Saturday, December 12, 2009

an INK-credible day...

here's a very quick update...

DRUMROLL...we got to play with tim's 12 new distress ink colors...

AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better than you could ever hope for..
colors we have REALLY NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!

How many will you want?
Believe me...all 12!
WOW!!! We'll have a whole new color make art!

A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALAIN Avrillion (co-owner of Ranger) for PERSONALLY making the new pads...
and overnighting them to tim for us to play. are THE BEST...I wish you could have heard the cheers & excitement in the room...
you would have been very pleased.

we got to use tim's brand new dies for cutting grunge...paper...whatever...

OMG...I had to get a kleenex to mop up the drool...

Again...BEYOND COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could barely sleep...
I was dreaming of all the possibilities...

We made 5 projects yesterday...and had a total blast...
We had awesome food again provided by Mario & Michele...
THANK YOU GUYS so much...
I hope my jeans fit when I leave...

It's getting busy & I'm still in my that's it for now.

The moral of today's story?
Save your Christmas cash/gift certificates for these new inks & die's...
I'm just WILL want these REALLY bad!

OK...let today's fun begin!


I AM...
mak(ing) art!


  1. Oh what fun; you are fabulous at creating exciting...must we wait till Christmas?


    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Oh sounds like you are having the time of your life! How exciting to be there!!! How many of you are there? I seen pics on Debby Schuh blog and oh my fun!!! Enjoy!!!

  3. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! I am so envious! It is so much fun to follow your blog Wendy. Thank you for sharing your ideas & heads up on new product! 12 more new inks? Just when I thought I had them all!! However, I always look forward to more new products! When you introduce your new stamps, I will also be ready for them!!!!!! Continue having a BLAST doing what you are doing!!! As a teaser.......I will be sharing some fantastic news with you soon!!!!!

  4. 12 new colours????? Oh wow, want them now, can't wait! when can we see them?! Am just getting in a mess with some grunge flowers for Tim's day 12 tag, yikes!

  5. Thanks for the heads up, Wendy!!! Looking forward to the new colors--Distress Inks are my absolute favs!!!! Have fun playing with all the new goodies!!

    12 new colors??!!! I want them NOW!
    OOoo OOooo OOooo I can't wait! Couldn't we get a sneak peak? just a hint of what's to come?? Oh Please ask Tim if you could!
    And dies? Do they go through the grungeboard or only the paper???
    Oh Santa I've been good...sneak me some T!m Stash please! LOL

  7. I need to start rearranging to make room for 12 more ink pads!! You are so lucky to get to play with all of the new stuff!!! All sneak peeks appreciated.

  8. Since I love the original pads I know I'll have to have all 12 of the new ones (and the reinkers). Thanks for the heads up.

  9. Woooohooo!!!!

    Can't wait to see new distress colors. How exciting!

  10. My mind is on overload at all the possibilities of the descriptions of these new toys! OMG, I just can't wait...please tell us they'll be out VERY SOON!!!!

  11. oh my gosh, could it get any better...I wish I could have been there. I am saving my gift certificates for that!!!

  12. Well, now I know what to do with that gift card I got for Hanukkah! thanks for the heads up, Wendy. I almost used it for shoes. Wait! I can do both! (Didn't want you to faint at the thought of NOT getting new shoes).
    Back to the GP roses....
    Eileen in NYC

  13. I'm a gentle shade of holiday green right now - can't wait to see the new colors and dies - thanks for the tease Wendy!!

  14. Tim's got new colours!? I'm only now catching up with the ORIGINAL colours. Can't wait to see them though.

  15. I was hoping you would give ua a snick pick.

  16. Wendy,
    OMG!!OMG!!! 12 new colors and die sets too!!!!
    Can't wait!!!Can't wait!!!!
    Can you give us a little clue....

  17. Everything sounds amazing & I haven't even seen them yet lol! How exciting. Enjoy your day.

  18. New inks and dies? Hope Santa gives me some cash for some new stuff. Can you show us some peeks in the future?

  19. Ok,I'm drooling too! My wish list is getting longer.
    LOL What fun.
    Sounds like an awesome event.
    Tim has his roses on a tag today.
    I want to make some of those..
    Have a great weekend. Off to play

  20. Fantastic news! I am looking forward to seeing the new colors.

  21. Dies? did I hear dies!!!! and new ink colors!! I can't wait! Thanks for posting Wendy!

  22. Whoop whoop! Can't wait to get my hands on the new ink colours..........and whats this about dies?? Tims obviously better at keeping secrets than you cos I'm sure he hasn't mentioned any of this new stuff on his blog! LOL

  23. Sounds like you're having a blast. New dies??? oooooooooooooo!

  24. OHHHHHH - I can only imagine the squeals of joy - DIES ??? WHAT - HUH - DID I HEAR RIGHT ???? oh my goodness, I can't wait to see

  25. Wendy -

    Glad you are having fun and thanks for the update. Hey if there is any of that fantastic food left over, can you send it our way? Same with the new colors and dies - I'm just saying!

