road goodies, going to CHA (I know it's work for you but such a high to see all your samples, new stamps & get wonderful feed back)....
    Love your stamp cover!

  21. Thanks for sharing, Wendy. Faboo samples as always. And it looks like you actually relaxed a little in Prescott - Good for you!

  22. fun way to giveaway? fun for me would for me to send you my address....LOL

    I love the Maya Road sneaks.

  23. OMG! I am loving your samples! Can't wait to get my hands on Tim's ribbon cuz I have your Phrenology head and love her glasses you gave her.
    Don't work too hard this week.

  24. I cannot believe that box of product!!! win that would be awesome. I've told my husband repeatedly if they every have a "make a wish" for dream would be to go through the Ranger warehouse and be able to pick one of everything@!

  25. Looks like you had an awesome time, you are one lucky chick! Love your storage binder cover! Have fun at CHA, wish I could go to this one!

  26. Today's post is FULL of all the best things in life...mojitos (and thanks), and nature, and 3 FAB peeks, a super fun box of Tim stuff, and a cute, cute picture of a lady relaxin on the porch with summer's finest beverage!! (You really should see if you can get a cucumber gimlet though--- very very good!!)
    :) I've been hunting for Tim's stuff over the last 4 weeks - distress inks (just a few more colors needed), Several of the new color sets of alcohol inks, the foam applicator, and the new refillable pens! I'm completely THRILLED with how well everything works togehter! Looking forward to Wendy stamps, and more fun stuff from CHA!!
