Monday, February 22, 2010

convention classes, Q & A and more...

I spent the weekend designing 2 new workshops that I'll teach @ 2 conventions this year.

Both of these will be offered @ Stamp Scrap Art Tour in Rockford, Illinois...(classes aren't listed just yet, but I'm sure they will be soon)

and also @ Stamp Fest in Orlando, Florida.

The classes in Madison, Wisconsin will be different.

That's not 'til late November and by then we'll have release #5 of my stamps...
I'm already working on them...yippee...

I will be @ Memories Scrapbooking Expo in Columbus, Ohio, but I will be demoing...not offering classes there.

We're allowed 2 hours for each convention class & my goal is for everyone to have fun, learn something new and leave with their projects completed.

Here's the first...

It's an art angel hanging...

For this the "ART CHICK" got a makeover & now she's an art angel...

ready to protect and inspire.

The second is called the perfectly practical pocket journal.

It's constructed completely from grungeboard & grungepaper, so it's perfect to toss in a purse or tote and GO...with NO worries about it being bent or damaged!

The pages are blank...perfect for journaling, to use as an idea center, or even for your grocery list!

NEXT...a few business things...

I have sent PayPal requests to everyone who has ordered books, but I'm hearing that in some instances, they got banished to the spam folder. YIKES!

Check there...
and it they are missing, please just let me know & I can resend them.

How could I forget this?? Hey...this proves I'm old!

When we introduced the new smaller sized studio 490 stamp sets @ CHA, we got emails & questions about offering a smaller acrylic storage binder to store just the smaller sets.

Ted & I thought we would wait 'til summer CHA to make them available...

but after the first hour @ CHA...

we found out that you didn't want to wait!

I like that...IMPATIENT...just like ME!

Ted ran over to the Ranger booth & asked if we wanted to rethink our plan...and make them sooner...

So...THANKS to TED and his staff...

we now have a small size acrylic binder coming soon.

No waiting 'til after CHA summer.


It's the same heavy acrylic, but with 2 holes & 2 giant binding rings & it will sell for $14.95.

I'll let you know when it's manufactured & ready to ship.

Now it's Q&A time...

#1...Since the Perfect Medium is stickier, do you need a special cleaner to remove it from your stamps?

You can use the Ranger stamp cleaners...

but I put Ranger's Rub-it Scrub-it pad in the bottom of my sink & squirt a little DAWN dishwashing soap on it.

A quick rub & they're ready to go. do you store your inks? I'm redoing my space & need some ideas.

I've seen some cute racks on internet sites...but I didn't bookmark them. So check the net...

I've seen them custom made...
made from wood & acrylic too...

some made to hang, some made to sit on a desk...

Before we built the studio, I had them in vintage sewing machine drawers...

they fit perfect & the colors were easy to see, by labeling the sides of the inkpads.

Here's what works for me now...

I stand @ my island to create & right behind me is a base cabinet, with a sink, drawers and storage.

This is a partial shot of my ink storage.

This drawer is convenient for me... you know when your new stamps arrive in holland?

I do know that they have arrived in the they are for sure across the pond...

Orders are shipped by Stampers Anonymous, in the order they were received.

So, stores who order on the first day @ CHA are at the top of the list to receive them.

#4...over 150 comments. do you really read them all?

YOU BET WE DO & we LOVE every minute of it!

It's no fun to talk to myself!

#5...where are you finding the other colors of archival ink? i thought there was only black

They are ALL in stock @ Simon Says Stamp...check here

WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!

THANK YOU x 230+++ for all the comments.

I'm glad you guys like these inks too...they ARE awesome colors...


ALL 12 of the new distress inks from Ranger are going to live with...


Donna said...

Here is my story...I don't have a BARN DOOR to open and store my distress inks in. However...I would CRUSH OLIVES and eat FOREST MOSS. I would walk on TUMBLED GLASS while wearing my CHIPPED SAPPHIRE ring, carring BUNDLED SAGE with a STORMY SKY. After doing that I would have to use my PUMICE STONE on a RUSTY HINGE(and my feet). When I am done I will dress in my VICTORIAN VELVET and enjoy some SPUN SUGAR and WILD HONEY all while reading Wendy's blog. That's my story and I am sticking to it!
February 21, 2010 10:10 PM

Please email me & let me know where these guys will be residing...

Again...a MILLION thanks to my friends @ RANGER for their generous blog giveaway. That was FUN!

