here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Friday, August 28, 2009



From the bottom of my heart...

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the wonderful emails yesterday.

Thanks too...for all the book orders.
I'll be anxious to hear what you think about it.


We'll be shipping the books, just as soon as they arrive...on Monday or Tuesday of next week....and ordering more later today.

Hello...Ted? Send MORE!

Once again...I sincerely appreciate all the kind words & enthusiasm.

On to the art...

I got several emails yesterday asking about the sizes of the new Maya Road chipboard products.

I's very hard to determine the size from a photo.

This is the rectangle scallop journaling coaster & it's 3 x 5 inches.

The flower is actually my studio 490 poinsettia stamp...
done in broken china, it no longer looks Christmasy...

is that a word?


and...this classic scroll frame is 5 1/2 x 3 3/4 inches...

This square scroll is 4 x 4 inches, from point to point.

Here's the cool thing about designing stamps...
Ted lets me do what I want.

So the large background stamps completely cover these chipboard bases.

I think...NOT!

One stamp...a little ink & the base is ready to be embellished.

If you need any of the other Maya Road chipboard measured...
just ask.

about that book GIVEAWAY...
Leave a comment under THIS post...

We'll leave this open for comments until 7am (CST)on Monday.

Then on Monday we'll do the random generator thing & announce a winner.

The winner gets a FREE book...
compliments of Stampers Anonymous!!

It's SIMPLE...your comment is your chance to win.

I hope you have a great weekend...
take time to play and...

make art!
ps...if you're in the Hamburg NY area this weekend...
don't forget to stop & watch Ted demo @ the SSAT convention... me a favor...
tell him I said "hi"!


Alisa said...

It looks like I am the first to comment. yeah me! Wendy even if I don't win I have one on order.

Anonymous said...

I, too, have your book on order from you - so please don't choose me to win. I'm just trying to catch up with everyone/everything since I was MIA for awhile recently ... I am so looking forward to having your book in my hands - and "making art" this weekend. I have so much I want to do before the cruise!
Congratulations on the book - I know it's going to be a huge success!

bockel24 said...

Oh, I wish it was Hamburg/Germany - that´s only three hours away from me ;-)) But maybe your book would be a good consolation?! I´d love to win it, that would be a good excuse to buy some of your stamps soon ...

Diana said...

I have lurked around your site for so long and just got my first stamps last week. Oh, I would love to have your book and figure out how you do all these great projects. Thanks for putting the bokk together AND thanks for the chance to win one.

Retta said...

Wendy - if you wouldn't have done the examples, I would not have pictured these stamps this way. You have done an amazing job and Ted and Michelle, as always, have blessed us with bringing these to us. I want to win, but I am just excited to be so inspired. Thanks so much.

Elaine A said...

Wendy -

Congratulations and well deserved! Your work is very unique and different from what is already out there in the craft/art world. I love the Wendy look.

Elaine Allen

Just call me Silly Sal said...

I love everything on you blog. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks.
Sally Fasano

dblanken said...

I would love to have a copy of your book so that I can see up close everything that you do. I have just started back to stamping (I gave all my stuff to my daughter several years ago so she could stamp) and since I am an empty nester - I have time on my hands. My upcoming birthday list includes all of your stamps that I don't have - I love see what you create.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I am going to clean up my scrap space and try out your my new (WV) stamps! We're moving our son to UNH tomorrow, but the weather is going to be horrendous, so it's a great excuse to stay in and play once we get home!

I'm really looking forward to getting one of your books.....and would love it if you sign it! Who doesn't love to win something.......but if not, I'll definitely be ordering through you. Do you have a limit on how many you're going to be selling through the blog?


craftlyn said...

I am so looking forward to receiving my first Wendy stamps (winging their way to me), and this book is the perfect companion! Congrats to you and thanks to SA for their generosity and the creative license they afford you!

Barb said...

New Maya Road just came in at FKS, have to go today! Love the background fitting right over the whole chipboard....GREAT. Love to win!

Debby L. said...

Love your art! Can't wait to learn some of your techniques. Looking forward to your classes on The Artful Voyage!

Art By Wanda said...

I am soooo excited to see your book... I hope I win, I hope I win :-)))) But if not, I'll be ordering!!! I got my first WV stamps this week.. first I was surprised how big they were.. a good surprise :) but I also love that you have an idea sheet with them... way cool!!! The book has got to be totally awesome!!!!

Jeanne said...

