Thursday, January 14, 2010

this PRE-CHA stuff is soooooooo fun!

Caroline showed the new Classic Label coaster yesterday...

Here's the cover of my booth sample...
this is a fun size...about 3 1/2 x 4 1/2..

And I'm still LOVIN' the minis...
sounds like you guys do too!

Here's the top of the 2 page spread it's in another album...
the bottom is shown in yesterday's post...

More FATE...

Shopping tip...if you LOVE the minis...

Grab some of tim's hitch fasteners...
They are PERFECT to hang a Maya Road hanger...

I LOVE it when things!
Make sure you pop over to the Maya Road blog to see more NEW products later today...
It's a fun reveal...
Come back tomorrow...
I'll see what I can find to show you!
Enjoy the day &
make art!
wendy about tim's new Sizzix dies?
Pure genius ideas!
Wait 'til you see the


  1. Wendy, I am Lovin' it all!!! The book cover is gorgeous!! All the sewing stuff is too fun!!!

  2. SIMPLY GENIUS. You really showed off BIG time, didn't you???

  3. Lovin the minis and Tim's sizzex dies. And your coaster is beautiful...the pearls! Thanks for sharing

  4. Your coaster cover is beautiful as usual! Can't wait to see your new line........

  5. I'm so in love with your roses!! And that cute dress is just.... CUTE!

    I don't want to work, I wanna PLAY!!!!

  6. Oh I looove your coaster!!! Its beautiful!

  7. Ooh wow,2 gorgeous pieces of art Wendy, I especially lurve that coaster yessiree ;) And yes Tim's dies are to die for hehe :)
    Anne xx

  8. The booth sample's so pretty - but, I have to say, I LOVE the "shirt" one even more! Hmmm ... I need to talk with Heidi about pre-ordering...
    Thank you for sharing the pre-CHA excitement with us - it's a blast!

  9. Ooo Lovely Wendy!
    Tim's dies? FABULOUS> Want/need/must have them all I think!

  10. the wonderful inspiration. What fun! Can't wait to order new stuff to play with! :D
    Thank you.

  11. Keep the pre show shopping tips coming ... as for the art work ... you rock!!!
    My post CHA shopping list is growing by the minute ... so the more I get before the less guilt I feel after :0)

  12. Love,love,love it. Can you do something with the soccer ball coaster. My friends dauchters are soccer stars. She did not get too excited when I showed her the blank sampels.

  13. New minis, new colors, new dies and new stamps. Who could want for anything more???

  14. So loving everything... thanks for the tip on tim holtz/hanger... that is so smart!

  15. Wish I could come to CHA and see it all in person! How about a little video blogging like Tim does? If you need your own personal video grapher: have flip, will travel! LOL!

  16. Siempre me quedo alucinada con tus entradas, son realmente espectaculares. Felicidades.

  17. Oh so pretty I can not wait to see them in person. . .

  18. I'm in love with the new sewing themes, every little one of those minis. Can't wait to get my inky little fingers on them ;-) Brilliant!
    Vicki B in OP

  19. So many wonderful new things...out with the old or build a bigger house? Hmmmm.

  20. Wow, can't wait for the new book now; was anxious before but am really loving that cover and the sewing sampler. Great choices! Kathy

  21. Wonderful samples. I am loving all that I see. The new colors are great too! Thank you for showing us what is new.

  22. Gorgeous! I have loved everything I have seen so far!!!

  23. Holy Cannolli! Lovin' everything! As for those hitch fasteners....seems like every day I learn a new use for them. They are awesome!
    Eileen in NYC

  24. I keep thinking I won't be buying anything new, as I already have everything I need...WRONG! Just checked the Maya Road site, and there's too much to even think about!

  25. Love that new checkerboard background, I assume it's a new one? lol. These peeks are great. I just love that new MR chip...

  26. Wendi -

    Great "stuff". That's what I tell my husband when he asks what I have in the bag "just stuff"! I love what you do with your "stuff". Fantastic!

    Elaine Allen

  27. I have to add to the adoration! I love the coaster, and that you've given the size for us. Keep 'em comin' lol!

  28. Using your stamps with minis, sewing and cooking, I am picturing a great Mothers day project. Love the all of Tim's new dies, I will be stocking up on grungepaper and grungeboard.

