Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ranger's archival inks...

are not just for stamping...

Here's one of my finds from this past weekend...

I liked it...but as you can see...
it's kind of blahhhhhhhh...

and way too stark for our bedroom...

So...after applying some jet black archival ink...
right from the pad...

and some coffee archival...
right from the pad...

it's looking much better...
but I'm still not in love...

Here's a vintage drain thingy I found a long time ago...
see the flower???
I NEEDED it...

I'm telling you...
those flowers are everywhere...

OOPS...I deleted the before photo...
it too was blah looking...
pale...coated in lime...

but here's the after...

I rubbed the jet black archival pad over the letters to accent them...
and I accented the edge with the pad...
and around the flower...

I bet you know what's coming next...
now I LOVE IT!!!

So the #1 moral of the story...which is also the title of this post...
archival inks aren't just for stamping...
I use them on metal & wood for distressing...
they are permanent...
they won't smear...
they are perfect!

#2 moral...
keep your eyes open & SEE the potential of what things could be...


now what would I hang on the rack?

How about a new bracelet...

see the flowers?

and FINALLY...

THE CABINET got delivered...

this was a MAJOR task, since this guy is 7 feet tall...
and over 6 feet wide
and the office is @ the end of the hallway...

it took lots of planning...
and lots of strong guys...

they had to bring it in thru the patio doors & stand it up on an angle under the skylight to have enough height to tip it up.

I was told this will NEVER be moved again...
got it boys!
I'll LOVE it right where it is...forever...

TA DA....
my Christmas gift from my brother & nephew...

the bottom is open for display...
above that are 3 secret drawers...
for vintage treasures, I'm sure...

It has LOTS of storage space...
for LOTS of art STUFF...
and is just what I NEEDED!

Moving on to business stuff...

I've gotten a million questions...
ok probably 40...

about where to purchase the rusting solution I used on the Maya Road chipboard birdcage that is on the cover of Stamper's Sampler.

I have contacted the place where I bought it, to order more...

and my emails have all been returned...

just as soon as I have the info, you can bet I'll post it here...I WILL keep trying...

And it seems that the Maya Road "sew cute" mini chipboard set...(the mini dressform etc) is sold out in lots of places...
got LOTS of questions about this adorable set too...

I found it here...

Now about the new studio 490 SUMMER stamp release...

there will be 8 large & 4 small sets...

and in the works...
if this develops...
there may be one more...

it's a possibility...

but that depends on IF the idea develops into reality...
That's all I can say for now...

Still making kits for this weekend @ Memory Bound in Ankeny, Ia.

Still have lots of packing to do...

love to...

make art!


  1. WOW! You just amaze me - the things that you see! The rack for your bedroom was magically transformed with the addition of the drain cover. Your cabinet was WELL worth the wait and the trouble getting it in your home. It is beautiful. Now I have to go look for some "flowers" that don't appear until you use your imagination! Marijane

  2. Love what you did with the rack! And that cabinet is gorgeous! (I wouldn't want to move it, either.)

  3. That drain thingy is PERFECT!! I do see the was all I saw at first I couldn't believe it was a drain!! Fabulous job!!TFS

  4. Thanks for the pic of the bracelet ... I was up all night worrying about it or maybe dreaming about what it could be! Love it. The cabinet is awesome perfect!

    I'm telling you...I would love to come help you make kits! Seriously!

    Have a great day and make us some new art!

  5. That cabinet was so worth the wait and thanks for the picture of the bracelet so pretty I would not of been able to pass it up either!

  6. What cool finds. I did not know you could use the inks on wood and metal. Thanks for the info! Love that bracelet. I would have bought that one too. Your dresser is wonderful. What a beautiful gift! Nope I would never move that again either.

  7. I love what you did to the rack, but I was more interested in the info re the new stamps - that's a LOT more stamps and I know I am going to want them all. How soon can you starting giving us peaks??? If we ask really nicely???

  8. I love how you used your noodle on that one. Gorgeous use of found object. Love it!

  9. wow love what you did to the rack and the plug hole drainer thingie is genius and looks fantastic, the big dresser is stunning, braclet is so pretty

  10. I am going to have to open my mind more than I have in the past! I had no idea there was a flower in the storm drains of olde! lol I will have to seach for flowers! lol Also, I had no idea the inks could be used on wood or metal. duh'
    Hugs to you, and hurry up the new stamps! hugs, Pat Smith

  11. What cool rack for your bedroom. Looks much better after you spiffed it up! Good to know about the archival inks! I have some, thanks to reading your blog! I really love your Christmas present! Such a beautiful piece of furniture. The guys must really love you! Really.
    Pretty, pretty bracelet. I guess Rick loves you too!

