Thursday, August 5, 2010

all about HOME...

some things NEED a new home...

here's a little surprise...
just for leaving a comment yesterday...

I'll be sending a copy of my book #3 to...

Blogger Lori said...

Cool! New stamps are always welcome in my home! rofl! That piece of cake was as big as Keychain, wasn't it? lol! I'd heard about those from someone else at the show, too. Wow. Can't wait for those art parts! HA! Get this, my security word is tagized. hahaha

August 4, 2010 8:48 PM

send your address & Rick will mail a copy to you...

To answer a few questions I've been getting...

1. since U R giving books away does that mean i can order NOW & how do i pay?

I don't want to take orders just yet...
I only have a few copies to give away.

When they are printed & I have them in my hands here...

I will let you know for sure.

All book orders are done thru PayPal.

2. will art parts, new stamps & your book be available@ Stampaway?

I'm not sure...I talked with Ted yesterday & he said they are SWAMPED with orders & he will do his best...

3. When will your new things get to us in the UK? Netherlands, Australia?

Another...I can't say for sure.
It all depends on when the stores placed their orders.

The Stampers Anonymous policy is...

first received...first to ship.

So, the orders placed on the first day of CHA ship first...

4. Can I sell items at the church bazarre that I make with your stamps?

The angel policy for Stampers Anonymous states...
no mechanical or electronic reproduction. HAND STAMP ONLY...

as long as it's been hand stamped, it's fine.

5. was anything stolen @ CHA this time?

NOPE! I was lucky. Everything came home with me.

6. How is Paul doing?

Chemo treatment #2 was last Thursday...
he's doing OK.

he has a GREAT attitude...makes us laugh everyday.

His hair was falling out by the handfuls...
so he decided that he would be bald on HIS terms...
not when the cancer decided to make him bald...

so he went outside & shaved his head, to be in control.

And ...I'm happy to report that he's as cute as ever!

OK...back to the title of this post...


This is one of my favorite CHA projects for Maya Road...


it's a perfect fit for ATC's...

And here's the house again on a tag...

I'm still in love with the scallop stamp...

it looks like machine stitching...

but instead of changing the bobbin thread
( A HUGE PAIN) ...

it's much easier & quicker to just choose another ink color...

the new script background is stamped with coffee archival & my main images are stamped with jet-black archival.

coffee is AWESOME for backgrounds...

So...finishing up with HOME...

I have this brand new stamp set that needs a new home...

what would you do with this set?

How would YOU...
make art?
ps...leave a comment...
I'll ask Paul to choose the winner @ 7AM on Saturday...


  1. I have been wanting to make a book with photos of my home. I think these stamps would be the perfect accents! Of course I'd have to make a few ATCs too!!

  2. Okay ... well I would decorate the entire Wendy Vecchi Wing of my house with it ... that way you will feel right at home when you come stay :0)

  3. What I would do with this set of them, just like all the others I've got. They would feel "right at home!"

  4. I'd love to use this stamp set to make a wall hanging for myself and to give as gifts. This is too cute! :)

  5. Thanks for the update on Paul - he is in my prayers - as is his support team.
    I love card making - this set would be perfect for cards - I have lots of nieces and nephews off to college this year - this would be a good one to use for cards to them.
    Thanks for the fun Wendy!

  6. This stamp set is on my list to buy. I would make ATC with it. Love it!

  7. I've had my eye on this since the first time I saw it. I'm a Real Estate Agent and it would be great to make cards with. I would get a lot of use out of this set. Thank you for the chance to win!

  8. I already have two plans for these stamps: I am planning to do a small album of all the homes I've lived in my whole life. I am in my 60's so there are several and I'd be adding pictures, addresses and memories from each location. (Give an edited copy to my two brothers of homes we shared growing up.) Also, I have never done ATC's but have recently become interested in trying that art form. A local stamp store has an ATC club that meets regularly and exchanges cards. Sounds like fun! P.S. I WILL be using these stamps whether I win a set or buy one!

