here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Friday, February 19, 2010

now about that Ranger INK giveaway...

thank you MR UPS...
the Ranger giveaway box arrived yesterday!
but we'll get to that later...

And so did this...
180 of the NEW distress ink colors...yes...180!

and PLENTY more of the coffee and olive archivals too...
and more Perfect Medium...
and LOTS more workshop supplies.

Look @ those colors!
What a beautiful sight!

I DO practice what I preach!

I ALWAYS get the reinkers too...

in my books I say that pads NEED re-inking @ night, when all the stores are closed...
trust's TRUE!

so...we gotta be prepared!

On to a few questions about the Stampers Sampler cover...see photo in the previous post...

#1...PS. Did you use the Sage distress ink on the cover project? Any other colors?

No...actually the art for this issue was requested way back in July...
long before we got the new distress colors.

Because the distress inks stay wet longer, you can create custom colors, which is what I did for this art.
I blended broken china and brushed corduroy.

The background color is brushed corduroy used alone.

#2...I love the magazine cover and was wondering if you would share where to purchase the bird cage.

That cutie is made by Maya Road and comes in a set with birds, wings and cages. VERY FUN!

#3...ok, I think? the bird on the cover is Maya Road?, but it looks like the wing is bent? shopping info pleaseee

Yes, the bird is also from Maya Road and the wing is made with grungepaper. Details in Stampers Sampler!

now some other questions...

#4. I know you told us in class you use Perfect Medium, but I forgot why.

I use Perfect Medium for embossing, watermarks and to adhere Perfect Pearls. I LOVE it because it seems extra sticky and with this one pad, I have multiple uses.

#5...this one had me rolling on the floor laughing...

Maybe you can give lessons on tweeting - I don't get it. I get facebook, texting, etc. and I am "computer literate" but just can't seem to get tweeting.


There's NO way you'd ever want any techno info from me...phew...never!

That would be as bad as me giving driving directions...

NOT a good thing.

But THANKS for the laugh!

And speaking of THANKS...

many THANKS for all the book orders yesterday and for all the kind words! I sincerely appreciate it!

The books will ship next week.


Here's what I've been teasing about...

Justin and Alain from Ranger have donated ...

ALL 12 of the new distress inks...

to be given away here.

Pretty cool...huh?

HUGE THANKS to Ranger for supporting me and for their AWESOME blog giveaway...

Here's what one lucky person will receive...

Now if you think these inks should live with you...
you'll need to leave a comment.

it's pretty simple...
for a chance @ these awesome inks...

We'll leave the comments open 'til 8am on Monday morning...

then I'll ask Justin to choose the winner.

Hey...I don't want that responsibility!

I know you'll have a GREAT weekend...
if you...

make art!
the Maya Road SEW CUTE minis (hangers, dressforms & more) have arrived!


1 – 200 of 236   Newer›   Newest»
Scrapthat said...

Oooooo what a sweet sight! I'm drooling!! First comment, hmmm...not much chance of a win me thinks but I LOVE all the new colors of inks and have to say so! This would so free up more money in my scrap budget for all the other Ranger stuff I MUST HAVE! I think all of them should come to my house! I would play with them on a CONSTANT basis...please please say they'll be mine! LOL

Felicia said...

*swoons* woooowsers aren't they pretty. I have a perfect spot for them since they are looking for a new home *grin* Thanks for the chance at them! I promise to take super good care of them if I'm picked! =0)

Have a wonderful day!

Amy said...

You are so generous! And I am very happy you are coming to St. Louis. See you there--

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, I love these new colors. And I love how they complement the existing colors so well. Someone is going to be doing a very happy Happy Dance on Monday.

dblanken said...

I would love to win ALL 12 OF THE INKS - what fun that would be. I would also love to come watch you work. That would be a learning experience for me.

Colleen said...

How fun to win all 12 new colors. I seriously need to take some classes so that I know how to use all of these wonderful colors and toys.

Robin Swederske said...

Wow! All 12 new inks!! What a thoughtful, generous and most welcome prize!!!
I'm very anxious for your new book to arrive. I might need to sit by the mailbox that day!
I will have a FANTASTIC weekend because I plan to make ART!!

SusanK said...

Wow! All 12 need to find a new home? Would love to see them on my workspace...I have a space cleared for them. I don't think I ever make a project any more without using them. The best!

Suzanne C said...

How generous! Pick me! Pick Me... Like the martians in Toy Story.

Unknown said...

Those new distress inks really need to come live with me because ... I can offer them clean and tidyish surroundings ... regular attention and lots and lots and lots of play time :0) Oh yeah and I already have all their brothers and sisters here so they will fit right in :0)
Have a great weekend Wendy ... I will because I am seeing Lord Tim of Holtz on Sunday *swoon*

Erica - CopperSunSilverMoon said...

I love the new colors and I think those inks should come live with me ;)
I also love the magazine cover and I can't wait to get my copy!

Babsarella said...

OMG!!! Sign me up for that giveaway. If I won, I would feel like I had died and gone to heaven. I love all the new colors and can't wait to try them out!!! Thanks so much for all your great projects and sharing all your wonderful information.

debb said...

