Saturday, January 16, 2010

You better grab a beverage...

we got lots to cover today!

Starting with some answers to some questions...

#1...I stopped over at the Maya Road site to day - let's hear it for the HUGE bottle caps!!! Will you be making a project using them???? flowers (see yesterday's post!) gigantic caps either! I'll see if I can snag one or 2 @ CHA and a photo of a sample...

#2...OMGoodness!!! Love the 1st booth sample!! What is the 2nd layer?

This was a question about the classic label coaster in the earlier post...

The second layer is a Maya Road scallop frame that I altered with a rusting solution...and then covered with Rock Candy Distress Stickles...I LOVE the look...

I have a project in the new book, using "that product" on different chipboard...

#3...where will we be able to get this stuff ASAP? I have things to make girls! need it NOW...or yesterday even lol.'s what I know so far...

Tim's new distress ink colors will ship right after CHA...

My book...shipping in February.

Tim's new book...ready to ship!

My stamps & Tim's are done & will ship after CHA...

95% of Maya Road is ready to ship right after CHA... just a few things will ship later.

Tim's Sizzix dies...YIKES...I'll have to ask him & get back to you.

#4...Wendy...did you ever get your birthday cabinet home? Did I miss the photo(s)?'s still @ the MIL'S...It won't fit in the studio, so we'll redo the office...paint etc...then bring it home.

It's #1 on the priority list as soon as I get back from CHA. I WILL show you...I promise!

#5...Tell us about uses for the Maya Resist stuff...

SORRY...didn't get any of that either! But it's on my order. I think it will be fun. I have an idea...not sure if it will work...but I want to try! I'll keep you posted.

#6...I ran over here ... just been to Tim's place ... fell and grazed me knees and everything .... is it you???? Is it???? The ticket stamp??? Is it??? huh???? Is it???

NOPE!!! Not me!! Must be "you know who".

#7... Love the minis and I'm so in love with your blouse stamp and I also love the mannequin mini. And is that a tape measure/ruler stamp I spy with my little eye? Oh yummy!

That is a stamp from Maya Road & lucky you...
it's available now! No waiting on this one! I use it lots!

#8...I have birds all over my house...I'm BEGGING...please show the whole @%*& bird...I want that bird now!

OK OK...hold your horses! YIKES! I'm scared!

Here he is...stamped on grungepaper & inked with the NEW tumbled glass...

#8...Will you be showing a sample using the new Maya Road soccer ball book?

Nope...that wasn't one of my assignments...
I'm betting that one of the other design team members did...I'll TRY to get a photo for you @ CHA... you say, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the visionary. is the text stamped over her?

Nope...that's built right into the stamp...
Here's what she looks like...
she just started getting ready to be added to a project...

the only thing that I added is the NEW alphabet stamp... said larger much larger?

How about 2 largers???
That gives us more options...
to make not only roses...
but flowers like this...

#11... Ideology art... we want to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please promise you'll show us what you created today!-- can do! Tim hasn't shown any of "this" I can't.

But I will say...prepare to be amazed!
Have I steered you wrong yet?
Trust me! COOLLLLLLLLL STUFF is coming soon!

#12...will tim show us his design team samples on his blog? has he ever? i'm always needing ideas to get started

Hmmm...I do remember that he did a video from his Advantus booth and that showed lots of projects.

As far as individual pieces...

Guess we wait & see...but I will show you after CHA, for sure.

#13...any more sayings for that bottle stamp?

I only made the one specific label stamp(for now)...but you can make then by combining words...

using the labelmaker etc...

using just one word from a stamp...

there are LOTS of possibilities...

#14...I'm on the fence about the fillable pens but I love what you did with the bottle. I wondered if that was vellum or a transparency.

It's stamped on a Hambly transparency, which is much thicker than the regular office type.

The fillable pen is AWESOME...I especially love it for changing the color of bling. Because it is like a pen, you have perfect control & can ink just a single pearl...or gem to make perfectly coordinating embellishments.


#15...what is the curly stuff coming out of the visionary hat? Looks like it sticks...what did you do to it to let it be free flowing?

It's bling from Prima...I LOVE IT!

I chopped off a piece to fit...and made it less sticky by tapping it on my jeans. It's on a clear carrier? that keeps the scroll shape. It's COOL stuff!

#16...Question: On the artful voyage cruise, I think you gave us a tip on how to refill our small squeeze bottles of Claudine Hellmuth's multi-medium. If you did, I've slept way too many times since then and would love to know what the trick is again. I got the lid off the bottle, but made an absolute mess trying to get additional multi-medium into the squeeze bottle! Is there an easy way? thanks.

There sure is...just pull the tip off....the whole have to pull pretty hard...

fill it & put the plug back in place. your empty stickles bottles....wash them out & you can fill them with glossy accents or multimedium.