  12. Thanks for the photo of the bracelet--I can see why you "needed" it. Love what you made, and the cabinet is gorgeous!

  13. OMG! That cabinet is BEAUTIFUL!! I couldn't have that in my house because after it was all filled up it would probably go right through the floor since I live in an old house. LOL!!!

  14. oh my word! that cabinet is a treasure!luv your new bracelet!I see the flowers in it! ty for the rusting such a pain! off to scrap! xox cher

  15. Wow, wow,wow!!! Love how your brain works. Your cabinet is awesome. Your bracelet is fabulous and that stand for your bathroom is inspiring. Glad you didn't post any more goodies, as I am out of adjectives. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness!

  16. Thank you for teaching us how to train our eyes to see potential in every day objects!! Love the drain flower!

  17. That cabinet was worth the wait seeing !! It's beautiful. I really like what you did with the rack .. that lid is too cute .. Love the flower ;) Now you're making me want to go shopping to find something to alter.. LOL (I really don't need much pushing for that:) have a great day !!

  18. WONDERFUl, simply wonderful...all of it, just as always!!!

  19. Great pictures and great information, Wendy.
    Congratulations on finally getting your cabinet in place. It is truly fabulous, and you're fortunate to have the space for it. It would fill up half of my apartment, LOL.
    I have an unused binder, so have plenty of room for your new stamps. Looking forward to seeing them!
    Eileen in NYC

  20. love, Love, LOVE all the photos of your new belongings! Sounds like I better start saving for summer CHA cuz I know I'll just HAVE to get all your stamps asap!

  21. what awesome finds! I can't believe how the end product looks! so awesome!
    got my book done and I LOVE IT!!! A little piece of treasure! :D
    {haven't posted it yet, tho! lol}
    hope you are having a good week!

  22. Wow great cabinet it was worth the wait. And the bracelet definitely a find. Great inking tips and we will wait patiently for your new stamps, NOT.

  23. That cabinet is gorgeous!
    I love what you did with your great finds & some ink. You're just so creative! I need to go shopping with you 1 day lol.

  24. Love what you did to your treasurable finds!

    Thanks for the peak at the bracelet and cabinet - both are truely beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing!


  25. Love what you did to your treasurable finds!

    Thanks for the peak at the bracelet and cabinet - both are truely beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing!


  26. What a wonderful brother & nephew to get you such a perfect gift!

    You find the coolest stuff to alter :)

  27. beautiful cabinet!
    I better start saving more money ... I am never going to catch up!

  28. Hi Wendy! I love, love your cabinet!! It's stunning! Just so you know...if you get those slider things and put them on the bottom of your cabinet they will make it super duper easy to move....even when it's full of goodies! You can find in the hardware section:))) Love your stand!

  29. you sound like one happy bunny now the cabinet is in place..its gorgeous by the way!
    That 'drainy' thingy is fab! finishes off that hangery thing perfectly! so clever!!

  30. Isn't it fun to discover new ways to use the products and make art?!! That is the great thing about the products YOU are associated with, your stamps, the grunge, the inks; are so adaptable for many uses! Keep making art Wendy!

  31. Wow!!! It's amazing the before and after difference!! Kitting and being sure nothing is forgotten must be the icky part of teaching :-)) I am REALLY, REALLY, REALLY looking forward to this weekend!!!! Have a safe trip!!!! One more day until Friday... two for Saturday... and three for Sunday, lolol.

  32. Way cool rack! Er, I mean, the one in your bedroom, lol. That cabinet is cool beyond words, no wonder you're so stoked by it! More stamp sets, YIKES, you're killin' my pocketbook!!!!

  33. Love the rack and the monster cabinet :)
    Anne x

  34. Wendy,
    Your classes are great. I'm so glad we took all 3 offered at Memory Bound this weekend. You are an awesome instructor (or enabler). We had a blast and learned a lot from you. Your art work is wonderful. I'll be making more roses. Thanks for all your tips and comments --- and we LOVE FLY POOP!!!

  35. U.S. Supply Co. in Omaha, NE. It's where I live and grew up. My dad was a master plumer so I know this company VERY well. Small world, indeed!
