Thursday, February 11, 2010

with love, from me to YOU...

as a special THANK YOU for being blog friends...


for all the wonderful comments you leave...(hint)

I have a valentine tutorial, just for you!

I'll show you how to use Ranger's pigment inks to make an easy awesome background and I'll show you a completed valentine tag...

studio 490 style...

The pigment inks are a quick drying pigment ink, that provide opaque coverage. So, they are perfect for quickly inking chipboard or grunge.

They'll air dry on porous surfaces in about 15 minutes...

or if you're like me...impatient...

just blast them with the heat-it craft tool for a few seconds and you're ready to move on.

So that's one way to use the provide complete coverage.

But I found another way to use them, for a totally different look.

This technique can also be done with the Distress inks, but because they are transparent and pigments are opague...
you'll see that the look is very different with each.

Using the pigment gives a chalky look, that I really like...
Let's go!

Make sure to work on your Ranger non stick craft sheet.

To make the Perfect Pearls mist, add a small bit (what fits on the end of a popcycle stick) to an empty mini mister & fill 3/4 full with water. Shake to mix.

Perfect pearls are set with water, so they won't rub off & no special stinky fixatives are needed.

For this sample, I used Sunflower Sparkle Perfect Pearls and Ranger's Red Pepper & Denim pigment inks.

2. Lightly swipe the ink pads onto the craft sheet, placing the inks close together.

Just a light touch is all it takes...

it should look like this...

3. Shake the Perfect Pearls solution to mix, then mist the inks to create dots of color to look like this...

4. Place a manila tag over the area & swipe your hand across the back of the tag.

DO NOT drag the tag thru the color...

that will mix the inks & make mud. trust me!

DRY with the heat it craft tool & the tag will look like this, with a base coat of color.

Nothing exciting yet...
but this technique is about adding layers to create interest...

5. Lightly tap the tag onto the remaining ink dots & pick them up.

DRY...repeat picking up the ink dots until you are satisfied with the background.
Dry between adding layers.

STOP when you like it...

if you go too far, you KILL it & calling 911 will do you no good! trust me!

It will look like this...notice the bling from the Perfect Pearls.

6. Using red pepper again, stamp the scallop 3 times as shown.

DRY with heat tool.

I designed the scallop stamp as a time saver.

Instead of rethreading the sewing machine each time I wanted a new it's simple...

I just change the color of the ink!

7. Using denim, stamp the register stamp & dry, with the heat tool.

8. Trim the bottom of the tag along the scallop, to make a scalloped edged tag. It's so EASY...& I LOVE the look!

Use the gold Paint Dabber to edge the tag.

I chose gold...but other coordinating dabber colors would be fine too.

9. Using jet black archival, stamp "with love" @ the bottom of the text.

10. Next, grab a scrap of grungepaper and stamp the heart, using jet black archival.

Cut out the studio 490 heart.

11. Using the ink blending tool, lightly TAP the blending tool onto the red pepper pad.

Don't rub...just tap lightly...pigment pads are foam.

***Use just a bit of ink...remember the pigments are opaque, so use just a bit. Too much covers up the stamped image***

You can always go back & add more. me!

12. Stamp the 2 mini flowers on grungepaper scraps with jet black archival & cut out.

Using denim, lightly apply ink with the ink blending tool.

Use jet black archival to stamp the register stamp over the flowers.

13. Using olive archival, stamp the leaves onto grungeboard scraps.

Cut out & ink with peeled paint, on the front & back.
Curl each petal to shape.

Stamp just the leaves from this flower, using jet black archival, onto a scrap of grungepaper.

Cut out, ink with peeled paint (front & back) and overstamp with a background stamp and jet black archival. photo...someone?? deleted it accidently! duh...

14. Assemble as shown.

Add a threaded vintage button for the flower center.

The finishing embellishments are a mini heart pin, from Maya Road and a bit of gingham ribbon, also from Maya Road.

Pen stitch around the edge of the tag.

Here's a close-up...

15. and the finished tag...
for that special someone...

Once again...thank you for being blog friends!

I hope this was fun...

now get those supplies & stamps out and...

make (valentine) art!

ps...some teaching locations have been updated.
Check the right sidebar.