  9. First I want to say congrats to Lori; you couldn't have picked a better recipient for Book#3. Lori's work is wonderful and she does your stamps proud!
    Next...what would I do with that set? Well the ATC back kinda speaks for itself, but that little house is too sweet for words, and amongst other uses, I'd love to use it to make cards for friends who've recently moved into new places.
    So glad Paul is doing well, and attitude is so important in recovery.
    Eileen in NYC

  10. Glad to hear that Paul is doing well hun... and good on him for shaving his head... I would have done the same I reckon. Now, what would I do with those stamps??? Well, first of all I would run about the place shouting at the top of my voice (which is like a foghorn normally) that I got some new Wendy stamps... and then I would sit for a few hours and stroke them... then I would make a little door hanger for my Room of Stash so peeps know (for that, read Grim LOL) if I was in my room or not LOL

    Congrats to Lori... and thanks for another chance to win some fabby stash :O)) xx

  11. Oh that is such a fun stamp set but Paul does not have to pick me (just keep fighting , getting better and some of the most handsome men I know are bald!) I have already ordered that set because I fell in love with the house right along with the rest of set!

  12. I think the mini house will make great buttons or brads on the scrapbook I'm going to make for all our home renovation projects.

  13. Have lots of fun is the easy answer :) Make ATC's, hangings, cards, altered art and perhaps stamp my own tattoo with stazon on my arm!
    Yes I'd be that happy if I won :)
    xoxo Sioux

  14. Thanks for all the info! Love this set & how you used it! I would love to make art using this set and then share it with my frinds!

  15. OH i love your stamps -- we in the south have only a handful of stamp shops -- So I have fell in love with yours --would so love to have one -- am waiting for the release of your new book -- CAlled Archivers (several hours away ) they have maybe 3 sets of your stamps so hope to go soon --but they are not even you summer releases --KAthy - ga ♥--

  16. love it, use it, group it with it's siblings in my stamp drawer! lol Glad to hear your brother is in control...positive attitude is very helpful! I have a few minutes left of my morning...going to make some art!

  17. So glad Paul is doing well with his treatments and bald is temporary. I love this set and think it would make the most adorable mini wall hangings, especially for gift giving.

  18. "ARTIST IN RESIDENCE" !!! Wendy, thank you for that stamp!! I have struggled with calling myself an artist but I could use that stamp, stamping the image on something and frame it to give me the confidence and reminder that hey, I am an artist!

  19. Oh! I would love to have this stamp. I'm just starting to get into ATC's and this is so my style! Glad to hear that CHA was less stressful for you this year--you deserve it!

  20. Glad to hear Paul is hanging in there...and he's right...whatever you can do to increase your comfort level is important when you're dealing with all of the stuff he's dealing with. At one point in my life, I bought my own gowns because I got tired of going to my acupuncturist and not being able to find a large gown easily. People thought it was strange...but I didn't need any more stress than I already had. When you're trying to've got to spoil yourself on the things that you can. Besides, he can always start a hat collection if he wants...especially in the cooler loses a lot of heat through one's head. Tell Paul to start asking for hats. Just saying. And what would I do with the stamps...I keep feeling like this is the year that we're going to move...I've started collecting stuff that might work for a new home, moving, etc. Maybe winning the stamps would just be another sign in a long series of things that have been happening...but whatever...I'm enjoying your art!

  21. Good for Paul! I love his attitude. I pray that he keeps his sense of humor and that he recovers quickly.

    Elaine Allen

    P.S. Congratulations Lori! And Wendy, I love the mini-house stamp, it is so adorable!

  22. How would I make art? Using "Wendy stamps" of course! Thanks for a chance to win!

    Congrats to Lori!

    Humor is SOOOOOOO important! So is a good attitude!!! Glad to hear Paul has both! I will continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers!


  23. valerie aka scottydogAugust 5, 2010 at 11:48 AM

    your stuff is AWESOME!!!! hopefully i can get the book up here in canada :O)
    good luck to paul and i think it is great that he took control of his hair loss - great way to be!

  24. Omgosh! This is my "must have" stamp set. I do ATC swaps so I would of course use the one stamp for the back of my ATC's. I would use the house stamp for cards to welcome people to the neighborhood, send to people that just bought a house, send to people that have just survived some home DIY project etc. The other stamps will find their way onto scrapbook pages, envelopes, and altered objects.
    So glad to hear that you didn't get anyhting stolen at the show this year.
    Continued well wishes being sent Pauls way.

  25. Wendy,
    Wonderful news on Paul! Great sense of humor is such a gift!
    I would forever have ideas swirling in my head if I owned your set with the house....always love "sayings" too!!!! Thanks for the chance...I will guarantee USE!