Drooling at the thought of winning these! Thank you thank you thank you....

Sherry Goodloe said...

I'm a big believer in reinkers as WELL. AND I ink my pads before "closing shop" for the day when I've been working with them all weekend. That way when I'm ready to get arty again, they are all set to go.

And yes, please enter me in this fabulous giveaway!! Thank you and have an art-filled day today *smiles*

...Tara... said...

Oh what a tease!!! I'm drooling over these!!! I just love the colors that came out :)

Laura C said...

Oh these inks definitely need to come live at my home. Reinkers are great too!

Lillian Child said...

I have the same tweeting issues as you do, Wendy. Although I do think that Tim Holtz is the Bill Gates of papercrafting! Thanks so much for the chance to win some of his distress inks - they are the bomb !

Christine Schmidt said...

What a YUMMY site!! Who wouldn't want to win this fab prize!!! Many thanks to the blogger who asked you to reveal your secret on how you got those adorable little houses to stand. GENIUS idea!! Thanks for sharing--ahh piece of mind!!

ScrappyPam said...

Wow - I would love to give these inks a new home! They'd be well loved!

craftlyn said...

Those distress inks are just so yummy looking.......oh the possibilities! Thanks so much for your generous giveaway Wendy!

Diana said...

Wow..I have a really beautiful home for them...I will love them dearly, re-ink them regularly and use them with a passion. Please pick me!
Diana Weldon

craftyrufus said...

What a fabulously generous giveaway! I'm sure I could find a wee space for them if I won!

Primitive Seasons said...

Hi Wendy: I'd love to win the distress inks. I'm addicted to them, really. I got a nice short haircut too. Life is good! Thanks so much.


Unknown said...

Oh my ! I would love to win the new distress inks !! I was just figuring out how long it would take me to collect all the new colors...hmm... If I won them..I wouldn't have to figure anything out...They would be delivered right to my door...I could stay home and create art forever....That is if I won of course. : )

Chirpin Is Fun said...

I so need all of those new ink colors! Busted the budget with my new camera! Gotta wait for it... unless I win them...that would be so awesome!

Debby said...

What beautiful pictures all of the inks and reinkers. Looking forward to next week's class with you. Always fun to learn some new things. Thanks for all that you do!

borcherding said...

oh lordy...that prize pack is a VISION!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks so much for the chance to win that AWESOME prize!!

Shay said...

My goodness what a package of goodness you received from Ranger! I have been really enjoying your blog (love your work & stamps) and can't wait to receive the upcoming issue of _Stampers' Sampler" to see your work there (I am a long-time subscriber and reader). Many thanks for the chance to win these awesome inks.

Kim said...

Please oh please let those inks come live with me!!!! Thanks so much to you and Ranger for the chance to win!!!

michelle said...

Look at all those beautiful colors. . . what a generous soul. . .

Shoot I so want to shop but holding my breath and waiting.

JG said...

This would be wonderful to receive in the mail. It has been a tough winter in this neck of the woods and a splash of color would be great.

Paulien van den Bosch said...

Oh My Gosh..... OMG.... I don't even know, where to start!!!!
What a breath taking sight.... on your table... gosh.. If I could only smell it....sigh

Then WOW...WOW...WOW... for the Ranger guys!!!
Aren't they the best???

I soooo love these new colors... can't wait for them to hit the stores here. (waiting very impatiently)

Thank you Wendy, for always making me laugh. Have an awesome weekend!!!!

Shari said...

I purchased 3 of the new colors the other evening---Rusty Hinge, Wild Honey and Crushed Olive, but of course I would love to have them all---RIGHT NOW!!!! It would be fun to win, otherwise I will just have to buy a few at a time! Crossing my fingers and my toes for luck :-)
-shari schneider

Denise G said...

Oh my, that is a beautiful sight. I have a space all ready for those beauties! Have a great weekend, I start mine off with a scrapbooking class!!! And hopefully it will just continue from there!
Happy Friday.

Sharon said...

Oh my goodness, what a vision of lovely inkyness! I'm hoping and praying that I'll be lucky enough to have those gorgeous inks land on my doorstep. I'm keeping everything crossed, though it'll be hard to stamp over the weekend with my fingers crossed! Love your blog!

Best wishes.

Sharon x

scrapnrn said...

Oh Justin, pick me. Those new inks would have a very happy home with me. They would get to play daily and help make cards and altered items for my friends and family. See, a happy life.

Kathleen said...

My distress inks never, ever get put away! They're always in front of me so I don't even have to reach for them! I love the new colors, and I think I must have all of the older ones......they certainly would make a new addition to the ones I have, especially for the album I am making for my mother's 90th birthday party!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely crazy for the new colors and would love to win them (please please pick me!!!!)


carpediem said...

Wow! What a stash of inkpads and re-inkers.....lucky you!!!

sharon d said...

Oh what a wonderful sight. Love the new colors soooo much. I haven't seen them in the stores yet, can't wait to get my hands on them.
Many Thanks for the chance to win. It sure would make my Monday!!!

Hels Sheridan said...