And a MILLION thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment.

I think we'll do this giveaway stuff again soon...

The ending is always the same...
make art!


  1. Congratulations to Donna! Very funny comment, too, btw! lol
    Those projects are VERY cute! Hmmm.. may have to re think those...

  2. What a great story from Donna! Thank YOU for all the great tips. I especially like the Q&A because many of us have the same questions. I LOVE the heart!!

  3. Congrats Donna - LUCKY!
    Wendy your projects are wonderful, love the idea of the perfectly practical pocket journal (say that 10 times fast). - OK I have to ask what color did you the background stamping? I share your love for that bundled sage- gotta have it!

  4. The sky is no longer stormy, I won!
    Thank you so much, I am on a spun sugar high right now. Thanks!
    Wendy your projects are wonderful! I will be inking with new colors soon!

  5. Love Donna's little tale! Hmmm - I think I may have to go to the Rockford convention after all! Love those new projects - wait til you see my latest!

  6. Fabulous projects Wendy and well done Donna ... LOVED your comment X

  7. Congrats to Donna. Cute story. Nice projects just not sure if I can make Rockford. Will have to wait and see. Lots going on that month. Thanks for taking the time to answer questions.

  8. Congrats to the big winner! What a great comment!

  9. Love the art chick!
    Congratulations Donna!

  10. Whose booth are you demoing in at the Columbus show??? Stephanie

  11. Hi Wendy -

    Love your new projects and Art Chick is so cute as an angel! I loved Donna's winning comment - too, too funny!

    Elaine Allen

  12. Congratulations to Donna. Very clever and cute story.

    Love the Perfectly Practical Pocket Journel. Will that be an Orlando class???

  13. Congrats to Donna...very interesting comment, I must say! Love your new class ideas! Wishing I could make it to at least one of them!

  14. Love the grung book. I keep a note book in my purse with all my Tim and Wendy purchases. That way I don't douplicate them. Congrats Donna great story.

  15. Congrats to Donna! Loved your comment.
    Thanks for the heads up about the smaller binders, Wendy.

  16. Congrats to Donna...enjoy the inkyness...and WOW, Wendy, loving your new arty pieces..the Art Chick is GORGEOUS! Hugs x

  17. Well done Donna - fantastic new art work Wendy - there is on end to your inventiveness - brilliant.

  18. Way to go Donna!!! I'm not too jealous. I picked up 5 of the new colors yesterday just in cas I didn't win. Now I only have 7 more to go.

  19. Congrats Donna. What a wonderfully imaginative 'story'... too much fun

  20. WOW Wendy- 230 + comments that is wonderful- You are truly worth it!
    Hugs from the beach!
    Dawn in SC

  21. way to go Donna! what a cool comment. you deserve the prize.
    the new class projects are winners.

  22. Congrats, Donna! I know Wendy picks numbers randomly, but your clever comment deserved the win anyway!
    Wendy, love those projects....well, art chick always looks good in my opinion. May be my favorite stamp ever!
    Eileen in NYC

  23. ok...thanks for the project peeks...luv em! Congrads to Donna...she clearly deserves that win! Happy Day Girl! and Wendy...ty for answering our questions...and wading thru all the comments...such a patient person you are! xox cher

  24. Congrats to Donna for winning the inks! I just got three stamp sets in the mail today... so off to make ART!
    Aloha, Kate

  25. Both projects are wonderful!!! (as usual) Congrats to Donna... loved her story!!! I stamp standing up too... how funny... I'm not so weird :-))

  26. Even though you won't be teaching a class I'm so Thrilled your coming back to Ohio!! I wont miss it now that I know you will be there!


  27. Yay, for Donna - what a cute comment, such fun!

    Wendy, I love to see how you use Tim's "trinkets", the game spinner as the butterfly's body is genius.

  28. Congrats Donna. Such fun comment!!
    Wendy, wonderful projects as usual. I wish some stores could bring you to Brazil, too!!! I would be the first one to apply for your classes!

  29. brilliant comment Donna well deserved win x

  30. Congrats Donna ! That was too cute .. awesome idea !! Thanks Wendy for giving us a chance :)

  31. Congratulations on the win to Donna! Wendy, don't you have a lot more of those new pads??? Oh such danger in showing us those photos of the stacks of pads, we just want to touch!
    Your class projects are wonderful!!

  32. Congratulations to Donna and doing a happy dance smaller binders coming soon what a treat for us!