I like the distress stickles bottle better for the multi medium, because the tip has a larger opening.

#17...ooooooo, that bottle stamp is simply fantastic! i can NOT wait for my LSS to start getting your wonderful line. where will i be able to purchase your new products online?

These places have GREAT customer service...
and they will be @ CHA...
so they'll be among the first to have the new things...


Simon Says Stamp

#18...can I get all the new inks from you or can I buy them from Ranger to get them quickly?

NO...sorry...I don't sell products...(only my books)
and Ranger sells to stores only, not individuals...
BUT...I do see some AWESOME package deals

HERE... and HERE...

#19...I know you are busy, but can you explain sometime how you do CHA work...
I guess my question is do you do what projects you want? Do you have to follow a specific theme? How do you decide what to demo?

It's a little different for each company...

For Ranger...they will send a list and say that they need new samples for "these certain 25 products"...
then I can look thru the list & choose which products I want to work with. So, basically, I can choose my own assignments.

For the demo part of it, I'm assigned specific products that they would like me to highlight. So, this CHA I'll be showing lots of fun ways to use the Adirondack line of products...I really like to combine them with Perfect Pearls, in some new that is a fun assignment.

I'll be making some tag samples today to have on my demo table. Maybe I'll share them here...

Maya Road sends new say the "minis" or a new coaster album and I can use them however I want on a project. They don't give a specific theme to follow.

For Tim's idea-ology...he sends cool stuff & says...make cool stuff in your style...simple!

My stamps...I just do what I want...

Ok...we better come to an end for today before your little eyes get tired...

But, before I go...I wanted to show you this...
using NEW and current stamps...
and tumbled glass & bundled sage...
My new favorite combo...

And this is fun...I really do use up scraps of grunge...

this photo is in the book...
and it looks like a portion of the house stamp???????

Come back on Monday...the Maya Road peeks will continue...
You'll like what you see...for sure!
and maybe more studio 490 reveals here on Monday too!
Enjoy your weekend...
I'm off to make (Adirondack) art (samples)!


  1. Wow! No-one else commented yet. I love today's post, what a lot of fab information.,i just LOVE that visionary, and as fot the larger roses - oh yes, please!! Can't wait for shipping. Thanks and make great art, Wendy.

  2. Wow! No-one else commented yet. I love today's post, what a lot of fab information.,i just LOVE that visionary, and as fot the larger roses - oh yes, please!! Can't wait for shipping. Thanks and make great art, Wendy.

  3. The little checked flower on your sample today is so gorgeous. I do like the colour combo of tumbled glass and bundled sage too. I hope you will be able to share some of your tag sample photos. We are all creative sponges waiting to soak up your inspiration ;o)

  4. You are so generous with sharing! Since CHA is coming so soon, I hope that allows you to release more new goodies in the next few days.

  5. Thanks for the info today. Love the new stamps and can't wait to get your new book. You are amazing!

  6. Thanks Wendy for all the information!
    It is very interesting. I love the bird!

  7. I so enjoy following your blog - you always take the time to share so much information - thank you for that !!!

  8. Wendy,
    Where do you get all your energy? It must be the time of year, but I am tired and cold and tired of being tired and cold! I am ready for Spring, so when you get to CA please send some warmth to VA. I would be greatly appreciative! Happy weekend and thanks for sharing.

  9. Thanks for all the great information and tips ... looking forward to more sneak peaks before CHA. Enjoy your weekend

  10. Really love the new size of flower stamps and the bird! Thanks for sharing today.

  11. Thaks for answering all those great questions! Whew, I 'm tired just reading it all. I can't wait to get both of the new books! Kathy

  12. You seem to have so much energy and I'm guessing some of it is the high you get when working on stuff for CHA and new things. But when you get the chance, how do you unwind after a supercharged day? Are you able to fully relax, sit back and 'let your hair down'? Keep up the good work - I LOVE all that you've shared...ditto for MR and TH.

  13. It's Saturday ... you little blogger ... I nearly missed all this arty goodness :0) Lovely surprise though ... i do miss you at the weekends XXX

  14. Wow, This is getting so exciting. I am definitely going to dedicate days to play with all the new products. You all are amazing and inspire us to create. Thank you to You, Tim and all others who create along with you and support you while your create.

  15. Thanks for all the info and new photos, am not sleeping at all, OMG, too much time yet to CHA!

  16. You are so patient to take time to answer all those questions when we know you'd rather be MAKING ART!

  17. thank you for sharing all your tips... they are so helpful! Really don't know how you do all that you do!!! Just wish you were my next door neighbor!

  18. I really enjoyed today's post. Lots of information. I love the Q&As you do. Thanks for taking the time!
    Have a great weekend!
    Eileen in NYC

  19. Loving the post I got to it a day late but my roses needed pruning. . . can not spend all day looking at your wonderful peaks!

