Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I blinked...

and Monday was gone!
How did that happen???

Forget buying VOWELS...

I want to buy more hours for each day...
who gets that request?

Anyway... got a few emails to answer...
first one...

"I spent hours and looked thru your whole blog.
OMG...it's cool...I just might explode...
you showed some house photos...
I want to see more of your house & do you repurpose stuff in your home or just in your art? With dollars tight...I'll take any ideas you offer"

I do use oddball stuff in our house...
here's something I rescued from an antique store.
The price was huge...I think a whole $8.00...

It was filthy & Rick didn't even want it in the house...
so he pressure washed it & then saw what I saw...

The tag said it was a post from a table or bed?
Guess the owner didn't know for sure, so the price was very good...
It's flat on one side & fit perfectly in the entry...

Next question...
"I really like the mini Glossy Accents we used in class.
Can I buy them that size from you?"

Nope...we buy them for class use only...
and we can't sell them...
BUT...you can easily make your own...

When you have an empty Stickles bottle...
pull the top off...wash it out...
fill with Glossy Accents...
and you have the perfect travel size.

And this one came twice yesterday...

"PLEAAAAAZZZZZZZZZEEEEEEEEE...make us a bigger rose stamp. I need large really BADDDDDD. ok???????????"

HA! I try my best to please...stay tuned!

This made me laugh...
"Tim does Christmas tags every year for us, I think you should too."

REALLY? I can't be a copy cat...
I'll have to think of something different...

"What is the adhesive you recommend?"
That depends on what I'm doing...
I use Art Glitter glue for most things...
I also use Glossy Accents and Fabri-Tac from Beacon...
and I also like Claudine's multi medium in the matte finish ...

My best tip for adhesive is don't use too much.

The last for today...
"I have to ask, since you are doing so much with wool these days,... isn't the wool itchy? I steer clear of wool at all cost due to the itchy-ness. Tell the truth!! Itchy or not?!?!? Inquiring minds... "

Yep...I'm really getting into wool...
you'll see that below...

The little pieces I'm working on aren't itchy to make...

But...when I wear a wool sweater, I always have a T on or a turtleneck...just to make sure...
That cute scarf may be a tiny problem...
but I like it so I'll suffer...

OK...on to some art stuff...

I found these AWESOME...(they're BLACK) wool purses
and bought a bunch from the art girlz...
Enough for either a class...or possibly some kits...???

I made the purse 2 ways...
the first is finished...it's all GRUNGE...

I glued the leaves on, so they're there to stay...but I added the flowers with tie tacs, so they can be removed & easily changed to coordinate with whatever you're wearing...
just pop them off...and pop on some new colors...

The second is a work in progress...it's not finished...
it's done with wool...

The 2 smaller flowers are my "rose" stamp...

I used Snowcap white pigment ink...

stamped it...dried it then covered up the image with the wool...

Another way to USE stamps...on fabric...

Here's a better shot...test driving that button...

I have some film strip ribbon to send to...

SusanK said...
I don't throw anything away immediately. Anything that can possibly be used is kept in another spot. I can't tell you how many tiny scraps I keep but you just never know when they'll be just the perfect thing for your next project. Filmstrip ribbon - ooh la la!
November 13, 2009 2:46 PM

Susan, please send you address & you'll get a fun little something from me...
Wanna win? Gotta leave comments...
that's how it works...
more tomorrow...I HOPE!
Take care...
make art!
ps...YIPPEE...just got an email from ZACH...
with new images...
EDITED after checking them out...
I think you might like these!
I do...


  1. Wow, lots of info today! I love the wool stuff...but I can't even touch wool or my skin breaks out in a rash! Love it when you answer questions and show us your house...real life you know! So what did Zach have to say????

  2. The purses are really cute - it is amazing what you create using your stamps. Can't wait for the new ones.

  3. Congrats to SusanK!
    Cute purses. I love that thing you put on your door...whatever it is lol.

  4. Love the purses! The colors on the 2nd one .. yummmm!

    You "think" we might like your new stamps??? Hahahahahaha...you're so funny! You know we will LOVE them!

  5. Oh, go on, show us a peak of the new stamps.. we won't tell anyone, honest!

  6. Wendy I missed you yesterday. I always check to see what you are up to.

  7. woohoo! can't wait to see the new stuff! very cute purse!

  8. i would also LOVE a bigger rose. and a daisy. and a huge bracket for a 12 x 12 page. and a wide filmstrip stamp maybe??? as well as a bell....please...please....love your purses - and the grunge is stunning!!! AND can you please show your studio? or tell us how to ORGANISE when you are not an ORGANISER?? I am so FRUSTRATED - i have a room full of stuff and i don't know HOW to organise it!!! we don't have an IKEA in SOUTH AFRICA............HELP!!!