Funny...most people have already ordered. Me too! I'm hopefully birthday shopping for my friends! Can't wait to see the book.

slbt17 said...

Wendy - thanks for all the fun! I love your art!

Gypsy Lady said...

I just love coming to your blog to see all the gorgeous and inspiring things you do! I'm so glad you got a book out!!

Terri H. said...

I stopped by to see Robin's flowers and loved the projects. They're awesome! Can't wait to see the book.
Terri H.

michelle said...

I am so excited about your book coming out I love your art it is amazing. Have a great weekend!

Jenna K. said...

I was totally inspired by you this last weekend-I took a stamp I had a modified it to be exactly what I needed! I am loving your blog!

Aliogator said...

Wow, I am so excited for you! I hope the book becomes a big success! Thanks for the chance to win!

Linda said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see your book! Thank you for the opportunity to win!!

Linda H

borcherding said...
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borcherding said...

I can't wait to see the book. I know it's gonna KNOCK my socks off!! :-) Have a great weekend!!

brenda1958 said...

Hi Wendy,- it is so gracious of you to donate a book...would love to win your book..i teach 80 year old women the scrapbooking and art process at our church and then we make cards as well but most of our things we do are given away to someone and it is so nice to see someone smile and make their day especially when they in return tell you how precious you are to think of them...that is what most of us scrappers here are about..we keep some for ourselves but we give to others....would love to win your book for we often look at your site and see what new things you have come up with and then we have to try them i love any new ideas that come along and i thank you for sharing with all of us and taking time out of your busy schedule.thank you again And I HOPE I WIN.NOT JUST FOR ME BUT FORTHE LADIES AND TO LEARN HOW TO DO SO MANY THINGS WE HAVEN'T DONE ESPECIALLY FOR OTHERS WHO NEED AN UPLIFTING.

Janeyc49 said...

Hi Wendy, I just love your blog. Finger crossed for the draw :)


ScrappyPam said...

Love your projects! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in Mexico!!

Lori said...

Here we go! Looks like an awesome book, lady! I would LOVE to win. If not, I'll be ordering for sure. Stamps, books, what's next, a movie? Yeah, bring it on!

Debby said...

So excited about your book. And you have another one in the works??? Very cool. Can't wait to hopefully get mine signed in September!!

nancy said...

It is so exciting about your book. You are an amazing artist!

KAT said...

A chance to win your book - I can see myself now... Out on the hammock, a drink and just lookin at your book trying to figure out "How'd she do that!"... Maybe I'll be the luck one!

Barbara said...

I'm so excited to see your book has arrived. I look at your projects and am amazed by your creativity.

Would love to be the proud owner of your book!

Thanks to you and Stampers Anonymous for the chance. Very generous!

kjjc said...

ooo now a free book to go with my stamps would be lovely.

Kathy Eddy said...

Way to go Wendy! Getting published must be soooo exciting! I am trying to win it, but if not, I will definately be ordering one, signed! Kathy Eddy

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

More gorgeous art Wendy - wish there was such a thing as an artistic transplant, I'd be first in the queue LOL Hope I'm lucky enough to win ;)
Anne xx

crafty creations said...

many congratulations on the publication of your book - I stand in awe of your art and would love to be entered in the draw

Have a great weekend


Andrea said...

WOW what a fabby giveaway and a generous one at that, wonder if we here in the UK are in for a chance, well here goes anyway, loving all your artwork and how your stamps can be used in so many different ways, need my dear friends to give me a lesson, think I can see a crafty inky day at Lindas coming on soon, thanks for the chance of a great giveaway Wendy x

Kathie said...

What great art! I wish I could join them in class! I would love to win the book!

Dawn's Creative Chalet said...

Hi Wendy

I am so excited to see your book. Im wondering where to find one.. I live in the pickers here in Michigan. *hunting.. searching.. looking.. pouting!!* LOL.. I wanted to say hi and congrats once again on yet another very cool acomplishment! Hugs to you, Wendy..

Dawn in Michigan

Anita Van Hal said...

I am so excited for you! Your first book! You are SO talented, and we, your fans, are so thankful that you share your art with us! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the constant inspiration. What more could anyone ask for at times like this? Thank you.

Christie said...

I Love your work so much! I recently was at a stamp show and kept trying to ask how you did something on a sample unfortunatly they were too busy to answer but I bought a ton of the products figuring I would work it thru.. I am now so thrilled to find you have done a book.

Thank You

Unknown said...

