Tuesday, March 9, 2010

kissing rubber is fun...

this is an old technique that someone showed me a LONG time ago...

I had just discovered rubber stamping & I remember thinking it was MAGIC...
not sure who to give credit to...
but this is NOT an original idea from me...

this is a quick way to alter solid rubber stamp images...

It's simple...

just ink the stamp (fern)...

then press it onto a clean background stamp to remove some of the ink, which creates a subtle pattern...

Exhibit A...

this fern is stamped with olive archival...
the image is nice & solid...

Exhibit B...
the same fern stamp, kissed onto the un-inked houndstooth background...

to create this...

Exhibit C...

This time I kissed it onto the polka dot background...

I used the same fern stamp to make this tag...
click for a larger view to see the detail better...

The background is a combo of the new distress colors...
crushed olive, stormy sky & a bit of chipped sapphire...

After I had the background inked...

then I misted sunflower sparkle perfect pearls onto my craft sheet and stamped into it with the leafy background...& dried it.

I call this perfect stamping...

The Perfect Pearls/water removes & lightens the color...

I like the watercolor-ish (not clear & perfect) leafy look...

Ah ha...this shows it better...

The large flower is colored with Ranger's butterscotch pigment ink...

yep...PIGMENT...which is an awesome opaque ink right from the pad...

here's how...

Tap the pigment pad on your craft sheet...
mist with the mini mister & water...
or the mini mister & water with Perfect Pearls...if you like bling...

now just take your cut out, stamped flower image...

that was stamped with ARCHIVAL ink ...

(it must be waterproof...right?) ...

color the grunge image with the watery pigment ink...

just smoosh it around to ink...

heat to dry & done.

So now the pigment isn't opaque and you have a whole new lighter color pallette of pigment inks to choose from.

This is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE inks...

there are so many options...

OK...back to the kissing...I got carried away...
notice that the fern looks textured now??

I used the jet black archival & my text background to alter this velvet ribbon from Maya Road...

another presto...chango!
SIMPLE to alter & customize with archival ink & stamps.

That's it for today...
just typing this makes me want to go and...

make art!
ps...tomorrow more Sizzix gadget gears flowers...

see you then


  1. What a gorgeous tag! Love your flower! Keep on making that art!

  2. Kissing rubber??? Never heard of that technique but I must try it today. Thank you once again for sharing. Marijane

    P.S. love the tag..butterscotch is my favorite pigment ink so far.

  3. Just LOVE inky play days! More ideas to try - yahoo!

  4. Beautifully done! I want to go do some inky kissing now! Yeah!

  5. Nothing like a bit of kissing :0) Love your tag ... a lot X

  6. Sheesh, that title had me all excited for a minute...then I realized it was about stamps. lol Very cool techniques. I'm lovin' those pigment inks, too, like the opaque quality. Can't wait to see the gadget flowers!

  7. I love the idea of "kissing" the stamps. Makes those large solid stamps more useful! Going to try that soon! Those colors are awesome together, too!

  8. Gorgeous tag. I would never have thought of attempting to mix pigment inks with water, thanks for the tip x

  9. Love those colors! Have the morning to play in my craft room...think I'll go kiss some rubber! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Ahhh - Kissing an oldie but a goodie and you are right - I thought it was magic too!

  11. YOU are SO dang GOOD at what you do! Love this tag!!! My favorite colors and a beautiful idea. Thanks for "making art", Wendy. You inspire me!

  12. I learned something new today. . .that makes this a good day!

    What do you do with all your tags once they are created?

  13. Hey Wendy, that technique looks pretty darn awesome...and...kissing is a lovely past time isn't it??? ROFL

    Love your tag....am off for a snog now LOL xx

  14. I had seen the "kissing Technique " but never really tried it. Now I will have to! Love the tag and all you share with us. Can't wait to see the flowers tomorrow.

  15. Love the tag ! I totally forgot about that technique .. I'll have to go home and try that on something .. I love the look of it. Have a great day Wendy !!

  16. Beautiful tag. Just love the flower. You always make it seem so easy!

  17. Love your tag. You're a great kisser ;)

  18. Beautiful tag. Thanks for reminding me about kissing rubber. It's a technique I forget about.

  19. Ok Wendy,

    I had to laugh when I read your caption for today. I thought, oh yeah, Wendy's finally gone off the deep end, she's now kissing her stamps! All kidding aside, I have heard of this before. but I've never tried it. I will have to give this a try. And your tag, well, just beautiful!