Hey know what? I don't want the inks to come and live with me...I WANT TO COME AND LIVE WITH YOU ... rofl...Hun, WOW, you have all those inks, I would have been doing that thing that ladies of a certain age do when they have a bit of excitement...*waving my hands in the air...what did you think I meant? LOL* And, the re-inkers true! My pads always go as dry as a bone at about 3am, just when my creativity kicks in .. Thanks for the opportunity to win these goodies...I promise that if I win (plllleeeease pick me) that I will look after them and keep them juicy and rub them with a blending tool and stamp them onto rubber and swoosh them onto a craft sheet and generally love them to BITS! Er,....another hugely long and waffly post from me..but I am guessing you will get the jist ...have A BRILL weekend...I am off to see that bloke T!m on Monday...that is if LindaE lets him free ROFL xx

Helena said...

I think I'll just die without those ink pads. So there.
You wouldn't want to have ME on your conscience, now would you?

kjjc said...

Crikes do you really read through all these comments. Mmmm think I could do with the inks to go with all the others which are getting lonely and crying out for their new family to come join them.

Lori said...

Ok, Justin, here's the deal. I have NONE of these new colors, so I am INK DESTITUTE, and I need an INK BAILOUT from RANGER please! I promise to use these inks in the best interest of the ink using public, and to repay the Ranger loan by making fabulous ART with these inks and Wendy's stamps! INKterest and PENalities may apply....

Unknown said...

When I first saw these on Tim's blog it sounded like a recipe - all such yummy names!

As I type this, the skies are dark, and grim, sleet in falling, but just seeing your rows of the yummy new colours and the chance of entering the Ranger giveaway - just chased away the blues.

Off to make a marmalade sandwich, and coffee - no not with the ink pads - the real deal!

Those names just tickled my taste buds - and they would do far more than tickle my art work.

Go on lads, make an old woman happy in her Autumn years, in winter time - still a Tim Holtz groupie oops I mean follower - off to wash my mouth with soap!

Have a great weekend and good luck one and all


Unknown said...

What a great chance! I have not found a shopping source for the colored Archival inks. I would really like to get those (not to mention the new distress colors) in addition to the black--my favorite. It also doesn't stay sticky on your stamps if you don't clean them and make a mess on the cling sheets--learned that the hard way with other permenant inks! Looking forward to your new book, too!!!

Elaine said...

I could certainly MAKE ARt with all those new colours. I think its great Ranger having giveaways and you too for that matter. Always enjoy reading your blog.

Marilyn Nimmo said...

OOOOOOHHH!!! The Ranger inks could certainly come live with me . . .we could make beautiful art together!!!! LOL!

Cyndy said...

I don't THINK they need to come live with me...I know for a fact they NEED to come live with me. Spot already cleared on my table...promise to use daily...promise to re-ink nightly!!!

Susan said...

OMG, I can't wait to get me hands on these new colors. It would be SO terrific to win them too! Then I'd have more $ for all your stamps... Crossing my fingers..

Liz in MO said...

All I can say is "please pick me", I don't think any other comments are needed!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my! I NEED these inks! I just love the new colours, I have all the older ones but haven't got these as we've just moved house and I have my sons 2nd birthday coming up. I Really really think they'd love to come live with me, and they'll get a trip over the pond! Thanks for the chance! Always love reading your blog! Hugs, Rowena

Kath Stewart said...

Hi Wendy...those inks definitely need to come and stay with me in my crafty cubbyhole...they will be well looked after and used every day...hugs kath xxxx

Cim Allen said...

I have a brand new 12 x 22 craft room and it's screaming to have those distress ink pads move in and keep my other distress ink pads company .. they are lonesome, they would be warmer in their ink cozies if they had more ink pad buddies .. LOL. Thanks for the chance Wendy .. !! happy Friday

Anonymous said...

ALL the new colors?? WOW, what a generous prize! Thank you, thank you, thank you for a chance to win the amazing new Distress Colors. I just know those inks would feel the love at my house!

Rockin Robin Caldwell said...

OMG...I so "wants" them!!! I must have all of the distress colors!! The new ones are so yummy. Man, it's like Christmas at your house, isn't it?? If stuff like that kept being delivered to my house, I don't think I would ever want to leave. All I would want to do is play all day. Hope my name gets picked!! Hugs chickie..Rockin Robin Caldwell

Craphty said...

Passed the adoption screenings all set to go. The nursery is newly decorated, have nurses on hand to help look after the newly adopted babes. Plenty of paper for them to colour on. I'm sure they will be very happy in the North of England! See you all soon.

Courtney said...

I would love to go and make art with the new distress inks. I think to make it perfect I would have to have a couple of Studio 490 stamps to go along with the inks. What a great giveaway!!!

Tona said...

Omgosh! What a generous giveaway. I would make such a good home for these inks ;)

Shirley said...

Wendy, I think those 12 inks would love comeing to my house. I would keep them on my art desk. Only special things stay on my art desk all the time and the Ranger Distress Inks have top priority!

Kathryn said...

Thanks for this chance to win! This is very generous indeed. I would love to welcome these into my home - I've been told I'm a good hostess.

Alisa said...

I am drooling! Please come back to Davenport to teach so that we can see you use all these new colors.

KAT said...

