Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The title has NOTHING to do with this post...

I just thought it would be fun to type...9/9/09...
a once in a lifetime event!

Actually...maybe it does...

There are about 999 things on the TO-DO list...

I'm not keeps me off the streets & out of the stores...

I have no time to SHOP!

Which explains why you've not seen any new shoes lately!

More Q & A...

You answered a question about the floral wire and wrap with the following: "Cloth covered wire is perfect. I have it in both green & brown. It's available @ JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby & Michaels (in the floral section)...but I've only found the brown @ JoAnn's in our area."Ok - what's "our area"?? Are your stamp sets sold in Joann's? I've never seen any of the good stuff in our Joann's!!!! Sorry, offense! stamps are NOT sold in JoAnn's.
They're only available thru your LSS, on line @ eclecticPaperie & other on line stores or directly from Stampers Anonymous. If you're lucky enough to have access to a convention featuring Stampers Anonymous, Ted has them there too.

"OUR area" is Oglesby, Illinois...we're about 100 miles south & west of Chicago...there's NOTHING cool here...

MY LSS is 75 miles away...ONE WAY!
I'm happy to drive there SATURDAY to see my friends, do a book signing & teach a FULL grunge workshop! YIPPEE!

Just found your blog. How long does it take you to do a project? It takes me forever and they dont compare to yours.

I'm VERY slow, which is not a good thing when you have a 999 item TO-DO list.

It's rare that I can get a project done quickly.
A really detailed mini book... for example...
a Maya Road CHA project, can take me all 25-30 hours, to get it to the point where I'm satisfied.

Even a simple card can take me several hours.

Next question...

p.s. My book came yesterday!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! And one of the best things that I love is the stamp index - that is cool! Are there binders to fit Studio 490 stamps and the book? I'm missing them if so...

The answer is simple...You can't find it, because...

I FORGOT to include them in the book.

Now that the book is arriving...I got this question like 8 times...
I TOTALLY overlooked it...

The acrylic storage binders are available here , LSS's and directly thru Stampers Anonymous, click on Accessories & then the category is...STORAGE.


hello...I picked up my binder @ the convention what?
do you have any tips for me?
where do I start so the glue goesn't show?
Here's what works for me...
I'll choose the paper I want to use, cut it to the size I want & lay it under the front cover....but NOT use any adhesive yet.
Then...I'll embellish the front and adhere everything onto the front.
Then, turn the cover over & you can see exactly where to place the adhesive to hide it.
Any place that has an embellishment will get some adhesive, to hold the paper in place.
Depending on the paper you choose, you may want to glue 2 papers together & then cut them for a perfect fit, if your paper isn't double sided.
It's fun to stitch them together too, like I did on this first one.
On the binder below...I also stamped the cover.
I used jet black archival & heat set it.
It's been shipped all over the country & it's held up very well.
Depending on the stamp you choose, you could also stamp INSIDE the cover to protect it even more.
But remember...
word stamps will be backwards...if stamped inside the cover...
designs work better.
This paper is from K & Co.
The embellishments are made from grungeboard & grungepaper.

This next binder holds my second stamp release...
I pieced lots of different graphic 45 papers together...
I wanted a quilt like look...

The ink colors are peeled paint, brushed corduroy, vintage photo and mustard seed... with a little bit of one of the browns over it.
The large scroll is grungeboard from this set.
And the newest 7 sets are stored in this last binder...
I mixed some Jenni Bowlin & graphic 45 papers...
The ink colors are brushed corduroy and broken china.
The flowers are all grungepaper.
The scroll is grungeboard, already die cut.

If you have the binders...I hope this info helps.
SHOW us what yours look like!
We'd LOVE to see them!
Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments & emails about my book.
You have made us VERY HAPPY!

From the bottom of my heart...
a HUGE...
make art!
ps...keep those comments coming...
we'll give away a book...sometime...randomly!


  1. Wendy - I was glad to see your answer to how long it takes you to make art - I too take forever - it use to really bother me that it took me hours to create a card before I was happy with it... But a while ago I decided to embrace the journey and enjoy the process - we do this for our enjoyment right!!!