    Glad to know you are as sane as the rest of us - LOL!

    Elaine Allen

  20. Love it! I always enjoy looking at all of your flowers!

  21. The tag looks great, and the technique is one (ok a few) that I'll be trying. Thank you miss Wendy.

  22. Beautiful work, great ideas, can't wait to play.... sorry, make art!

  23. Thank you for reminding us of the kiss technique. Loved the fern and all the ideas.

  24. Thanks for the reminder about the kissing. How is it that this sort of vital information is what seems to fall out of my head when I'm playing in my studio?

  25. I've tried the "kissing" without great results. I think I get it now! thanks for all your great tips!

  26. Well thanks so much for reminding me of a great kissing technique that doesn't require a handy partner. Think I'll pucker up and go try it right now. LOL!
    Eileen in NYC

  27. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was having a problem with a project and this was the perfect solution. Love how you pull out and rotate back into the line up, techniques from the past. Got to go..

  28. Gorgeous Tag Wendy, as always!
    Thanks for this technique, such fantasic results, yet so simple.
    Off to try it now!

  29. Kissing stamps is new to me. So if I take my French script background stamp and kiss it with some other stamp, would that be French kissing? LOL. Great technique! Thanks again for the info!

  30. well..I got lost here...but gonna reread it until I get it...heard of kissing...once or twice LOL....but..well..I will just reread..luv the tag! ty Wendy

  31. What a cool tag and a neat technique buried in the recesses of my brain. Time to brush off the cobwebs and try it again with the fab Studio 490 background stamps. Can't wait to see all your fantastic demos at the Carson show...you ARE the reason I'm going to be there!

  32. Thanks for the kissing rubber technique reminder - but, to some newer stampers, "everything old is new again"! Love all the examples you gave. And, I love Julie's french kissing comment!!!

  33. Just reading this makes me want to go and "Make Art"... gorgeous!!!! Love that kissing technique and don't think of doing it often enough... thanks for the reminder.

  34. I love "kiss" stamping. Thanks for reminding me about this old favorite.

  35. Love that idea! I've been stamping for 5 years and have never seen this technique - I will definitely be checking this out! Thanks!!!

  36. I love kissing. And rubber stamping is fun too!

  37. Just fabulous! And I love all the different looks you can get with the kissing technique.

  38. Thanks for reminding me of this old technique! But you give it a totally new look. Beautiful tags.

  39. I'm glad you are showing this! I am tired of stamps that look "pre-kissed"; it is so limiting!

  40. Great reminder always leave a few kisses for your favorite stamp!

  41. What a gorgeous composition here. Love the colors and the kissing really adds so much to the fern leafs. Love how the same stamps are just so different every time you do something with them. Can you move to Wisconsin? it's not that much colder than Illinois. LOL

  42. OK, I guess I am a big dummy, but I had to read your post 3 times to figure it out and I am not sure that I did totally- I think I have to go and play to get the gist of it.
    Hugs from the beach
    Dawn in SC

  43. Love this idea!!! this is such a super cool tag.

  44. been stamping a while now and have not seen this technique before, but you can bet your buttons, I will be using this one for a long time to come. Thanks for the inspiration

  45. love those colors...my stamps should be here early next week...just can't wait!

  46. Going to try your pigment technique tomorrow.I am also signing up for two of your classes in Ankeny, IA at Memory Bound tomorrow. I have already taken your ink technique class in Madison. I am very excited about these classes!

  47. Cool technique!! I will have to try that one! Tag is beautiful! I received your book and LOVE it!! Thanks for all your inspiration!

  48. Wendy - I used to be a demo for Stampin' Up, and another way to do this is to ink your background stamp (don't stamp off some of the ink), and kiss your leaf stamp to the background. This will give you a lighter, airier image, and is useful for people who aren't comfortable with double stamping. You can put whatever you want on your background stamp, so I imagine you could mist it will a little perfect pearls as well!
    Love that tag.......gotta do one today! I made a book for my mother's upcoming 90th birthday party, and I made tags using a lot of your techniques, well distressed, added pics of the grandkids, back it with a clean tag, and they're each going to write messages to her!

  49. beautiful Wendy - that is one reason why I love your stamps - they lend themselves so well to the kissing technique!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  50. Thanks for reminding me about this technique, it makes the solid stamps so much more than just their original image, lots of stamps from one, great value. I thought the fern image kissed with the polka dots look like a peacock feather.

  51. ..blimey, had completely forgotten about that technique!..thanks for reminding! love the tag and the colour combo is lovely