OMG! I'm away from my computer for ONE day and I miss soooooooooo much!! Now I have to go back and checkout everything! I'm so excited about your book!!

Renee said...

Thanks for a chance to win your book!

Have a great weekend!

scrappin-scrappin said...

I love your work and so glad you are willing to share your expertise with all your fans! It must be so exciting for you having your first book!!! Hope you are doing a lot of celebrating! At least doing a Happy Dance for a few days! Thank you so much for the chance to win one of your books!

Cim Allen said...

I'm new to this blog .. I discovered you by a class being offered at my LSS. I love the flowers out of grunge board .. I had to dig deeper when I saw those and I found the blog. I can't wait for the book to see more of your art and talent. I love that you use alot of Tim Holtz products I love his stuff !!

Unknown said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Sarah said...

I should be content with the fact that I am going on the cruise...but...I can't resist the opportunity at a try to win your book. Just keep on makin' art!

DeeDee said...

Congrats on the book! Thanks for the inspiration. :)

Craft-Tea-Anna said...

I would love to be included in this draw - finding your blog a few months ago has reinspired me to....make art! I cannot thank you enough.

Joyce said...

I will be anxious to get your book. Maybe I'll win it here but if not there is always the LSS. It is so nice to have books to refer to for a particular technique. Thank you for all your hardwork. Now get back to designing more stamps and projects. We want more and more and more and more and more.....

Broni said...

Wendy, thanks so much for the measurements on the chipboard! Please enter my name for a chance to win your book!!

Hels Sheridan said...

Congrats Wendy on your new looks AMAZING and I cannot wait to get my inky mitts on a copy...tis very generous of you to do a giveaway thank you loooooooving the Maya Road art...can't wait to get my inky mitts on those too...see...I am nothing but impatient!! LOL Have a great weekend xx

Shawna said...

I am so excited about your book! I think it is awesome to have a little "Wendy" art in front of me for inspiration!

Scrapadoodle said...

I can't wait to see your book Wendy. Congratulations!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Congratulations, Wendy. I sure would be thrilled to win a copy of your book.

Jill W. said...

So excited 4 you and your book! Thanks for the opportunity to win, and thanks for sharing with us on your blog, it provides much inspiration and instruction, which, I personally couldn't craft without.
So again, thx

Allie Gower said...

I'm excited for you. I can't wait to see the new book.

Love the samples, and love that you sized your b/g stamps to fit them so well.

Well, I must get back to the creation of ART!



Pamela said...

I need to be inspired so please pick me to win this wonderful book, I know it will be all that I need.

Unknown said...

I am taking your class in St. Louis next month where I will have a book on order, but I want one sooner than that!

debbig said...

would love to win your new book but if not I will have to buy one! Looking forward to your classes in Springfield, IL. Love your blog,
debbi g

Pat W said...

I just love everything that you do! I can't wait to see your new book.

carpediem said...

Can't wait to see the new book! Love everything that you create!

Alyce said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity to win your book.

Carolyn Kropp said...

Double dipping is good....fingers crossed one of them is the lucky winner. cant wait to see the book. Thanks!


Maureen F. said...

I love the square scroll book and woudl LOVEto win your book - Pick me, Pick me

louann said...

Can't wait to get my hands on your book. Thanks for writing it for us. Love your art and your fabulous studio.

marts061 said...

Your book looks fantastic! It would be great to have one. I love the uniqueness of your work. It is an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wendy for the chance to win your book- you have really inspired me by sharing your great ideas!!


KAREN said...

Congratulations on your new book!!!! I think you have the neatest ideas!!! I LOVE your blog and you get me thinking that there is no end to this papercrafting~~you keep coming up with the coolest projects and are nice enough to share them with all of us!! I met Ted and he is sooooo nice!!! PLEASE pick me~~~I'd love to have a copy!!!!!
Thanks again for having an awesome blog!!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your book Wendy. I cannot wait to buy it when it comes to Australia. I adore the Maya Road chipboard and everything else they sell lol and glad that your stamps fit them perfectly lol.

mamakat said...

I would sooooooo much love to win a copy of your book. Somehow winning it adds just that little extra tingle to the experience. I don't want to say it adds to the excitement because my excitometer is already pegged and I don't want to risk cardiac arrest.
Thank you!

Etta said...

Dear Santa, I want EVERYTHING Studio 490!!