  20. Thank you for all the info. I love your blog. You write like I think so it is easy for me to follow you. You are so lucky to work where and with the people you do. I am envious. I love all the new stuff and putting pennies in my little bank to buy. good luck, KH

  21. Thanks for all the info. I have to say tumbled glass and bundled sage are my new favorites too just by looking at your sample. Loving them!!!!

  22. Thank you for the BIG post~so much to see and think about. I must go rest now!

  23. Can't wait to see all the samples at CHA. I will be taking photos like a maniac!
    Aloha, Kate

  24. Oh man, you're killing me! I am just drooling all over my key board lol.

  25. Thanks for all the great info today! Bet you are ready to go to CHA... Seems like we've all be waiting ForEVER.....

  26. Thanks, for all the great info. I think I am going to have to get a second job. I want all the new stuff.

  27. Thanks for a saturday post .. I know you have to be going crazy with CHA stuff !! I lvoe your Q&A sessions, I learn so much .. other people ask questions I wouldn't think of. Have an awesome weekend !!

  28. Love the Fornasetti face (the visionary) and the "journey" sentiment. You are rockin' this release!

  29. Thanks for the peeks Wendy!
    Allie at Croppinsville has great prices on the new inks as well.
    I know that we are all over the moon waiting for your new stamps, I cant wait for the bottle and the blouse. I want the little mini hangers too. They were so cute.
    Hugs from the beach!
    Dawn in SC

  30. It was nice to "settle in" and read all the happenings in Wendy's wonderful world. Can't wait to learn more on Monday.

  31. Thank you, Wendy! I love all of the peeks & answers to questions & all ... I've been playing with numbers - oh, I mean WORKING - on W2's & 941's & bank reconciliations since 7am. What a TRUE delight to sit here on my comfy loveseat, feet up, laptop in lap, and catch up with you. What a sweet way to spend my evening!

  32. WOW Wendy, thanks for sharing all that neat info - love that last piece of art - this is going to be a fun release for sure!

  33. I love the fact that you answer questions...right on your blog! So looking foward to next week and what you'll share with us! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  34. Wow! Lots of Q & A's today! Lots of tips, clues, and sneak peeks! Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to seeing more!


  35. what a great post today - lots of tips, questions answeres and love those pics! Great new stamps coming - can't wait. Thanks for the time you put into your posts and for sharing!

  36. Wow, I miss one day at your sight and I miss alot. I have got to make sure I check it hourly I guess lol. Love Love Love it!

  37. Gosh, lots to digest today! I am so loving those two colors make it look so teach it so easy...but coming up with those designs is the hard part...that's why we have you! Thanks once again for answering so many questions...I didn't know all of this information!

  38. Wow! All your projects are amazing! Thanks for keeping us up to date on all the new stuff.

  39. so fantastic! A wealth of info and artistry! I so wish I was as talented as you are...color me green with envy for sure. Your samples are spectacular..can't wait to buy some new stuff soon! but...thinking I need your books and Tim's for more inspiration! maybe if I put them under my pillow something will seep into this brain? xo cher

  40. So much info. I was really glad you were at CHA last year when I got to go. That is where I met you and ever since then I have been in love with all of your products. I love the Journey saying. Keep the inspiration coming!!!

  41. thanks for answering all the question...a learning something new every day is a good thing! love the new bird stamp...can't wait to get my hands on her! thanks for all the tips...nonnie

  42. I agree..the tumbled glass & bundled sage is an awesome color combo. It looks like your houndstooth is a really tiny one, right?

  43. Did I ever tell you that I think that your art ROCKS? Did I ever tell you that I love your stamps? And...did I ever tell you that I think that I am about to self combust with all the excitement and anticipation .. new stamps, new inks, new stash....*don't worry, I will leave here before self combusting so you won't have to clear up ROFL*
    Thanks for sharing...have a GREAT week....hugs xx

  44. Wendy - I grabbed my beverage and was NOT disappointed. Thank you for taking time out of your very busy days to share peeks and answer questions. I am loving the new distress colors and glad to hear they will be out right after CHA. From what you have shared I can tell your Book is going to Rock!

  45. Thanks for all the info and the photos. Can't wait to get my hands on all your new stamps!

  46. Great post Wendy! Love what I've seen of the new Studio 490 stamps and all of your projects!!

  47. wow - what a post full of insider info. Thanks for all the answers and creative insight. Can't wait for the after CHA buying spree to begin

  48. Thanks for the Q&A's. Wish, just once, I could attend CHA to shop! Luckily for my wallet, I'm too far away.

  49. Hi Wendy,
    I'm going to have to come out of retirement and get a job to afford all of these new goodies. But I will get them one way or another. Can't wait for you to come back to FKS in St. Louis.