  9. Really cute purses. Have not made the leap to fabric since I do not sew. I do have a wool purse that I bought at a craft show a long time ago and that may have to come out and get grunged up. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. Loving those little purses....Oh so cute! .... Cannot WAIT to see your new stamp designs...how many sheets will there be please? Need to know so I can get saving...either that or start whittling at OH so he gets worn down and buys them for me ROFL...have a good day xx

  11. The purses are great! Love the "changable" flower idea! Can't wait to see the new stamps!

    Congrats SusanK on winning the film strip ribbon!


  12. Oh, those purses are fabulous! I love the idea of attaching the flowers with tie tacks (like we did on the apron). Are you going to try to make some of your own wool purses?
    Eileen in NYC

  13. I went in search of cheap wool today, like a scarf in a thrift store but everything is acrylic. Since I don't throw anything away, I guess I'll be tossing clothes out of drawers to see if there is some hidden wool in the bottom of one of them.

  14. Cute purses!
    How about "A Dozen Flowers for Spring" by Wendy Vecchi... starting in the Spring of 2010 you could do 12 days on your blog of Studio 490 floral fun! I'm sure "a few" of your other readers might like this idea, too... anyone else? Give a shout out if you want MORE FLOWER FUN, Contests, Giveaways, stamping and inking ideas from our fabulous Wendy this Spring!
    I DO!

  15. I'm starting the chant for Kits with the black wool purses (please!!!)Those are amazing!
    KIT,KIT,KIT!!! Love your ideas Wendy! :)

  16. Wendy -

    I think that one of my favorite things about your blog is the look of your entries. What do I mean? Well, you can always tell by looking at it when you have something really interesting or important to tell us because you either make the lettering: small, very large, a different color, or bold. I love the purses.

    Elaine Allen

  17. I agree with one of the other comments - you should do 12 days of something for us!!! Of course it could be Valentines day or easter (especially since you like flowers - you could do 12 days of Easter flowers)...

    Love the black felt purse - bet is looks even better IRL!

  18. Love the purse!!! Oh, BTW...the mini Jennie Bowlin papers arrived at my house, safe and sound yesterday!!! Yipeee!!! Thanks so much. And, it is just like you to send it in a "special" box!!! I know I can do something to alter that Maya Road tin. What a fun way to get mail. Thanks again Wendy. Hisses, Rockin Robin Caldwell

  19. I love reading all your fantastic tips and hints. Your projects are amazing.

  20. We wanna seeeeee -said in my best whiney voice-... lol... actually I hardly ever whine... can't stand it if the kids do it. Great ideas!! Love the purses... very cool idea to switch out the grunge flowers!!!

  21. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this weekend in Madison!!! I got into your Friday class and I have my piggy-bank waiting exclusively to spend on Wendy stamps:D

  22. Those purses are adorable!

    Love the tip on the stickles/glue! It makes perfect sense!

    AND, I love the tags that Tim does, but I think you should come up wtih something like that too!!! Anything Christmas would be fantastic!

    Have a great day!

  23. Love your purses! A little peek at the new stamps would be nice :)

  24. I like the idea of you doing something like tims christmas tags. Maybe 12 different ways to use the same stamp!

  25. Not jason. Lisa. Dont you love google?

  26. I love the purses and your flowers! Can't wait to play with you in Madison on Friday!

  27. I love the wool purse with the wool flowers!!!!!

  28. Can I PLEASE second (or third, or fifth, or 227th) the motion for a large rose stamp??? I love the smaller rose I have now...but I soooo want MORE! HEEHEE! Also...every so often you create these flowers that just seem so much larger than the stamps themselves...and with a surface unlike others...specifically the rose stamp, and the surface appears glossy...have you applied a layer of glossy accents? must know!!! oh...and thank you for the regular dose of inspiration and reminder to keep creating every day!

  29. I've got "wool" on my list of things to get at the Goodwill Store next year to try my hand at some "stuff". I just KNOW it's going to be another one of those craft things that I get all into *sigh* but big smiles!

  30. love the bags - they are very Wendy Vecchi!

  31. Oh I would like the rose done is a larger size also!! I think the bags are great also!!

  32. These are fab Wendy :)
    You mentioned the mini misters in your previous post and I've found them to be the best for shimmery mists. I've got 2 other types and they all leak or spray blobs and I know of another make that does the same. I think the reason the mini misters are so great is 'cos they have 2 springs in as opposed to others that only have one ;)
    Anne xx

  33. Love your new treasure it is wonderful. . .new stuff is always welcome by me.

  34. NICE - what a great post; I love your blog!!! And thanks for answering all those "inquiring minds want to know" questions! :D

  35. Love the idea of tie-tacking the flowers so they can be changed. And, yes, a larger rose...larger is good.

  36. Love the little black wool bags and embellies. If you ever do a class, I'll be there!

  37. Love the wool bags!!! A larger rose stamp would be great!!! Can't wait to see your new stamps!!!

  38. Hi Wendy,
    I love the wool purse!!! I agree a larger rose stamp is a MUST!!!
    I also agree that you should show us some Christmas tag/card ideas. I asked Tim and he said he didn't know if he would have time to do the Christmas tags this year, but he will try. I think the more ideas the better. PLEASE consider this.......
    Keep on makin art!!!