Nettie said...

your work is stunning Wendy! I am so pleased I 'found' you and would love to have your book, to learn more about your projects, have a great weekend, Nettie x

Dee said...

I just cannot wait to get my hands on this book!! No one has ever been successful getting me to try stamping until I saw you make that tag at CHA!

maggie said...

Wendy your art is beautiful, I cant wait to see your book. I hope I win! Dawn in MB, SC

Kim said...

I am so excited about your book!!!! AND I can't wait to take your class in St. Louis in September!! Until then...I'll make art :)

Barbara said...

I just came upon your blog in the past two weeks. Love what you do with grunge paper, inks and your stamps!. i would love to win your book

funkycrafter said...

I always like visiting your blog. And I always have to go look at the birds again. Just love those little buggers. Must start looking around for some bird forms or try making some from paper mache so I can give it a try. Can I pre-order book 2 now that book 1 is out? Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you and can't wait to get a copy. Your work is so awesome. Congratulations.

rush8888 said...

love your artistic style. i wish you had email updates. i would love to follow along.

Courtney said...

I can't wait for my book to arrive. I need some more inspiration!!

Susie Lang said...

Congratulations, Wendy! I'm getting anxious to get my hands on a copy now that it's real.

Michele K said...

Congratulations, Wendy! I am so happy for you. Cannot wait to get a copy of your book! Keep up the good work! Take care...

Dianal said...

Can't wait until I get an opportunity to see the new book. Congratulations. I have been using your stamps sets since I took a class with you in Buffalo ... love your blog and all that you create ... keep making ART!!!!!!

Susan said...

I'd love to win a book, but I've placed an order just in case. Love all your samples.

2amscrapper said...

I definitely want your book. How great it would be to win it!

Michele said...

Oooh! I want a book. I will wait to order till I find out if I win. ;)

Thanks so much for being artsy!

Andrea - Wales, UK said...

Can't wait to see your book, hope it will be on sale in the UK soon. Used your stamps for the first time last week and now I need them all!! Andrea.x

Anonymous said...

I've already ordered one, but hey, who doesn't love to win something? I know just the friend to get it too, should I be lucky enough to be chosen.
Congrats again on the book launch. I'm not surprised that you need more. Can't wait to get mine!
Eileen in NYC

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Wendy, Would love to be in the draw :) Love what you are making and am guessing the book is as good as your art

Far North said...

I love keeping up with your work here and can't wait to see more in the book!!! Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us!

Tamra B said...

I just recently stumbled onto your work. What an awesome talent! Would love to win the book. Thanks so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendi! I would love to win your book. So love your work! Lisa

Dorothy said...

Wendi your art is wonderful!!!
Thanks for the inspiration!

Altered Art Studio 9010 said...

LOve everything you are doing these days!!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the book!

postal orphan said...

Congratulations on the book - it looks wonderful! Would love to win a copy, but I'll be ordering it regardless.
~ from another wendy

georgina said...

i would dearly love this,i find your work such an inspiration and dont know if it will be on sale here in England but will tell my friends to look out for it, super, luv georginaxx

Anonymous said...

love your site and love the blodcandy too.....crossing my fingers in miami

Alison said...

Wendy I love you art and I can't wait till we meet on the cruise in Oct!

starqueen said...

Hi Wendy,
Congratulations! And thanks for sharing the MR chipboard sizes. Your work is just beautiful!

Thanks for sharing all that you do!

Stampnms said...

WOW over 100 comments. I love your style, so know I would love your book. Hi & thanks to Ted too.

susanh929 said...

Looks like an amazing book! Gotta find time to "play." Thanks for gifting the book too.

artbeckons said...

Wendy, this is a gorgeous creation! I haven't been by your blog for awhile but it looks like you've been up to great things - you go girl!

Leslie said...

Wendy, love your style...and a book using Tim's stuff...WOW!

C. Sage Deerborn said...

Thanks for a chance to win this fab book. Going to go check out your stamps now.

kari said...

Love your new stamps and cant wait to get the book

Neet said...

There is no doubt in my mind that your book will be a huge success. I admire your work so much and would love to win a copy of your book. Am just hanging on in case and will buy it in America in October if I don't win.

Angie said...

Your work is mind blowing but your stamps are to die for and, having just found out about them from linda E, they are now top of my Xmas List.

Carole Bryson said...

I 'need' more of your work ... its stunning and so inspirational !

Thank you x

Sharon said...