  1. Looks like I'll be playing with pigment inks today! Great tutorial and LOVE those new stamps!!!!

  2. OMG! Love this tag! Love the scallop edge and the heart! Makes me want to get inky! Thanks for such awesome make it look sooooo easy!

  3. Gorgeous tag Wendy, and thank you so much for the tutorial ;)
    Anne xx

  4. That is beautiful, always looking for something more to do with 'grunge'. Thanks!

  5. stunning wendy and thanks for sharin your inspiration with all your bloggy to have a play....hugs kath xxxx

  6. LOVE, LOVE the card - great idea

    wish my stamps would hurry up and get here

  7. Beautiful Wendy! Thanks for the inspiration and the great tutorial!

  8. That is so cute!!! Just waiting for my new stamps:)))

  9. This is GORGEOUS! And it's so.... Wendy! Love it! Love the pigment and pearls technique.
    Quick question - I assume you use different blending foams for the pigments versus distress inks? You know what they say about assuming....

  10. Ooh, I like! Do you just stick the pen in the grungepaper, or do you glue it in?

  11. Now I know why I need(want?) the set with the sewing really does help to see the stamps used! Thanks. Did you feel the earthquake in Chicago the other day? Or are you too far away? Once in a blue moon...I know my home state doesn't get grandparents were always keeping us up to date on the tornadoes in Chicago while my parents were doing the same for the earthquakes here in California for them. Don't remember my parents or grandparents(all having grown up in the Chicago area) ever talking about earthquakes in Illinois. Luckily most of them are over before you entirely register what is going on...if you felt it, you might want to make something to commemorate will probably be a blue moon(actually longer) before you feel one again. At least in Illinois. Come to Carson...well, likelihood a lot higher!

  12. Woohooo...road trip to Buffalo in September!!!

  13. You Rock!!!
    Thank you for the wonderful ideas

  14. so yummy! thanks for sharing!!! gotta get me some of that grungepaper now:))))

  15. Corrrrrrr...I LOVE this tag...and it just so happens that...hopefully.. in a few days time I will be able to pounce on my Postie and grab my new stamps so i can have a go at making this myself :O)) In the meantime, I may just go and the Pigment ink technique..I have loads of them and never thought of mixing them with water! Thanks for the inspiration xx

  16. Such a fun tag. Can't wait to play around and make this. Love the tutorial.a

  17. What a lovely tag! Thank you for sharing the how-to with us.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. Thank You Wendy! You have a big, BIG heart! This is the perfect Valentines gift from you to us, your blogger friends! And yes, it was fun and I can't wait to make (Valentine) art!! Thanks for sharing.

  19. I haven't seen the Make Art stamp set before - very cool and a great tag to add to a more masculine card - that heart is awesome. Great tutorial - thanks so much Wendy!

  20. Great tag...really like that stitched scallop...ugh! Thanks, Wendy!

  21. Just saw your list of dates...what are the classes at Rockford going to be like? My contract ends tomorrow, so I might be available for a work day class!

  22. Love the tag. It is really elegant. Can't wait to get the new stamps!

  23. Love using that technique with distress ink, guess I NEED to buy some pigment pads as well so I try that too! Thanks for the tutorial! The tag is great!

  24. Another great project and another reason why I CANT WAIT to have your new stamps shipped to me!

    Thanks for the great tutorial, Wendy. Off to make "inspired" Art!!

  25. wow i like it
    it's so cute

  26. Wendy -

    Thank you for that great tutorial! Wonderful! And the tag is just beautiful.

    Elaine Allen

  27. Ahh, thats a LOVEly tutorial - we love YOU Wendy!. Got to make dinner before I can make ART but I know which I'd rather be doing. That heart is sooo cool, I didn't think I'd want it, now I know I NEED it, lol!!

  28. Wendy, I love this.. awesome! I was really eyeing those flowers on that awesome wooden spool (I know where you got that! hehe). Thank you for always inspiring me.. I just love how you use the grungeboard.. the inks.. your beautiful stamps.. Im hooked!

    Dawn "inn" Michigan

  29. Love the tag. Thank yor for the idea.

  30. Looks like I need some new pigment inks! Such a beautiful tag.

  31. Thanks for the tutorial! Perfect tag for Valentine's Day. Makes me want to get inky! Love the scallop stamp too, I'd much rather stamp it than sew it!

