Thursday, July 9, 2009

FINALLY!! new studio 490 stamps!

I thought this day would never come...

FINALLY...I can show my new rubber babies...

So...please let me know what you think.

I'm listening!!
Now we have new stamps to...
make (new) art!
ps...contest details tomorrow...7am SHARP!


  1. OMG Wendy! They are fabulous! Love the sentiments, backgrounds and of course, the flowers! It's really hard to pick a favorite ....want them all!! You've done such a wonderful job, now we have to wait until they hit our lss!

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them...each and every one!!! Studio 490 is WBV and YOU ROCK!

  3. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!!!!!
    Love them all!! It's going to be hard to wait until they are available! Great job Wendy!!!!

  4. Hey, now available in a mini size! I love them all, but especially the smaller stamps. They are a great addition to your collection. Hope I can get my hands on them soon. Thanks Wendy.

  5. They are all awesome! I am so glad you have a preview so I can start taking pre-orders before I head off to Orlando! We already have a list going for your book! We love you here in Buffalo and hope to have you back doing some great classes with all your new stamps! Keep inspiring us!

  6. Oh my word - I am going to be so without money - kust love them all .... you are soooooooo clever ....

  7. I love all of them!! The little flower background is so neat! I guess I have to have all of them. You did a wonderful job and I can't wait to see your book too. I hope you will be teaching in Illinois again. Not around the 18-25 of August though since that is college move in time and then I won't be able to come. Love your make and takes too!!!

  8. I love them all. I don't think I could pick out a favorite.

  9. OMGosh, Wendy!
    You did it again!! LOL!

    Can't decide what I like so I guess I'm going to have to get ALL of them!

    Congratulations on another release of your wonderful creations, my friend!

  10. I love all of the backgrounds and sentiments. Although I love flowers, I have never done much with them(except real ones) but I'm sure that will change on the cruise!

  11. Un-freakin-believable!!!!! Each and every set is outstanding! I went through and enlarged each one about 3 times just trying to soak them all in and each one is a favorite. Congratulations, you've outdone yourself. Definitely worth the wait and all the sneak, can we have a sneak purchase! Love, love, love them. Thanks for sharing your talents and giving us inspiration.

  12. I've been sitting on the fence...and I really like some of the sets...more stuff to buy at have a very distinctive style. Hopefully I'll get to do at least one of your make-n-takes. Congrats on the new sets!

  13. Such a big day for you and for us--we get to drool over the new sets. I love the variety of sentiments in the first set. The backgrounds are fantastic, and I like those alphabet/number borders. I can't wait to see how you use all of the new flowers. I hope you're bringing lots of these sets to the Springfield workshop! Congrats!

  14. Absolutely LOVE them. I want them all (as usual). I can't wait. You're Da Bomb! Terry

  15. I love them! My biggest concern is coming up with enough money to buy your existing sets AND this set:D

  16. Wendy, You've done it again---love all of the new sets, so versatile!

  17. Just can not figure out which one I want first. . . I want them all. . . you rock.

  18. All I can say is..WOW...and again...WOW. LOVE the new backgrounds, especially the little star one. The minis are great, too. Well, they're all GREAT! Hard to pick which one to buy first! Can't wait to see the SAMPLES!

  19. OMGosh! These are fantastic!!!!!!!!
    It would be hard to choose a favorite.

  20. Great! Love the cool backgrounds of numbers and letters and text.

  21. I love them all but my most fav is the card art essentials. May be a must have set for me. :-)

  22. All of them look great! Can't wait to see them and you at CHA!

  23. Love the background stamps! Do you get a scallop stamp with every one? Their so versatile. Great job. Where can we get them? And when?

  24. Wow - let's see what do I love from first glance... The mini set especially with the flower and stem separate - that is great! A few of the backgrounds are killing me - the text, the old book type, the numbers and the lines - wow, wow, wow... And I see the perfect image to make a GRUNGE ROSE!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH..... can't wait!!!! Great job - just a little excited!!!

  25. Oh dear . . . I see a really BIG bill in my future.

    I love, love, LOVE them!

  26. now I know why you were so excited!
    What fun!

  27. QUITE a collection!!! You know I LOVE the background stamps and the little butterfly, and the terrific sayings...and ....and....and.
    They'really wonderful!
    Way to go!

  28. Fabulous! Love the mini!
    The crystal ball said: You will have new stamps in your future!
    Not, I did'nt need a crystal ball to tell me that!
    Great Job, Wendy!