    Elaine Allen

  26. 12 NEW distress ink colors? NEW dies? Ohhhhhhhhhhh Santa, please bring lots of gift certificates......

    Can't wait to see them and use them!Linda

  27. Wow, 12 new distressed colours .... and new dies!!! anticipation .... can't wait. Thanks for sharing Wendy.

  28. Very excited here!!!! When can we get them???LOL???

  29. Oh Wendy that is very exciting!!! - I hope you will give a few hints (or pics) when you are able. Enjoy your inky experience.

  30. Oh flippen 'ek, I'm still collecting the distress ink pads - I LOVE them! Justgot pine needles and fired brick today ready for Christmas.
    I love new colours, how exciting to know new ones are coming out :) Glad my birthday is in March, I think that should be good timing for the ink pads arriving here in the UK ;)

  31. new distress ink colors. . . oh why did I buy those other ink pads???

  32. Twelve new colors!!!!!!!!!! Good gravy, I'm also working on getting the ones he already! I simply can't wait for these to come out and dies too! Pleeeeaaaassseee...just a couple of hints:))))
    Thanks Wendy!

  33. On Vacation and getting inky all in one trip...and shopping,too! You are one lucky girl. Can't wait for you to get we can see your art!

  34. 12 new ink colors? It boggles the mind. I suppose they'll be unveiled at CHA? Suh-weet!

  35. Goodie. I have started saving my money, for your new stuff too.

  36. How totally awesome!!! The whole experience sounds to-die-for!!! And 12 new colors... AND new dies... AND we have to wait!!!!! ugh.... sigh.... ok, I'm alright :) Have a safe trip back!!!

  37. So glad you are able o spend time with Tim and his new toys!
    Looking forward to seeing the new items!!

  38. It has been so much fun reading about your escapades while in Arizona. It sounds like many well-deserving crafters will be leaving the Hideaway while floating on Cloud 9! Have a safe journey home and by the way, Happy Birthday! LeAnn

  39. Color me Christmas green with envy!

  40. You are one lucky woman to be at Tim's Hideaway... Can't wait to see what you created and NEW pads and dies.... be still my pounding heart!

    give mario a big smooch!

  41. I can hear my fiance now - more colors Oh No! as I go to get them when they come to stores.

  42. I spent my weekend in total envy of you all at Tim's! I'm sure you had an absolute blast! Are you going to share pictures of what you created? Hope so! Oh, and to be in Prescott ... love that town! Next year, we cruisers are gonna crash HH ... lol

  43. Have you recovered from all the fun and excitement yet?
    I KNOW I want all the new colors!

  44. Color me pea green with envy. I should have known more ink colors were on the way because I just placed an order for the rest of the reinkers to go with all the pads. I thought my collection was complete now, but no I need 12 more! Enjoy all the creative time.

  45. Ohhhhhhh Wendy! I received my prize package today. Thank you so much! Your book is delightful--TRUST ME-- ;). And I can't wait to create something with the chipboard album and the embellishments you included. Thank you again for brightening my days with your blog and your art.

  46. I can't wait to see what you have been up to.

  47. Oh! How teasing!! I can't wait to see what they are.

  48. Definetly saving up for those! Thanks for the heads up!

  49. much suspense!...when do we get to see everything???

  50. much suspense!...when do we get to see everything???

  51. Oh sure, I have all my inks all nice and neat in my TH ink metal box and they fit perfectly and now he is coming out with 12 new ones? Momma gonna need a new carrier, because she's gonna have the new 12inks!!!!!!!

  52. Yes, I distress ink tin is used daily!!...oh but I do know there are times when I have so wanted another color...hope another red, orange, violet..........Do we have to wait until CHA???

  53. Wendy,
    PLeeeeeeeeaaasseee hurry home!!! We can't wait to see what you and Tim have been up to!!!! We miss you every day!!!! I keep thinking 12 NEW distress pads and OMG!!! 5 die sets!!!! OMG!!!OMG!!OMG!!!
    Hope you give us an inside peek!!