  32. Beautiful tag! I haven't worked with pigment inks - was never quite sure how to use them - no LSS where I live to take classes at, so I appreciate the little tutorial. Now I'll have to get some and do some experimenting! Thanks for sharing!

  33. Thanks so much for the Valentine! Luckily I have ordered all of these stamps and I'm just waiting for them to show up on my doorstep!
    Happy Valentines to you!

  34. OOOHH!!! I've not ordered the new stamps yet - just haven't had a chance - and now I really want them NOW! *lol* This is beautiful, Wendy - and thank you for the tutorial with the pigments. I don't use them a lot, so knowing better how to use them is a good thing.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you & Rick!

  35. Love the tag! I will have to do some improvising and am waiting for some new stamps. The valentine and scallop stamps are a definite need.(want) Thanks for the tutorial!

  36. Love, love, love, love this tag (singing while I say this!!!) I so NEED that scallop stamp, how cool, love the heart, love the pigment inks, love, love, love this tag (singing while I say this. . . again!!)

  37. Thanks for the tutorial using the pigment pads - those are pads that I don't use very often... Looks like I should get them out and give them some love...

  38. love the tag tutorial - what more could I ask for being snowed in by the blizzard of 2010. thanks for the great details!

  39. Uuuhh... (huge gasp)... oh my gosh, you're coming to Iowa... you're coming to Iowa... I can't believe it... not just the edge of Iowa but sort of by my part of Iowa (it only takes me 1 1/4 hour to get to Ankeny) ... What are you teaching?? Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I'll have to call the store... I can't miss this!!!!!

    Thank you for the Valentine's... it's beautiful!!! And the tutorial!! Great!! Just an added thought... I've colored a scrap of GP with the pigment ink first, then stamped with the jet black over the dried pigment ink... no worries about covering up the stamping.

    And YOUR COMING TO IOWA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. This is gorgeous! Love the technique. Thank you for sharing this!!

  41. Hmm do I have time to do this and make dinner. . .oh who needs to eat going to see what stamps I can find to play with!

  42. Thanks for the Valentine tutorial- it is beautiful! The little stick pin heart thingy is so cute. I just might have to shop!! Hope you are not too snowed in. Gotta go look through my goodies and make valentines.

  43. Another wonderful creation Wendy, love it, tfs

  44. Fabulous tutorial Wendy - absolutely adore all of your work. Thank you for sharing your brilliant expertise.
    Hugs, ylvia xxxxxx

  45. Beautiful tag, love the layering on the heart! x

  46. I love it when you do tutorials on your blog ... it's like your here with me!--Stephanie

  47. Great tutorial and beautiful tag... can't wait to get your new stamps. Thanks for being so generous in your sharing with all of your blog followers. You are the best! :) Sue

  48. Thank you for the tutes - they are very much appreciated and your work is just do inspiring.

    I love it.

  49. that's gotta be..(note to self) stamps,MUST have the scallop...replace old inks....more to Wendy...fabby tag..fab tutorial...happy vali day!


  50. nice one! and easy enuf for even me! yeah! at least I have most of the products this time :) xox cher
    (glad yer back!)

  51. Love this tutorial ... I need to drag out my pigment inks and give this a try .. thanks for sharing ... I'm now inspired ... off to make ART!!!

  52. thank you for the valentine treat...better than chocolate! hope you and Rick have a warm to try pigment inks...nonnic

  53. Great art, I accept the challenge. Valentine tag art coming soon.

  54. great tag. I haven't ever tried those inks...guess I need to add more to the list!
    kathy m

  55. I love your tag! And I love your stamps, this heart is my favorite, I need it!
    I will try to do my valentine tag or card tonight, just few days left...

  56. Thank you for Valentine's Day art that isn't all cute and sweet and pretty. Instead you gave us something bold and fabulous. Thank you.

  57. Thanks for the "class." I'm going to CA next week--visiting my daughter and her family--and promised my grandughter, Kalea, we would do some artsy stuff. She will love making that tag with me. Thanks again, Penny in MO

  58. other thatn to say: Awesome tag! I'm speechless....