Those 12 fabulous colors of the best inks ever made.... I promise to give them a good inky home... They will be loved regularly... The will not just be for decoration - but what they create will be... And really this girl needs that spun sugar - a real pink in my grungy arsenal...

Oh - to be the lucky one!

Unknown said...

Justin, please pick me! I really need/want these! So if you think of a number, it has to be 64!

Helen said...

Oh, wow, Wendy, what a fab giveaway! I could go down on bended knees (in fact I am on bended knees, cos that's how I have to type at my computer lol!) and beg, but that is just SOOOOOO undignified, so I will just leave this comment and hope for the very best. Please Justin, please, pick me!!! (ok so I lied, I WILL beg!!)thanks so much.

Eva said...

Ohhhh..I love, love Ranger inks and these colors are sooo amazing...I would soooo very much love to win! I use these all the time and can't wait to get my hands on them!!! Thank YOU for the opportunity of winning!!!

Barbara Wilson said...

The new colors of distress ink are so yummy. I need them all! What fun it would be to have them to play with and to make art! Love your blog and your projects.

Dawn's Creative Chalet said...

Hi Wendy!!! Just stopping by again to see what you are up to. Im so loving those new ink colors.. cant wait to get my paws on all 12.. so delicious!!! ;) Hope all is well. Have a GREAT day! Hugssssss, Dawn up in lil ole ludington michigan, where it is finally sunny!

Erin Glee said...

I wanted to preorder these beauties so bad, but our financial situation didn't allow for it... winning this Giveaway would be a BLESSING! Thanks for a chance and have a GREAT weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi...yes...a wonderful sight! wish mine would arrive! so don't pick me as I have them on order...but good luck to some lucky person! not that it would be bad to have a back up set! ty for the heads up on maya stuff avaialbility...I sew want the sew set lol...have a great weekend! cher

Vic said...

I love the new colors! If I won them, I could use my budget for the re-inkers!!

I love your blog, too.

Alexandra said...

Please pick me, I have no pennies left to treat myself to these after buying lots of Wendy's new stamps and Wendy's lovely new book also some of Tim's gorgeous new stamp sets too.I will have to be patient until next pay day otherwise.
I promise to love them and make them feel very, very welcome. Their older siblings (original distress ink pads) are desperate to meet them too, not to mention the stamps that are longing to ink up and play, or that the card and grungepaper/board want to join in too.
I have my eye on Tim's new sizzix stuff too. Too many lovely scrumptious goodies, too little £'s left to spend. :o(

Unknown said...

I have my Tim Holtz ink tin case all decorated and ready for the new stamps.

Ruth Ann Landry said...

Pick me! Oh, please pick me! My retirement $$ only goes so far and we still have 2 1/2 months of cold weather ahead so I HAVE to pay the utilities!!! (otherwise, it might be a draw as to where I would send my money)!

Stephanie said...

all 12 -- wowza. hope i get picked.

Sarah Anderson said...

It must be like Christmas at your house will all those fabulous goodies. Oh to have all 12 colours to play with, just like a child would on Christmas morning, that would be a dream come true! And I promise I'd play and play and play all day with them, discovering different great colour combos, different swoosh effects, spraying water around to my hearts content!
Thanks to the great Ranger guys, offering this giveaway :) I'm off to MAKE ART LOL ;)

Sarah Anderson said...

It must be like Christmas at your house will all those fabulous goodies. Oh to have all 12 colours to play with, just like a child would on Christmas morning, that would be a dream come true! And I promise I'd play and play and play all day with them, discovering different great colour combos, different swoosh effects, spraying water around to my hearts content!
Thanks to the great Ranger guys, offering this giveaway :) I'm off to MAKE ART LOL ;)

Joyce said...

I too always buy a reinker to go with my pads. Besides I have all those special sprays to be created and you need the Distress reinkers! Would love to win! I have all the other colors and they are so lonely, crying, waiting in anticipation of receiving their new 12 brothers and sisters. Thank Ranger for us! Great giveaway.

Tina said...

What a generous giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to have these in my home. It seems most projects are improved with a bit of distress ink.

Unknown said...

Bellissimi questi tamponi ed inchiostri ... :-)
li ho usati ... ma per averli tutti ... costano un pò :)
vi seguo spesso ,un saluto dall'Italia

lesleyworth said...

oh me oh my oh me oh my!!!!!! they are GORGEOUS! can't wait til i can get my hands on some! fingers and toes crossed!

Paula said...

Oh, I could give them SUCH a good home - I promise!!

Gillian McMurray said...

I have to be Perfect Medium's biggest fan right now. You are right Wendy, it's extra sticky. I make and sell paper beads coated with UTEE and it's the BEST embossing ink I have used - and I've tried a few. None of the rest grab the UTEE on the beads.

Wow! Someone is going to be a lucky bunny with this giveaway. Good luck to everyone.

slbt17 said...

Wow! Thanks for the fun Wendy - you have a good weekend too!

Unknown said...

Hi Wendy,
I fially figured out how to leave a comment!!! Yippee I sure hope those inks can live with me! I would be sooooo happy to give them a home and a purpose : making art!
Thank you,

jan metcalf said...