    Have a good Wednesday - but before I go - it would not be a good comment unless I harass your for some hints on what we are doing on the cruise - RIGHT??? Just tell me - I'll be your new BFF! 32 days!

  2. These are all FABULOUS! I know you stated it somewhere, but how much is your book again? I'll have to save some $$ for it.

  3. Hi Wendy ... the book I won on your blog arrived in Canada today ... I'm suppose to be painting a fence but I can't put the book down ... so many great ideas .... maybe I'll paint another day and just MAKE ART!!!

    Thanks so much

  4. Hi, love, love your binder covers! On the second one, is the center of the flower on the lower right side a wooden button? It looks very interesting! Thanks for everything and on a gloomy day like today, I'm sure you'll get many of your 999 things done! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Wendy -

    Thanks for the info on the binders. Call me dense, but I could not figure out what there where for and what to do with them. NOW I know!

    Elaine Allen

  7. oh my your covers look just fantastic and it amazes me just how much can be done with your stamps, they are brill xx

  8. I'm learning a lot from these question/answer sessions. Thanks so much for posting them. It's my b-day this month & my husband says, get what you I'm off to Stampers Anon. to order a couple of your stamp sets & the storage binder ;)

  9. Thanks for answering all the questions on your blog...I didn't know I needed to know so much information. Can't wait until Saturday for the class and book signing! I will be there with all my inky stuff! I don't have a question for you...I never know what I need to know...old age, I guess.


  10. Your stamp Binders are so cool... and you have inspired me to get out my Brushed Corderoy and Broken China Distress Inks for some fun today~ they really are a nice combo!

  11. Glad to hear that I am not the only one who can take forever with a project. But everyone works differently. Thank you for sharing your binders with us. Sometimes acrylic can be a bit daunting to work with. Need to attend to my own list and then hopefully time for art.

  12. I like seeing the 490 sightings. It is great to see how others use your items.

  13. I just got your book (pre-ordered it here in the UK) and have only had a quick read through (had to start the dinner) but now that's cooking I can read it properly - on first glance - WOWWWW. When you release your next set of stamps (please, please) you'll have to write volume 2!! Have ordered the binders to store my stamps (only have a few sets so far) I may show you - if it is good enough. Thanks for your inspiration.

  14. I take my time when I create, too. You can't hurry good art!

  15. Actually it's kind of a relief to hear that your creativity takes time. Sometimes I think I take way too long to get something done! LOL. Your binders are very cool!

  16. I love what you have done to the binders. The binder is on my Xmas wish list. If it's not under the tree then I'm headed to the convention in January. No doubt about it!!

  17. Your binders look fabulous and I'm learning so much from your Q & A's!!

  18. Wendy, thanks so much for answering my email about how to get your book! I can't wait to get it!! These binders look awesome! Now I'm off to Stampers Anonymous to order stamps! tee hee

  19. Wendy, I love the Q&A, I think I learn more about how an artist thinks by how they respond to people. I am a TURTLE when it comes to creating, I have a picture in my mind of how I want something to look, but sometimes I can't seem to find an efficient way to get there! Since I teach project classes, it's important to me for others to "get there" without feeling overwhelmed. I am really looking forward to receiving your book and the inspiration I KNOW I will find in it. I plan on using it to help others to get as addicted to your art as I am. We all want to MAKE ART! More books PLEASE! :-)

  20. Hi Wendy! Thanks for sharing the details of your binders. I'm dying to get your book. I already bought my ticket to see you at the Madison show in November, but I don't think I can wait that long to get your book:D

  21. 9-9-09 was a fabulous day! Love all the Q & A's! Thank you for sharing! Glad to know there are quite a few of us who can take a while to create something!

    32 days and counting! Can't wait to meet you in person!

    Linda H.

  22. Wendy,
    Thanks so much for the info on binders-your ideas are AWESOME!!!!!
    I love the grungepaper/grungeboard!Thanks for sharing your ideas with us!

  23. Love seeing the binder covers!! They look fabulous!!

  24. Thanks Wendy- you have really inspired me to make one of your Inspirational hangings. First effort, not terrific, but I'm willing to try, try again! :)

  25. Ok great, now I have to buy a binder. . . :.))) Love your ART!