  29. Wendy, you've done a great job. i like the alpaha and number theme. I really like Artfully Said showdow flower. Awesome. I'm crazy for the lowercase art flowers and background stamps.

    They are all really good. I can't wait until I can order them.


  30. oohhhh! awwwwww! Love the new sets!


  31. The new sets are FANTASTIC!! Can't wait to see them at the store!

  32. uh-mazing!!! I love them all!! yahooo!!

  33. Ah! Yes! Nice, very nice!! Love, love, love those big beautiful backgrounds ... the quotes ... the flowers ... its a beautiful thing! Yes, it is!!

  34. Very Nice Wendy!!!! I love the Artfully Said and Lower Case Art. I'm going to have to get those this weekend. Hopefully I'll get to take one of your classes too but not holding my breath on that. I know they'll sell out fast.

  35. Wendy - They are all fab! I especially like the smaller ones for cards or ATC's. You are amazing with your talent! Keep up the good work. I enlarged every one so I could get a closer look.
    Have fun in Carson - I know you will.


  36. Wonderful.

    Can't wait to get my hands on them so I can ... create ART!


  37. You are extremely talented!! I absolutely love all your new sets. I am all ready to make a purchase...when will they be available through Stampers Anonymous or Eclectic Paperie? Have a great time in Carson. God Bless.

  38. Fabulous new sets! I love all the new backgrounds and that you made some small stamps as well.

  39. I love the mini sets! The more I look at the other them, too. Great job, Wendy!
    I'm looking forward to seeing your inspiring use of all these sets.
    Wish I was in Carson to see them in person..........
    Smiles to you!

  40. Wow, what a great collection, love them all, decisions, decisions. Can hardy wait until they arrive at my lss. I love the flowers and the sentiments are awesome too!!!

  41. You did it again, Wendy~ another beautiful batch of Rubber Babies! I want to adopt them all! The Mini's are extra sweet and we'll all need the one to make the Grungepaper Roses... congratulations!

  42. What fun looking stamps - playtime!

  43. Wendy...I want them ALL!! Will you be at CHA Summer? It was so great meeting you in St. Louis!

  44. My favorite is the Lower Case Art. Just love it!!
    But, they are all great...hard to choose just one :)
    Happy Scrappin'
    Lisa H. in Arkansas

  45. I love them all.
    my fave is ART FULLY SAID.. love that background alpha stamp.. love it... omg... I so want this one! hugs bonnierose in fargo

  46. Wow...what wonderful stamp sets! If I have to choose just one, I'd choose Make Mine Mini Art set. I love the smaller images for making cards.

  47. Wonderful stamps. Hard to pick a favorite, but being a card maker, I LOVE the Card Art Essentials set. That's a must have.

  48. Your stamps are amazing, I can see so many possibilities~~!!!

  49. These are all amazing. If I had to pick one it would be the make mine mini art stamps. I think there are so may possibilities for flowers!!

  50. Doing the happy dance for you. Love all your new stamps. I know they will be a huge hit at CHA. Congrats!!!

  51. Awesome stamps Wendy. To pick one I'd have to say Card Art Essentials is one of my favs. They're all sure to be a hit at CHA. Good Luck! Linda

  52. If I really must chose 1 and it is difficult cos they are all yummy then it has to be It's more flower art.

  53. all so lovely, but hand on my heart,lcs018.. its more flower art is my fav.. thanks for the chance

  54. My favorite is the Make Mine Mini Art set. Great size for making cards and using for smaller embellishments.

  55. Love them all! It's hard to choose because I can see mixing and matching bits and pieces of all of them. So versatile!

  56. Love the It's More Flower Art. That would be my have-to-have!

  57. How ever do you just pick one? I guess I would have to pick Artfully Said. The sayings are wonderful and if everyone chose to live this way, the world would be a better place!

    Wendy, I love your style girl! You inspire me to get down and dirty! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!


  59. These are just fantastic! I love Art-fully Said.

  60. These are just fantastic! I love Art-fully Said.

  61. WOW!!!!! Really I can't make a choise! They are all so fantastic!!!

  62. LOVE them all!! So many possibilites!! Lower Case Art is my FAV!

  63. I love them all Wendy! Congrats on the new stamps. If I had to pick one I would buy, it would be the "it's more flower art, LCS018" Because those flowers seem easy to cut out. Great in combination with Grungepaper :) And the stripes are georgeous!
    lindavanvliet at home dot nl

  64. In my view one and all must glance at this.
