Thursday, November 5, 2009

today...just random stuff

One of the things that's hard for me with this...
... job?
(whatever it is I do...) not sure what to call it...

is not sharing...
I've made art...but for now it's top secret CHA stuff...
not to be seen my anyone...

believe kills me...
I like sharing...

I've discovered a few little fun things...
new ways to use products...
new ways to combine products...
but I guess that will have to wait... dilema...
How can I blog with no photos???
What CAN I share???
The agony of it all...

So...looking thru the archive for photos...

did I show you this?
it was my fragment art workshop from the cruise...

some studio 490 stamps, some papers...some embellishments...

the one on the far left...and the star on the second are
from a mini jenni bowlin bingo card...

it's fun to layer on #2...

those little black dots...
are from the Sakura Glaze pen...
I'm addicted...

the awesome pearl accents are from Prima...
they are so pretty........
our cruisers got them too...

They're fun to use as a whole or cut them up & use just bits & pieces...
like on the one to the right of "make art"...
and best of all...
they REALLY do stick very well!

Hmmm...what else?

I LOVE Southwest Airlines...
got my free round trip flight voucher yesterday & 4 drink coupons...
Life it good...

Did you know that for $10.00 each way you can get early check-in @ Southwest & good seats?
Well worth it in my opinion...

And bags fly free...
unless they weigh 90 pounds, like mine!
YIKES...that is NOT a good thing...

That's the end of that infomercial...

More randomness...

After much consideration...
we got Blackberries...
Hmmm...we just might even do texting and get into this century...

The main reason is I can be notified via text message about flight certainly does no good to get them via email, when we're already on the road & headed toward the airport...

with no access to email...

So...MR TAX MAN...
it REALLY IS a business related expense...
HONEST! At least mine is...
Rick is on his own!'s a little progress made...
while watching the world series...

remember this from the other day?...

It's almost there...
just need to get rid of those fuzzies...
and add a few more tiny accents...

The stitching isn't perfect...but I don't care...

I think I'll make several of these guys...
and this is how I'll present gift cards this Christmas...

They're FUN for me to make and a little something extra for the recipient...

and in other breaking news...
I got my first NEW STAMP IMAGES from Zach today...


and I'll be sending more to him in a bit............

now when those come...
I just know I'll be so anxious to...

make art!


  1. Oh, man .. with the teasers, again?? *lol*
    I love the Fragment necklaces we made - they are such fun! And you're among us in Crackberry land now, huh? The flight status info is one of the very best apps - to me, anyway.
    Your felting is so pretty! New art journeys are fun!

  2. I love pictures Wendy ... but I also just love to read your posts ... but what I love best of all are your stamps ... I am soooooooooooooooo excited ... when can I have some??????? I sure do hope it is soon X

  3. Forget the gift card!!! I think the gift card holder would be a great gift!!!! LOVE IT!! Your updates are inspiring, and when you share art, undescribable! Enjoy your day.

  4. I LOVE my fragments necklace and keep adding to it. I told Sherry I better stop or I'll be bent over wearing it....she said, "oh, just make another." Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?
    Love the gift card holders...but I incapable of sewing on such a scale. Attaching an occasional button is as far as I'll go.
    Eileen in NYC

  5. The fragments are really cool. Might have to get some of that chainy stuff to make some jewelry. I really love the felted bags you have made. Thanks for sharing and the teasing as well!

  6. CANNOT WAIT!!!! I quite literally cannot wait to see your new sooo excited!!! Loving your fragments too...FAB!!! xx

  7. I love love love the pictures, thank you for showing them xx

  8. This is lovely Wendy - and 'not perfect' is perfectly fine; though the stitching looks good to me ;)
    Anne xx

  9. LOVE the gift card holders. I may have to start sewing again! I also love my fragments necklace from the cruise. It will be a "work in progress" for a long time. There are so many possibilities.
    Thank you!

  10. Oooo, I love all the fun fragments. Way cool.

  11. I love the sakura embossing pens. Perfect for those times you don't have your heat gun handy but have to make art NOW!