Received my book today that I ordered from Carson...I appreciate the copies of the stamps at the end for easy reference...I only wish that the print was a little larger...for those of us with aging eyes it would be nice to be able to read it without getting our "inky" fingers all over it. And though I love *, I suspect that when I go to use the book, I will keep losing my place...perhaps numbers next time? Or lined sections for say all the work done on the frame separating it from all the work done on a flower, etc? Or maybe just larger print would be enough...I'd be willing to pay more...On the plus side, thanks for the pictures and the detailed product lists separated by manufacturer...makes it easy to see what I need to get together to do the project. I hope the next book includes the rose you made online. Oh, and thanks for making the book so that I can keep it with the stamps!

Naomi said...

Congrats on your book. And thanks for giving us all a chance to win one. Your art gives me inspiration all the time.

sam21ski said...

WOW I've only just found you via Kat's blog, so I've got lots and lots to look at - One of the stamps she used on a beer mat on her blog caught my eye, and that's how I've ended up over here

Off to look at some more - keep up the good work

Sam xxxxx

Anita said...

Wow! I love all your projects.

Cindi (aka iring) said...

Congrats on your book! Pick me, pick me! A wannabe cruiser!


stampinfranni said...

OMG, this is the drawing I've been waiting for. It would be such an honor to win your book, Wendy. Thx Ted and Michelle! I really hope I win this!!!

scrapnrn said...

I would love to win. Going to St Louis in September to store that carries studio 490, can't wait!!

Robyn Wood said...

Congratulations on the new book! Can't wait to see it in Australia. I would love to win a copy.
Robyn Wood

Connie in TN said...

I have the book! I preordered from Ted at Stampaway earlier this month and it arrived on Thursday. I've carried it with me for two days and every time I open it I find something I haven't seen before and find new inspiration. Love it, love it, love it!

Sue said...

The book looks wonderful! Can't wait to see it! Love love love your blog and would love to have your book as well. Thank you for your blog and the chance to win your book. You are the best! Snick~Sue

Bobbey said...

Oooh, I'd love to win the new book! I love, love, LOVE Ranger STUFF! Haven't really met a product I didn't like and Stamper Anonymous is the very best too!!!

Thanks for the give-away!

Bobbey S

Rockin Robin Caldwell said...

I would love to have this book. I am a true tecnique junkie and always long for another technique or project that I have never seen before!!! It's all so exciting. Can't wait to see if I win or not. If not (which is usually the case) I will have to roder it!!! Crossing my fingers here...Rockin Robin Caldwell

lesleyworth said...

i am ANXIOUSLY awaiting the arrival of the book to my LSS...they already have me listed to hold a copy! i was so fortunate to take a class with you several months ago...and i'm dying to see more! congrats on the book! if you get the chance...can you tell us how you made the flowers on the cover of the scrollbook?

Dale said...

I am so looking forward to your book, I enjoy your stamps, your style and Stampers Anonymous! I will try with this comment to win, if not I will order it. Thanks for your generosity.

Lynne Forsythe said... are so creatively amazing....I love makin up my own yes, Christmasy is a least in my dictionary!!

Keep up the AWESOME are an inspiration!!

Gunilla/Nilla said...

I´m often here looking at all the wonderful things that you create.
Always so much inspiration and ideas.
Take care/Gunilla

Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much for the chance to win!!!

Rosemary said...

Hi Wendy,

Please enter me in the drawing. I could use a jumpstart for my creativity, I seem to be a little stuck in a rut. lol


Anonymous said...

I love your site and I love your artwork! I'll bet your book is absolutely amazing! Can't wait to get one, whether I win or not!!

Diane O. said...

That sounds like a great book, put my name in the hat. Thanks for the opportunity.

*SHeRRy B* said...

I went to the show in Hamburg! I spent way too much $$ at their booth! FUN! I would LOVE to win a book! I need more ideas for all my goodies I bought!

VikkiL said...

Congratulations Wendy....Finally a way to figure out how to use my chipboard in such a beautiful way. Your work is gorgeous.
Vikki L

Brigitte said...

I love your work and can't wait to see your book.

Gerrie Johnnic said...

Free book! I'm there, I can't wait to get my hands on it! Congrats

chelsea499 said...

The book looks wonderful. Would love to win a copy!

ellen a said...

Wow, I would love to win! This is the 1st Hamburg convention I've missed since it started. Ellen A Cdn

SherylH said...

Congratulations on your book! Sounds like a great book and I would love to win a copy. Thanks!

Cindy said...