I checked the distress ink drawer to make sure there is room for all 12 luscious colors, and there is!!! Could also squeeze in the scallop stamp we so love! And there is space on the bookshelf for the new book, 'john henried' of course!

Renee said...

Wow...fantastic giveaway...some one is going to be very happy!!!!!

Thanks for a chance at some delicious new colors for my inky fingers!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. I have a great home for those wonderful inks! This CHA is going to make me so broke so some free ink pads would be amazing! Thanks for the chance!

Elaine A said...

Hi Wendy -

I agree with you about the reinkers. I always purchase the reinkers when I buy a pad. MaryJo McGraw taught me that years ago. Besides, there are so many neat things you can do with reinkers.
Love the photo of all those lovely pads lined up like little soldiers ready to march and do their duty! If they come to live with me that will be well loved and used. They can even fraternize with my older soldiers. Older but well loved!
Have a great weekend!

Elaine Allen

Priscilla said...

I am preparing a bedroom for them now...

Rasofiel said...

Oh WOW!!!!!! ♥ This must be the nicest and most awesome giveavay ever :O))))))) I would be the luckyest girl in Norway if I could ever have half of the ink pads in that picture. :D Looove Distress Inks, and I am sooo curious and excited about the new colors ♥ Have a wonderful week end :O) Love Mica

Art By Wanda said...

How very generous of Ranger... woohoo!!!! Thank you!!! And I do intend to "make art" this weekend... Yes!!!!

Fiona Perkins said...

What a wonderful prize - fingers crossed!!

Irene Lenihan said...

These inks would be so happy at my house. I would put them in my special ink holder and use them all the time.

Evonne said...

I noticed yesterday that you hadn't posted your Twitter details, but I've just seen the "follow me" button today, so I'm going to add you right now!
Mind you, I know that it won't compare to visiting your blog every day - Thats a special treat!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win the new Distress inks. And thanks for the laughs and the inspiration here too! Even though I've never met you, I can almost 'hear' you through your posts! And I always have a little chuckle when you mention your 'technophobia'!!!

Karla Anderson said...

I love all 24 of my existing colors - but they are in need of some new friends to play with. I have in my head some beautiful ways to combine tumbled glass and weathered wood to make a gorgeous sky. All of the greens to create a beautiful meadow like many ideas - but no new colors in my house to play with. Thanks so much for the chance to win these - they are incredible!

RobinG said...

OH goodness yes I need all these new colors to go with my lonely older colors....what an awesome giveaway!!!!

joy said...

I absolutely LOVE these new colors - it would be fantastic to win all twelve of them! What a generous giveaway!

KATHY said...

I LOVE the new colors, like candy in a candy shop! Yummy colors! I want them all!

Anonymous said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new colors!!



Not to proud to beg either!! :)

Seriously...that birdcage is FAB!!!
I'm ordering one and the magazine too! So CUTE!!


Laura said...

That's such a sweet prize! The new colors look amazing, thanks for a chance to win!

Donna said...

Oh WOW Wendy, what an amazing parcel from Ranger, you lucky thing!!! Your work is always so inspiring, but I would LOVE to free you up some space and give those New Inks a really nice home!! Thanks for the chance of this yummy stuff.
Hugs Donna x

Kay said...

Wow, what an awesome prize! I love the distress inks. I have lots of inks and over the past couple of years the distress line has become my absolute favourite. Aside from stazon and archival I don't think I've touched any of my other brands at all. I may have to donate them to a worthy cause. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, all 12 inks!!! How I would love to welcome them to my art room! I would bring them out everyday!! Pick me please!!

BETTY said...

dear Wendy
i love the new colours and can't wait to use them.
do you know when your new stamps arrive in holland?

2amscrapper said...

What a generous prize! I can only imagine what it would be like to have all of these colors arrive on my doorstep!

Betty said...

Since the Perfect Medium is stickier, do you need a special cleaner to remove it from your stamps? I'm now the proud owner of two of the new sets and am trying (without much conviction) to wait until the Carson show to buy more. good is my willpower?


pickles99 said...

i could give those ink pads a really good home. they'd be well loved and looked after and enjoyed tremendously!

thanks for the chance to win!
gotta do dishes then i'm off to...
make art!

Nancy S said...

Oh my! Those new colors are really yummy! I only have a few of the old colors but they are my go-to inks when stamping. Just the right colors, transparency and "distressingness". said...

Inks and Wendy---meant for each other. Thanks for being so generous with your gift of art. it always inspires---judy-gamma

Alex King said...

Love those new colors! Please pick me!

esther said...

Oooh, I'd love to play with those new colours!

Anita said...

How wonderful to see all those goodies. I love reading your answers to questions. I would love the DIs to come to my house.

Unknown said...

I just got back from For Keeps Sake loaded down with anything new they had in stock. Maya Road!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love all the new shapes. But I was very sad when they told me, "No distress inks." My friends in Florida are going to buy your new stamps at the show in Tampa/Clearwater for me on Saturday. Maybe I should have them buy the inks. Someday I know the new inks will get to St. Louis!

Miss Iowa said...