  29. Cool stuff, can't wait to see in person! I am luving every peak, you are gona' cause me to loose sleep, I can't wait!

  30. Oh my poor wallet...can't wait...I want to go home right now!

  31. Awesome stuff !! Hitch fastners for the hangers .. you've gotta love it. I want everything on the shelves now .. I can't wait. I guess it wouldnt' hurt to have a couple more weeks to save money though :) LOL

  32. Thanks for the tip on Tim's hitch fasteners. They do all go together prfectly, don't they? ;)

  33. sitting here squeaking with excitement at those new Maya Road mini's...I am already totally addicted to all things Maya Road as it is ... think I will have to start saving...and fast LOL

  34. The nager on the hitch is so cute! I love your projects. :)

  35. Super cute!. I'm lovin' all the peeks (or are they actually reveals at this point). Tim's Sizzix dies are great but how about some Wendy dies. Any chance we could get that lucky?

  36. This is gonna be a great crafting year!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. hi Wendy,

    Loving all the sneak peeks and can't wait to see them for real. I'll be at CHA so I'll come over and say hi again. I already have a pre- order in for the new distress colours and will be putting an order in with Ted, I'm sure!


  38. Tim and Wendy's products sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G...what great art they make together.

  39. I love the clothes Wendy. I cant wait to see them.
    Hugs from the beach!
    Dawn in Sc

  40. Well, between your new stamps, maya road, tim's new things what's a girl to do .... buy'em all I guess. Thanks for sharing.

  41. All of the new CHA items I have seen so far are great.
    Have a great CHA time!!

  42. look forward to checking yours and tim's blogs every day for sneak peeks of such cool new stuff! thanks to both of you for sharing your genius!! :)

  43. I stopped over at the Maya Road site to day - let's hear it for the HUGE bottle caps!!! Will you be making a project using them????

  44. OMGoodness!!! Love the 1st booth sample!! What is the 2nd layer?

  45. I am lovin Tim's new dies. Your projects are amazing.

  46. hi...totally luvin this...luv your colors always....where will we be able to get this stuff ASAP? I have things to make girls! need it NOW...or yesterday even lol...mmmmmmm xoxo cher

  47. YES! I've seen the dies... and I can't wait to get a set for myself! All these peeks are so exiting! YAY... SAMPLES!!!

  48. I'm overwhelmed with all the new products. Love your samples and all the new Maya Road stuff. Everything is "sew" cute!

  49. lots of great stuff out there this release ... love, love, love Tim's new sizzix!
    You know Wendy - you could have some too - those beautiful vine of leaves you have ... your roses ....

  50. thanks for the peeks every day....better than the product peeks is seeing the art you make with them...can't wait until tomorrow...nonnie

  51. I'm so lovin all the peaks, and can't wait to see the actual sets. You're killin me, Wendy!!! I know i'm going to NEED all the new sets to add to my collection and all of Tim's new colors. Love, love, love Wild Honey, Rusty Hinge, Tumbled Glass & the sage color. I also NEED to win the lottery to pay for them all! LOL

  52. oh my , this is just stunning, I'm in love!

  53. Love your projects....that grunge rose is gorgeous!

  54. SO much shopping to do! I love the sewing theme and your chipboard label with the rose is amazing. Can't wait for it all to be in stores.

  55. Thanks for the link to the Maya Road blog ... just what I needed ... another blog to follow! But, you're right! Oodles & oodles of fun stuff to play with! Can't wait!--Stephanie

  56. All this time I have been following your blog and did not realize you lived in Ill. I always thought you were located close to Tim for some reason. I am in MO, so maybe it won't be so hard to catch one of your classes close to home some time.

  57. Say, Wendy...did you ever get your birthday cabinet home? Did I miss the photo(s)?

  58. Check out the Maya Road Blog site!! A lot of great projects to see and I especially like the new Maya Resist. Like the site says, "Maya Resist is a pretty darn cool product." Can't wait to try that product out.

  59. I ran over here ... just been to Tim's place ... fell and grazed me knees and everything .... is it you???? Is it???? The ticket stamp??? Is it??? huh???? Is it????

  60. How sweet. I really am going to have to break down and get that rose stamp.

  61. This is fabulous & I LOVE Tim's bigz dies.