  59. Wendy~~~
    Thanks for the tutorial!!! Love the heart with the flowers on it!!! Love the GRUNGE!!!! Can't wait to see what you have for us next!!

  60. Really really lovely tutorial. I don't use pigment ink much, so thanks for the tips on it. I hope you're working in a class or two in CA when you're here for the rubber stamp convention.

  61. Great tutorial, Wendy! Thanks for the inspiration:)
    Debbie K.

  62. What an adorable tag and fun technique. Will be trying this Monday when I will be having a playday in my studio with a coworker. Yeah the post office will be closed, so I will only have to work 2 or 3 hours in the backroom sorting and boxing.

  63. Thanks for the tutorial! I don't use my pigment inks much but I'll dust them off now. I got my hands on your new stamps today and had fun all day! Thanks!!!!

  64. Wendy,
    Thank you so much for being CONSTANT INSPIRATION! Further down the path I truly want to share your ART with many others! You are a wonderful, wonderful gift to many of us! I also realize what a huge part your Hubby Rick is in your life! Thank you~BOTH of you!
    P.S. OK ~ I will get out of my mushy mode ~ it is nearing Valentines Day!

  65. Thank you Wendy for the tag instructions. I've been snowed in since Saturday. No mail delivery. no new Wendy stamps. :( Wish I was back on the Mexico cruise.
    I am having fun with the old Wendy stamps though :)

  66. Awesome tag and great inspiration as always!

  67. you are amazing! I love it, thanks for sharing!

  68. Thank you for a wonderful tutorial! This is an adorable tag. When are these stamps ever going to get to my LSS??? I can hardly wait.

  69. very nice tutorial. so clear and concise that i think i could make a similar tag. guess i need a couple more stamp sets though.

  70. thanks for the tutorial. I only have a couple of your stamp sets, can't wait to get my hands on some more--especially the latest releases. They seem extra fun!
    Just wanted to let you know your stamp storage sheets are good for more than storing. I recently finished making my December Daily mini book and I wanted a scalloped edge on the covers so I traced the storage sheet on the chipboard and cut it out. They were the perfect size! pics are here:
    thanks as always for the beautiful inspiration!

  71. Waiting ever so impatiently for my new STUFF...until then, looks like I'll be improvising to try out this technique. I know I have some pigment pads somewhere....
    Eileen in NYC

  72. Lovely! hope i can squeeze in some time to make some tomorrow.

  73. Thanks so much for the tutorial!

  74. Very cool. Loving that scallop stamp. Gots to go get my hands on it. Thanks again for sharing.

  75. gorgeous. Can't wait to try it. Just the sweetest tag I've seen for V-day!


  76. Thanks for this lovely tutorial and for explaining about the inks. I don't know why I haven't been able to grasp the differences between dye inks, pigment inks, etc. Now that I know the quailites of the pigment inks I should be able to keep them straight in my mind. Have a great weekend!

  77. I'm gonna go play with some ink!

  78. Aww~for me? Thank you for the Valentine Tag and tutorial~you're the best!

  79. This Valentine tag is so pretty - thanks for sharing all the techniques with us.

  80. Thanks so much for it!

  81. I pounced on Postie and got my new stamps!!! YAH!!!! I went to make this inkpad drawer has eaten nearly all my Pigment inkpads..they have spilled out into the back..and I can't get to them..they are trapped inside and the stupid drawer wont' come out either...a job for Grim to get them for me...however, never one to be deterred by a mere formality..I used Dye inks instead...and yep, I admit it...I copied your heart and embellies..but they are so FAB I couldn't help myself LOL I made a card and altered a photoframe for Grim for Valentines...dutiful wifey that I am...and he knows about the new stamps now too ROFL .. hugs xx

  82. Oh, I am so happy you showed us this tutorial. I am just so intimidated using inks. Thanks ever so much. Love your tag. It is just adorable.


  83. A beautiful tag and I loved seeing the process. Thank you so much for sharing!

  84. Wow!! This is great!
    Thanks Wendy!!!

  85. Hi, It's now Monday Feb 15th and I miss you and your scallop stamp!!!!

  86. Beautiful!!!
    Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