Pick me! Pick me! It would be the ultimate in irony for me to win, since I've already preordered all the new distress inks! (lol) But I could regift them to a friend. :)

ellen vargo said...

Well I definitely think those ink pads need to live with me! I'm beginning to do some small-scale workshops at my house and it would be so fabulous to have a set for classes! I'm becoming very familiar with the term "kitting" :) In fact, have to go finish some kits for a calendar workshop tomorrow! Happy Inking!!!

Scrap by Rô said...

ohhh... such a gift it would be for me in Brazil because the stores here do not import Tim Holtz products!!! :(
I can only dream about all these colors...

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Oooooo, pick me! PLEASE! If I don't have to buy the ink, then I can buy some Wendy stamps! *grin*

michelle t said...

This is such a great giveaway!!! I can only hope to be the lucky one! Thank you!!!

Janet said...

OoooHHH all the pretty colors. I promise I will give them a good home...

Linda L said...

Thanks Justin and Alain! Count me in (although I never win anything-heavy sigh), you could split it up and have three or even four winners of sets, or even one winner for each new color. At least that would increase the odds (but I never win anything...) Major pity party in progress...

pinkthunder said...

I think I need these!!

debbiek said...

Oh, I lovvvve the new colors of the distress inks and they would be a wonderful addition to the ones I already own. I'm always telling my hubby that these inks are my "staple" (who needs food...just give me stamps, ink pads and paper). Can live without most anything but absolutely NOT my distress ink!

Jennifer Boehme said...

Oh good lordy!!!!!!!!!!!!I need to win those inks. I'm saving for a super duper mega camera and I have to stay away from the Scrapbook stores for about 8 months to have enough mula$$$$ for the special camera I really want. Lord knows I have enough stash to last me that long but I still want all of the new stuff too. I am trying to talk my LSS into starting a layaway system cause you know when you go in there you WANT IT ALL especially when the new stuff arives. PLEASE PICK ME!!! My husband will be so greatfull he will send you a big KISS!
Thanks for the opportunity Wendy. By the way when are you coming back to The Crafty Scrapper in Waxahachie, TX some of the other Maya Road girls are coming for a big hoopla in October maybe you can join them...learning from you in person is so awesome!
Jennifer Boehme

marci said...

Well, I can't promise these inks will come to the cleanest, tidiest home (Hazel I'm not) or that I'll re-ink every night (too predictable) but I can promise you they will have tons of fun and lots of adventure.

Darla said...

I would LOVE to be considered for the new set of distresses! I use the inks as often as possible (my all time favorites) & LOVE to educate others about them! So many possibilities.......Everyone is totally impressed & have NEVER been introduced to them! I have such a blast doing this! And they are soooooooooo excited! At least I know I have a chance! Thanks so very much!!!!

Maureen F. said...

WOWZA - what a package to get - distress inks galore - I would have kept touching them and rearranging them on the table - oohhhing and ahhhing the whole time

SharonH said...

I'm just getting around to using the distressed colors. I need more colors to practice with. I also need more storage, any ideas?

Kristy Hansenwi said...

What wonderful colors. How do you just let them sit there? I would have all of them in my hands just to touch them. Storage ideas? I need them too.......thank you for the great giveaway..KH

Kate Burroughs said...

After trying most of them out at CHA I would be over the moon to win these babies!!! Wow, someone is going to be really, really, happy when they get this prize. Thank you Ranger and Wendy for the chance to win!
Aloha, Kate

Dawn said...

Gosh Wendy 129 comments- that is GREAT! I hope that your ears were burning on Saturday. Ted and I were talking about you and your beautiful stamps and art. I was drooling over some peices that you made for the SA booth at the show, I ordered two of your sets from Ted, I should be getting them anyday now. I cant wait- he spoke so highly of you, with a big grin on his face. He told me about his first meeting with you. I signed up for the class that you will be teaching on Columbia, SC in August I cant wait. Now I am off to look at the Maya Road mini hangers to go with my new stamps! Love you and your art!
Hugs from the beach!
Dawn in SC

Oh BTW- I would LOVE some new ink as well- I havent seen the new colors yet! I am waiting for someone around here to get them. :)

Cinimom said...

Oh Yes..they may come to live with me. I'll start fixing up their room! What a generous give-a-way.

Kathy Eddy said...

I am positive they should come to my house to live. They would be greeted by many other Ranger products and live happily ever after with Tim and Wendy's stamps and have many rendevous with each of them. Believe me, you, they will love it here!

Linda M. Walsh said...

Dear Wendy - I am just so "fired up" about Tim's new colors. To me color is an expression of your personality and his new colors will allow me to express my personality even more. I would be so grateful to you all for the opportunity to receive this generous gift. Sincerely, Linda

Marion said...

I promise to give those little honeys a good home! They would be happy playing with all of their older brothers and sisters... Thanks for doing this.

SusanHnSC said...

They're gorgeous!! And they want me, I can tell!!!

mikki said...

Your "brothers and sisters" are
waiting for you at home. Hurry!

Andrea said...

Omigosh what an awesome giveaway. I love to look at the inks and I dont know what I would do if I received shipments like that, maybe roll around on the floor with them lol. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway. I am so looking forward to getting your book!


