Thursday, May 13, 2010


mantle that spoke to us...

We found one that was just OK...
but not exactly what I have in mind...
so I didn't cry leaving it there...

We'll suffer & be headboard-LESS...(the shame!)
but look out!

The hunt will continue next week...

But we got some fun finds...

a REALLY AWESOME gift for our friend...

I wonder how long I can keep quiet about it...
I about fainted when we spotted it...
later on that...or I'll spill the beans & be mad @ ME!

Moving on...

Rick retired from Starved Rock State Park...
he was a park ranger...


RANGER RICK...he's had that comment a million times!

Anyway...he collects memorabilia from Starved Rock...
He was thrilled when I spotted this...

it's PERFECT condition...
it's leather (that's a material people used before GRUNGE!) ha!

Anyway there was a note inside...
that it was purchased in 1936 & it had the buyers name.
Pretty COOL!!!

I've been wanting a cool typewriter for a while...
but everytime I found one I REALLY liked...
I was out of town & didn't want to ship it...
or the price was too much...

You know how much I LOVE mini...
we found this cute MINI...with the case...

it's only 8 inches across...
and it works...

adorable...just what I wanted...

I'll be hunting e-bay for some ribbons...
I can't wait to type on this cutie...

I now resides in the family room...
and the case sits on the floor...
More house stuff...
this time DOOR ART!
Our laundry room is @ the end of the hall and has
a solid door that let in no light...

we shopped for a new door with frosted glass...
to let in light...
but we didn't want to look @ the washer & dryer...

we know nothing...pre-hung...or just a door??

The one we liked was $600...

enter my talented carpenter brother...
yep...the cabinet one...

we asked him which he wanted us to buy, because he would be installing it...
pre-hung or the other?

He suggested that we pick out some glass & he would chop the wood panels out & insert glass...

we found some really cool glass with beveled squares...

here's the before... BORING...

and after he added just $60 worth of glass...
it's much cuter in person...

The class supplies are all waiting for me in Indiana @ the hotel...thank you FED-EX!

I best pack some clothes for the weekend...

I'm headed to Sharon's Crop studio...
to help others to get inky and to...

make art!
ps...I hope YOUR weekend is arty too!


  1. Wow!!! Those are some great finds!!! Have a great arty weekend!

  2. I love that typewriter! What a great find. Enjoy it, and I do hope you have luck finding ribbon.
    Eileen in NYC

  3. cute typewriter! and door redo...luv it..have fun!

  4. Eight inches across?!? I love a good find!

  5. Love your finds!!
    Have a great weekend. I gotta work on Saturday but Sunday Iget to watch my oldest daughter graduate from UWM...with Honors!!!

  6. HAPPY RETIREMENT RICK! Wendy, now it's up to you to keep him busy - shopping or "ooooh-la-la!"

    I thought the new door was pretty to begin but with the addition of glass panels and a brother that can perform such magic??? PRICELESS!

  7. that is definitely a cool typewriter. i had never seen a small corona before... just odd brands. sort of the precursor of netbooks.

  8. What cool finds! Have a fun trip!

  9. How cute!! Wish I could find things like that. Love how you've displayed it.

  10. What a great shopping trip you had even if you didn't find the perfect mantle for your headboard. The door turned out wonderful! That could almost make laundry day fun! LOL Have fun in IN!

  11. There is nothing better than a handy brother:) Love what he did with the door!

  12. Love your mini Corona and the idea to put glass in the door for my light!

  13. Lucky Rick, enjoy your retirement! Wendy, what an adorable typewritter, so cute! You are so lucky that Rick enjoys your finds - my husband would look at me and say "what do you need that junk for?" LOL! I LOVE how your door came out! And imagine, its one of a kind!

    Elaine Allen

  14. Squeaaaaal...I LOVE your cute and oh-so-adorable typewriter!

  15. Have fun at Sharon's Crop Studio! Hope you can post some pictures from this event!

  16. Loving that typewriter! Good find indeed!!!! I need your eye. Heading to a market this weekend so -- you never know! :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  17. Enough about that cute typewriter...I wanna marry your brother!!! :-)

  18. Wowza, great finds. I'm sorry, Ranger Rick, I can't help myself...rofl...woulda been a cool job, though. And nice job with the laundry room door! If your brother needs something to do, tell him I have a list as long as my arm...have fun in Indiana!

  19. I love the stuff you found. That is what is so great about antique stores and flea markets. I have been looking for an old typewriter myself. They are so cool. I found one for $20 once and it was just like the one my dad had given me, but I didn't get it. I went back and it was gone and I kicked myself all the way home. What a treasure to find that photograph album. Sounds like it was a fun day.

    I love what your brother did to the door--pretty cool.

    Enjoy your trip.

  20. I know Rick will enjoy his retirement. You found some great things!

    Rick, be careful, Wendy may decide a headboard out of grunge flowers is what she wants!

    Hugs, Pat Smith

  21. Thank you for sharing your pictures, wonderful finds. Congrats to Rick. I hope you have a great weekend!

  22. To have a talented carpenter in the family would be awesome. Poor guy wouldn't get to rest with me around, I always have some idea of something my craft room MUST have :) Happy Friday !!

  23. Great finds! Drive carefully to IN! We will be here waiting! Maybe making art this weekend! What fun.

  24. You found some great stuff & your door is wonderful. What a talented brother you have.

  25. Cool typewriter. I learned to type on a manual typewriter where you fling that cartridge with your left hand at the end of every sentence. What a pain in the shoulder!! Love the cabinet and I want that comforter on your bed!! Can I send you my mailing address?

  26. Everything looks great, but the door redo...AWESOME!

  27. That typewriter is cute, cute, cute!!!... and what a fabulous job your brother did on the door!! Have fun this weekend!! No arting here... company coming in and still working on the addition... we should be ready to spray by the end of next week and then we can start moving in... woohoo!!!!!!!!

  28. I love that door, what a talented guy!!!!

  29. Thanks for the Mojo you shared with us this weekend at Sharon's Crop Studio. Lots of fun getting inky with you! Looking forward to your next trip here!

  30. RATS! I just randomly pulled up your blog and see that you were just here. Rats! rats! rats!
    I love Starved Rock! What an awesome find for hubby!
    Hoosier hugs,
