Tuesday, August 25, 2009

WONDERFUL Waco and the first of the flock

What a WONDERFUL WEEKEND we had in Waco, Tx.!
THANK YOU ALL so much...
I had a blast and enjoyed each & EVERY ONE of you!

To Emmalie...
THANK YOU for inviting me to Crop Paper Scissors...
cute store...just like the owner!

I SHALL return...(after the snow is gone)...springtime sounds good.
Thanks too for the little antiquing stop...
I LOVED IT! Let's do it again!

To the GROUP who came in on Friday evening & announced they were "HERE FOR THE WEEKEND!"...THANK YOU all!
Ya'lllllll are GREAT!

To the gals who started driving @ 5am...and drove for over 3 hours...THANK YOU!

To my new 30+ BFF'S...THANKS for taking the artful weekend adventure with me.
There's nothing better than making art...with friends.

A special THANK YOU to Lisa Monroe...silver artist extraordinaire....
OMG...wait 'til you see the PMC jewelry she makes...
I about fainted!
that's a post for another day...
I need to get her site & more info...
and I PROMISE I will show you the gift she made for me.
A HUGE WOW! I LOVE IT! Made me cry!

Some gals brought their art to show me...
That was so AWESOME!!
THANKS for sharing YOUR ART!
I LIKE that!!

To everyone for the wonderful southern hospitality, laughs, compliments and kindness...
from the bottom of my heart........

Here's the weekend recap...
We started Friday evening with the Ranger technique class.
That was a hit...lots of inks, Perfect Pearls, crackle paint...ironing...LOTS of stamping and MORE...
I heard that you learned LOTS! That's GREAT!!

We spent ALL day Saturday making a Maya Road book that was full of flowers and sayings....
You sure were troopers...lots of grunge cutting...
but no complaints...
LOTS of awesome books left on Saturday with LOTS of smiling faces.

That's what's so COOL and why I do what I do!!
It makes me happy.

We did an unplanned mini quickie...rose making 101...Sylvia thought the roses should be used on EVERYTHING!
She just might be right.

For dessert on Saturday we made a mini Maya Road hanging...a mini fun piece.
It was a piece of cake after the mega mini book...
which was 7 inky hours!!

Sunday was bird-day!
Some joked that this was their semester FINAL or the GRAND FINALE!
...everything they learned the 2 days before was put to use on their bird...

And let me say...

I am NOT prejudice when I tell you that each & every one was AWESOME and so totally different...AGAIN!

I did TRY to take photos...but most of them are too dark & blurry. So, if some BFF's who took photos would send them...I'll share them here.

Here are just 2...for your viewing pleasure.



Now, it's back to work for me.
Unpacking...2 classes for the Madison convention to make & submit, class instructions...kits for 3 stores...design a new workshop...new stamp designs...YES...that's started already... a NEW concept is brewing...we'll see what develops...
book 2...YEP...that's in the works...

CRUISE STUFF!!!...this is going to be FUN with a capital F!

I'll post the contest details just as soon as the books arrive...
You'll be the first to know and we'll have a little blog fun...
GIVEAWAY!! Stay tuned!!

That's it...

Take care & make art!


  1. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I have to admit, I am not a "bird fan", (maybe it has something to do with seeing the Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds" back in the 60s at a tender young age), but the 2 you posted are awesome!!! Awesome enough that I might actually try making one!

    Have a fabulous week!


  2. Great to have you back Wendy ... sounds like you had a fab time ... I am not at all jealous of the people that got to spend grungy, inky hours with you ... not jealous at all ... not even an incy wincy bit jealous ... honest!!!!

  3. Oh that sounds like a wonderful weekend. Love the birdies. I really must find one to make for my sister she is a big bird person. Sending me pictures all the time of the birds in her yard and yes she doe name them all.

  4. Seven inky hours sounds pretty good to me! Sounds like the trip really energized you. Glad you're back, and can't wait to get my hands on the book!
    Eileen in NYC

  5. Glad you are back and that you had a great time. Man you do stay super busy! Love the birds. They are really cool and different. Need to go and try to make some art!

  6. Sounds like a fabulous weekend. The birds are amazing. I hope I'll be able to take your class in Madison.

  7. Love the birds and sounds like you had a GREAT weekend....

    Did you say Cruise stuff with an F... like Fabulous, Funky, Fun, Fantastic, Fancier, Fanciful, FanFare, Fantasy, Fascinate, Flowers, Flight, Fauvism, Feat, Feathers, Favorite, Fervent, Fierce, Finch (bird with Wendy Grunge), Flamboyant, Flashy, Flowery or just Flippin Fun?

    (yes I did use my webster dictionary for this....) 47 days until the cruise....

  8. The whole weekend sounds fabulous... sure wish I could have been there!!!! Can't wait to see all the other things you have brewin'.

  9. Oh so COOL! Love these birds..they are sooo cute! Thanks for sharing...and glad you have had a great inky time ... I not jealous neither LOL x

  10. Hi Wendy,

    What an absolutely WONDERFUL, INSPIRATIONAL weekend!!! I mean it, when I say that you have sooooooo inspired me. My head is still spinning! I can't wait to get my new rubber stamps, because I have very approtriately named my spring silver jewelry collection "The Vecctor Series"!!

    (vector (věk'tər)
    A quantity, such as the velocity of an object or the force acting on an object, that has both magnitude and direction.)


    I will send you pics of my Texas Metal Art Festival booth and new jewelry pieces soon.
    You are so kind and I can't wait to see you again soon,
    Lisa Monroe
    "Silver Metal Artist"

  11. Ok, feeling sorry for myself since I had to miss the Maya Road class due to illness. However... Glad I wasn't there to make anyone else sick though. Now I shall sit in utter anticipation of my class kit. :)

  12. Ah those little birdies are fab ;)
    Anne xx

  13. These birds are wonderful!! You are a busy lady, Wendy, but you are amazing!!!