13 Roads said...

I would love to win these new colors.. I have been eyeing them since I saw them for CHA. At least if I win, I would actually get them a little earlier than anyone else here in Alaska. It seems like we are always a day late/ dollar short up here... Thanks for the opportunity nancy

6boyzmom said...

I want those inks so so bad! Thank you for the chance , but I never win so I will be really surprised ( and happy ) if I do!

bam said...

OK.. so I'm down here on the bottom of the list, thinking I'll never win those inks! But hey, you don't win if you don't play, so I'm playing...would love to have all those beautiful colors! Love your work and your style.

Barbara said...

I'd love to get all those colors! Can't wait to try them out. How nice of you and Ranger to have this giveaway!

Thanks so much!

Donna said...

I just got the Sew Cute minis today. They are so frikin adorable! Now a little paper,a little (or alot) of ink (hint,hint:-)and they will be fabulous! Now, how did I miss the birds and birdcages????

Dianal said...

OMG 12 new colors ... what a great giveaway ... I am thinking about all the ART I could make with this great new collection ... your stamps, your book and distressed inks, who could ask for more?????

julie m said...

ah, mixing colors. new possibilities. but with 12 new colors that is a LOT of possibilities. must order perfect pearls first. just can't live without some glimmer and glitz. shiny new colors. oh my!

Nelly said...

Wow excellent giveaway! The new inks would be awesome. Thanks for explaining that you mix inks. I'll have to try that.

Julie Ranae said...

Always enjoy a visit to your blog, Wendy...would love to have an opportunity to win these fabulous new inks.

artbeckons said...

Oh, I would love, love, LOVE to get my hands on these! Isn't Ranger fabulous?

pooky said...

Yea!!! Oh yea, just dreaming about all the things I could do with those! Thanks for the chance to win:)))

Tammy F. said...

I think I could take those off your Wow, what an awesome give away!! These new colors are so fabulous, I can not wait to see them up close and personal. Thank you for the chance to win Wendy, you rock!!

Anonymous said...

Please,Please can they come and live at my house.I will be kind and make sure that they are well looked after.Plus lots of car rides to my LSS.

Anonymous said...

How cool is this? Beautiful art, new books and the chance for new ink pads. And, since Justin is choosing the winner and I'm not proud, I just want to say that I think Justin is amazing!

Louise (KardKrazy) said...

I voted for your cover on Stampers Sampler if that makes any difference........:):):)
Love the look of the inks!

Gabrielle said...

I know lust is one of the 7 deadly sins but those new colours make even the saintly turn! I can't wait to have a go with them - my 7 year old keeps asking why I find crafting so distressing! One day I'll explain - but only when it stops being cute!

Cheryl Devlin said...

I can't wait to get my hands on all the yummy new Distress Ink Colours. Would love to be one of the first in Australia to get my hands on them though. Thanks for the inspiration.

Cindy Trobaugh said...

I would love to win. I already have a storage case waiting for the new pads. It was easier to come by!!!

Artyjen said...

OOooh! It would be a huge honour to have those to play with....I'm dreaming already what'll never know what I could come up with if I don't get chosen ;)

Val said...

First, I have to say love your work on the cover of Stampers' Sampler. This was my choice for the cover. Secondly, would love to make a new home for your giveaway. It takes forever for new product to arrive where I live and I LOVE Ranger products.

Renee S. said...

The colors should live with me. I will give them a very nice home. They even get a room of their own!
The colors are just delicious. Hmm - I'm pretty sure that I could figure out a way to use them.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Lynne said...

Unbelievable giveaway!!!! I so need these!! My papers and die cuts and stamps and flowers are drooling with anticipation!! You don't want to disappoint them do you? LOL Thanks for the opportunity!!

KAREN said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! LOVE THE NEW COLORS!!!!! Can't stop smiling!!!! What to do it you win ALL 12 colors?!?!?!?!?! My head is spinning!!!! I feel flushed and I am sweating~~~never mind-that was a hot flash lol.

KAREN said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! LOVE THE NEW COLORS!!!!! Can't stop smiling!!!! What to do it you win ALL 12 colors?!?!?!?!?! My head is spinning!!!! I feel flushed and I am sweating~~~never mind-that was a hot flash lol.

April Jaehn said...

Oh be still my beating heart--breath April, just breath woman. I seriously can't wait to get my grubby paws on these!

Dorothy said...

Hi Wendy!!!
thanks for all you do! I so can't wait to get all these colors.slow but sure, I will have them!

Vicki in MD said...

Good morning Wendy

omg - who wouldn't think those new colors shouldn't live with them. We are now unburied from the 30+ inches of snow and can get to the mailbox should the mailman actually get to deliver them here. Love your work and all the tips you give. Can you please tell Ted you want to come to Ocean City this spring? We have a great little convention he comes to every year.

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

What a fab prize - yummy. Thanks for the chance to win these Wendy -here's hoping - PICK ME PICK ME!
Anne xx

luvzenkm2 (Leea) said...

I am salivating ...What a great giveaway....btw did you get snow last night? in my part of the Land of Lincoln just enough to annoy...but thinking tomorrow nights will do more than annoy its never good when the Chi Town weather guys say south of I-80 look out..OY how many days til spring...LOL..thanks for the chance!

sandyh50 said...