Wendy I am a newbie to your site and stamps. Love your style. I would love a copy of your book.

texasbarb said...

i would soooooooo love to have a copy of your book, wendy!!!!! i never win anything but who might just happen this time!!! keeping my fingers...and toes...crossed!!!

will the book be available at barnes & noble???

karen said...

Just found your blog your work! Congrats on your book! Fingers crossed ... :)

LaStamper said...

Wow Wendy - at Stampaway Ted was singing your praises. A chance to win a copy of your book would be just wonderful.

Cher said...

Hi Wendy..just let me say I LOVE YOUR WORK! If winning your book would even get me an inch closer to replicating your stuff I would be totally thrilled. Not in my budget to pop for it just yet, so please enter me if you can. I hail from MI where unemployment is 29% (me included) so a win would be doubly sweet! TY for sharing your work with us...truly truly beautiful. Cher

Casey said...

Congratulations on the book! I can't wait to see it!

kokomogoldie said...

Would love to win your book!! Especially after the classes I took in Waco last weekend...great stuff to say the least!

Stephanie said...

Would love to win the book. I am new to all these techniques. I may just have to buy it if I don't win! It sounds great. Stephanie

D's Paper Studio said...

I sit back here in awe and wonder at all that you've accomplished. Congratulations on the book. Are you working on #4 set of stamps?

Jacquie S said...

Your art is absolutely beautiful.

Jacquie (

Lisa Somerville said...

Wendy, these projects are do die for!

Thanks for the chance to win.

Ginny said...

LOVE your color combinations! Thanks for all the ideas.

Tona said...

How exciting! I ordered a book from you so no need to add my name to the drawing. I can't wait until I get my hands on it!!!!!

MarleneMAZ said...

So exciting for you, I hope that you sign the book so the winner of it has something even more personal.
Would love to own your very first book.

Priscilla said...

Thanks for being so generous with the book offer.

Pat Bowman said...

Well, I have to admit I'm new to your blog, but now an totally hooked and intrigued. Would love to win your book!

Among The Stars... And Within Yourself said...

Congratulations on your book! To quote one of your sets: "Today is another chance to make MY dreams come true"!! I hope I win!

Karla Anderson said...

Looking forward to your book. Love all your creations. If I don't win, I am sure I will buy!

Hollie Fox said...

It would be my lucky day if I won a copy of your new book - it looks wonderful!


BAKERCEE said...


Lindy said...

Love your art! Thanks for the chance to win!

Margaret Kane Ward said...

Love the inspiration at your blog; I can't imagine how wonderful the book must be. Thanks for a chance to win.

Escape said...

Catching up on my blog reading from the weekend & saw your giveaway---pick me, pick me!!! I am so excited to see your book--you have so much talent. It's been so fun watching you soar to the heights you deserve. :)

Shirley said...

Congratulations on your book! Thank you for the opportunity to win one. Thanks to Ted and Michelle also.

Lynna said...

Oh, I soooo want one! I guess I'll have the chance here and if not then when I get paid on the 10th, I can order then. Can't wait to see all the great projects inside!
Thanks Wendy.

sockamom13 said...

love your blog! Have a great weekend!

Michelle D in Oregon said...

Oh I would love to win your book! I can hardly wait to see what you have in sore for us "cruisers." Have a wonderful week!
aka Michelle in OR

Michelle D in Oregon said...

Okay, that was supposed to say, "I can hardly wait to see what you have in store for us cruisers!" LOL - late night typing!

Miss Iowa said...

Wendy, thank you so much for posting the measurements of some of those Maya Road projects! That's really helpful. I can't wait to see your book. I'm sure it's full of beautiful and awe-inspiring ideas.

Unknown said...

congratulations on your new book, the pictures are beautiful, I wish you the best of luck.

CK Chai said...

Despite I living at the other part of the world, the passion for stamping & altered arts just draw us together! Thanks for sharing the love and for the chance to win a copy of your book. I look forward to be inspired by you further!
--Chok Keun from Singapore

Claire said...

Oh my heavens... see what I get for not reading your blog over the weekend... entering into the fray just a few short hours before your deadline. Can not wait for "the book"... congratulations!

Barbara T. said...

Happy stamping!

Snowflakescrapper said...

I love your stamps. I imagine book will be as great

Traci said...

wonderful stuff! so excited for you.

Tolegranny said...

What a great blog. I would love to win your book. Looking forward to seeing more and more from you.