Saturday, October 10, 2009

by land, by air, by sea...FINALLY!

2 hours to Midway airport...
4 hours to LAX...

the big boat.


We're ready...I think...
and so very excited!

And we're happy to be leaving cold...ugly...rainy Illinois.
maybe it will be sunny & WARM when we return...
but then again...
probably NOT!

Here's the cruise logo that tim designed...
It's grungy & AWESOME...
Just what I LOVE!

Now...Some art...

If you're a frequent blog'll remember last month Robin sent me an adorable vintage coke bottle
filled with studio 490 grunge flowers... it's fall & she's done it again...
Here's some inspiration from Robin...

even the back is cute!

Here's the front...

Thanks Robin for sharing this cool idea...
I wonder what she's got planned for the winter arrangement?

THANKS SOOOOOOOO MUCH for the emails & well wishes for the cruise...
YOU GUYS are the best!

We'll be back next Monday...
Until then...
take care &


  1. Have a good one ... miss you already ... find out the date for the next one ... coz me and Hels are definitely coming X

    That vase is beautiful BTW

  2. Also want to say have a great cruise, wish I was there -can only dream of being on the next one! FAB idea with the bottle.

  3. Wendy....and all your lucky cruisers...have THE BEST time...I am sooo loving that little bottle...that is one clever lady :O)) **wonder if she would make one for me?**LOL

    Like Linda said.....WE ARE COMING ON THE NEXT CRUISE!!!!!!!! Only another 364 days to wait...patiently, ticking off the days, months...heck a whole year ....

    Cannot wait to see what fabulous art you all make

    Hugs xxx

  4. I really love seeing someone take your initial thoughts and transferring them into their own art. This vase of "wowers" are so great!

  5. Beautiful, Robin!!

    Wendy, have a great trip!! Can you imagine all the places you've been to since your first trip to CHA?! WOW!! I am so so happy for you! Have a wonderful time...can't wait to hear all about when you get back. xo

  6. Wendy you and Tim have a great trip, be careful and make lots of art- :)
    Dawn in MB,SC

  7. Great font for your logo...Bleeding cowboys is a favorite grunge font of mine! LOVE it!
    Great projects! TFS

  8. I want to be there, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (me crying) Next time!!!

  9. Have a wonderful time and make time to go shoping in Mexico. Love the bottle and flowers. Will miss you but enjoy. Yes, Illinois is turning ugly now. There was frost this morning!!!!

  10. Enjoy knowing a lot of us really wish we could be there too, making art! Have a great time!

  11. Bon Voyage! I wish I didn't have to work because I would be there in a second!!! Have a great time and behave yourselves at sea! ;-)

  12. Well I hear you missed the snow in Illinois!!
    Have a fab, fab, fab time on your artful voyage. I'd lurrrrrrrve to go to Mexico, and to combine it with and artful journey would just be heaven.

  13. Have a great time Wendy! Wish I was joining you this time. Love this little vintage bouquet! Very cool! Kathy Eddy

  14. have a brilliant time and look forward to seeing pics on your Blog, wonder if I could afford to drag along with Linda and Hels next year, most likely NOT SADLY, have the bestest crafty fun xx

  15. Have a wonderful time Wendy! Enjoy yourself.

    Elaine Allen

  16. Have a wonderful trip of Teaching, friends and FUN! I would love to go on an adventure like this some day, but I will have to rely on reports from all my friends that MAKE ART for now!

    Wuv the "wowers"!

  17. Have an awesome time (I'm sure you will) and I can't wait to hear all about it!!

  18. Someday I will go on one of those cruises, by gum! Have a lovely time!

  19. Me too one of these days a cruise would be perfect until then happy sailing to you!

  20. Girl you have such a FABULOSO TIME...can't wait to hear all about it!!

  21. have a fabulous time, wish I was there. Loving the bottle

  22. Wendy, thank you (and Rick!) SO very much for all you shared with us on the cruise! It was STUPENDOUS!!

    I hope you're getting some R&R now .. you certainly earned it!

  23. Hey Wendy,
    I miss you......I miss your blogging.....I miss your ART! I am ( and I'm sure we ALL are) looking forward to having you come back and share some pictures and some of the projects that you all made on the cruise! I hope you had a blast!