Wow! I love all the new colors and would love to win these! They are great! Thanks for the chance!

sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com

Nancy said...

OMG look at all those wonderful ink pads - I am so anxious to get the new colors and make some pretty new projects. I would love to win these.
I also wanted to let you know I love your art - between you and Tim I get so much inspiration!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Andrea said...

WOW what a great giveaway, do I need these 12 distress pads now let me think ???????????? if I won these I would certainly need some kinda pad not sure it would be distressed though as I would be soooooooooooo excited to win I just might wet myself, what a fab set of colours and they would certainly look divine with the other 24 that I have, thanks for the chance to win Wendy x

Deb Smith said...

Wendy - this is such an awesome giveaway. Thanks to you and the donors! Imagine the projects that could be done with such a treasure as this. Love your work and can't wait to see you again.

lori said...

wendy~what a GENEROUS giveaway from you and ranger! so wonderful... i can't wait to hit barnes & noble when stampers sampler comes out.... i LOVE the magazine and love it even more when i "know" the designers!!! have a fabulous weekend and thanks for the giveaway!!!

Brenda in Indy said...

OMG what great colors! I can picture my fingers already colored. Hope I win. Thanks so much for this giveaway.

Denise said...

Wow! So much the choose from! Love all the new goodies and your neverending inspiration, Wendy! Thanks, Ranger...hope I'm chosen. :D

BAKERCEE said...

Great give-away. Those inks are calling my name.

Margaret Kane Ward said...

wow; all the new colors!!! what crafter wouldn't want to get her (or the rare his) mitts on those? Thanks for all the lovely inspiration and a chance at a WONDERFUL prize!!

Bevs3 said...

I think these inks should definately come and live with me. They would fit in just right with the other 24. I would tell the other 24 to move over, make room and welcome the 12 newbies. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Angie A. said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for the opportunity...would so love to have these!

Far North said...

Oh I am drooling!! I LOVE the look of all those new colors. I want you to know those pretties would have an excellent home with me. I promise to use my distress inks almost daily. I will keep a watchful eye on their needs and will feed and water at the first sight of a need. I will provide creative interaction with other Ranger products and stimulation of some sparkling, glimmering embellments. And finally they will have a very special home especially decorated to keep with the style their sister distress inks have been accumstom to enjoying. Indeed they will have a good life here!

Katherine said...

What a wonderful give away. Hope i am the lucky winner.

Unknown said...

Oh Justin pick me please.

Anonymous said...

whoppee new inks. thank you for the opportunity to win these inks.


Annette Goodey said...

A fantastic prize on a marvellously informative blog.
I should love to be the lucky winner. Thanks for
the chance.


lorena b. said...

Wendy - So many lovely places for these inks to reside. I think they would be happiest on the sunny, warm, west coast here in CA! You can personally deliver, I don't mind at all!

Jenna said...

Oh, my goodness, what a thrill it would be to win these! Please, come live with me!

texasbarb said...

Even though I never win anything, I've cleared a space right next to my old Distress ink the new ones don't get lonely...LOL!!!

I would soooooo love to win a set of the new inks!!!!!!!1

Sally sTo said...

ALL TWELVE NEW COLORS! Oh this is SO awesome, it motivated me to figure out the Blogger sign-in thing. I have been visiting your bog for ages, but never made it past that issue to post a comment. So I think I deserve a prize for getting over a technology hurdle, right? ; )

MarleneMAZ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MarleneMAZ said...

What pretty pictures of the new inks, would look even prettier if they were in my house, hint, hint :)

The Paper Princess said...

I am so excited about all the new products (your book & stamps, Tim's Book & stamps, new ink colors, Maya Roads new products, OH MY!) So excited to get it in my hands and create away! Thanks for all your inspiration! I love to read your blog too! Awesome art! Thanks for sharing.

Connie said...

All 12 colors!!! Only in my dreams could I imagine getting all 12 at one time.

Rainy said...

Ooooh La La!!! Luck be a lady tonight!!!!! Thanks for a great giveaway!!

Stampnms said...

I seriously need those pads, so I can afford all the reinkers.

Kendra said...

My Birthday is Wednesday and winning this will make this my best birthday ever!!!

Susie Lang said...

Awwww, shoot! Now I have drool all over my keyboard. Must try to maintain a bit of dignity . . . OR NOT. ROFL!!!

Julie said...

A HUGH THANKS for the awesome blog giveaway!!!

Debs Doodles and More said...

be still my heart!! Not on my budget right now and about the only way I will get these is too win a chance at them!!
Thanks Wendy i love your blog and all the great comments and the answers

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness....look at all that distress goodness....I would love for these to come live with me...I would take very good care of them...use them on a daily basis and make sure that they knew that they were very very loved....

Thanks for the opportunity.

Hitomi said...

oh my gosh, to have the new distress ink colors.....I would love that. I don't even have all the old colors, so to have all the yummy new colors would be especially fab.

craftymuzz said...

oooh luvvly, would love to have a chance of winning this lovely selection. All 12 colours you spoil us

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