Monday, October 5, 2009

oops and inspiration...

here's the oops...

A NOT SO NICE UPS driver dropped this off for Mario...
dropped it off...


Now take a look...
behind that car...

***a LONG way back...***

is the garage...
aka...Mario's studio... shipping central...

What was he thinking??? addition to getting 8 pallettes ready for our cruisers...
add this task to the TO-DO list...

and CARRY each box into the studio...
to be RELOADED...


What a BAD BAD UPS boy...
no Christmas card for him this year...

I found the labeling very interesting...
(Mario just might have another word for it...)

Look @ what's needed for just one box...
@ last count, Mario said he's labeled 172 boxes...

Can you even imagine?

I think he's earned a mojito or 2!

The freight hauler arrives on Wednesday & is responsible for getting all 8 pallettes delivered to the ship...

and yes...

that label says

We've heard loud & clear that you guys are so looking foreward to...
SHOPPING!! (me too!)

I think we can help you out!!

It won't be long now...
Let me tell you that we're all VERY excited!
We leave early Saturday morning...
not that we're counting the sleeps...

On to the inspiration...

like I said...
it really IS everywhere...

This is a Talbot's ad that came last week...

The sweater is cute...
but the colors were what caught my attention.

It inspired me to make this...

The heart is cut from a vintage quilt...
I picked these up @ an antique store...
probably 2 years ago.

It's one of those things that I would take out of the drawer...
and put right back.

But this ad inspired me to actually USE it!

It's amazing what a little bit of machine sewing adds...
a very small detail...
but it adds a lot to the end result.

Here's a closer look @ the odd bits & pieces...
They all just seemed to work well together.

studio 490, of course!


it's mostly graphic 45...

but the tiny text on the left is 7 gypsies...

a vintage bottler cap?
My new fav embellishment...

a vintage ruler?
Yep...I like it there...

The moral of today's post?

Keep your eyes wide open...
to really SEE what's around you...

there REALLY IS inspiration...

I hope you're inspired to...

make art!


  1. Your project turned out really nice. I won a RAK that was a box of fabric!! After the cruise ( I KNOW I AM SO EXCITED) I plan on making some fabric flowers.
    Thanks for sharing Wendy.

  2. beautiful!!! I wish I was cruisin' with you guys, you are going to have soooo much fun!!!

  3. Wow, that is really amazing! I love the quilted heart!

  4. Bad, bad, bad UPS man! Poor, poor, poor Mario - I think he deserves more than 2 Mojitos! Wendy, I love what you've done with your bits and pieces - super fantastic!

    Elaine Allen

  5. Beautiful! I enjoy seeing your fantastic work each time.
    I agree bad UPS guy. I have had them deliver a box of paper and just drop it at my door where the box and the paper reams broke. The worst time was when they took a pack of posters boards and ran them over and stepped on them.

  6. Seems like they just want to get those things off their trucks and they don't care where they land or what it looks like after! Love your quilted heart and all the embellishments! Can't wait to hear and see all about the cruise...I want to go where it is warm!

  7. What an awful delivery! I have never had an experience like that with UPS but then again I do not get that many boxes. He deserves a very nice vacation! Love your new piece. Makes me want to learn to sew but I don't think so! Thanks for sharing with us.

  8. Oooo, this is fabulous! And that UPS driver should be reported.

  9. Beautiful project Wendy!! Have a great time on the cruise!! What fun!

  10. LOVE what you made!! SO JEALOUS of your cruise!!

  11. Wondferul project, and I soooo wish I was going with you all... Can't wait to see what you get up to. Sneak peaks?? We won't tell anyone...

  12. Holy Tomato! What WAS the UPS driver thinking? Apparently he figured you have your own forklift. Argh! I'm glad could de-stress by making some art. Your quilted piece is adorable.

  13. So cool, Wendy! Love your creation! Have a great trip!

  14. I am suprised at the delivery being dumped just like that, goodness what was he thinking!!! although here in the UK it has been known for parcels to be thrown over back fences, help if you ever have breakables.

    I just love the piece of sewing art and how suprising where you got the inspiration, though I rather like that jumper, were you tempted to purchase one ?????????????