  26. So glad to hear Paul is doing ok and his spirits are good. Bald is Beautiful. Please give your wonderful house to someone else as I was lucky enough to order it at Carson from Stampers Anonymous.

  27. I'm so loving the little house - I'm thinking a delightful little banner to hang over my door would be just perfect with this stamp!

  28. So good to hear Paul is keeping positive, that's the way to go. Congrats to Lori - grrrr!!! just jealous, that's all!
    What would I do with those stamps? Well, I would make welcome to your new home cards for our clients (I help arrange mortgages for people to buy their homes) and ATC's and all sorts of art - just like you, Wendy. Keeping my fingers crossed I'm lucky!

  29. Congrats Lori... I cannot wait to get my hands on book #3 to add to my collection.
    Wendy. I am glad you had an awesome CHA!!! One of these days I will be attending... 'wishing outloud'
    I love the house stamp..but I find myself saying that about all your stamps. Just bought a new binder to put all your new stamps soon as I can get ahold of them.

  30. I'd start with an ATC of course, and then incorporate it into a hanging piece so I could send it to my friend Hels!

  31. De ja vu! I just finished making an old Tim Holtz project featured in a Design Originals book. It's a star shaped book to hold ATC's. Uses Tim Holtz ruler paper and it turned out so well. I'll be posting it on my blog hopefully today or tomorrow. I'd use your stamp set to stamp my ATC's and to decorate the cover with the Artist in Residence stamp. Love it Wendy!


  32. Hi Wendy - love the new stamps & can't wait for the art parts to reach the UK - watching out for the girls who went to CHA to put them on their websites !
    If lucky enough to win I would give the stamps a loving home in West Wales with lots of use on my art journal, scrapbooking my new house & some lovely tags & ATC's.
    So glad to hear Paul is keeping so positive - Mum has had a big cancer op this year & she has been so bright & brave - we are all so proud of her ! Love Ali

  33. i would use them on anythins and everything possible,love them, luv Georginaxx

  34. I would use the ATC stamp for the backs of all my ATCs. I would use those houses for some bird art. And greeting cards. And that album of my ongoing 25 year house remodel! Wendy, these pieces today are gorgeous! Lori, congrats and I'm sending you a pm!

  35. I think this set would be perfect for some wall art but of course I would make hundreds of cards with it as well!
    Carol from southern Maryland

  36. Anything with the word home warms my heart, your home art does that, and that stamp set is so stinkin' adorable. With that stamp I would make home wall art for each of my syblings and me for a total of 9! Good luck to all!!

  37. I would try my hand at making a "home" hanging like yours! I LOVE it!

  38. I would finally work on my ATC spinner project that has been waiting to be created.
    Sending Positive thoughts to Paul and good good vibes.

  39. Wow! What a great give-away! What COULDN'T you do with it! It's a great set! I could make a mini-book about my childhood home. Or make tags (my latest passion!) to used as embellishments. Such fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

  40. i would love it and cherish it and ink it all up and tenderly touch it to my very first atc. i have not yet worked smaller than an a2 greeting card size. when i saw the tag you made it hit me that it would be a great stamp set for my first atc.

    kudos to paul on shaving his head. i did the same thing when mine started coming out a couple of weeks after my first chemo. it was liberating.

  41. My husband and I have been discussing remodeling our house...I think a "just because card" with a BIG HINT might be the nudge he needs...LOL!

  42. I would make cards and a "home" hanging like yours! It's beautiful!

    Helena Santos,Portugal

  43. Hmmmm......I would make lots of ATCs to RAK to my friends.

  44. To show my love I would get it good and inky !! :) I love ATC's. I have them all over my house, on a carrasole and in wall hangings. This set would just be right at home ! :)
    So glad that things are going well for Paul. Praying for that to continue.

  45. This stamp set is way cool, Wendy! I would use them in my journals and, of course, to makde cards. Wall hangings for gifts would be fun, too!

  46. Wonderful art projects! Love that Paul went bald on his own terms!
    What would I do with that set - I have a whopping 6 weddings to attend in the next couple of months and would use that house to create something for the couple as they build their home together.

  47. I love that little house stamp! It is just tooo darn cute!! :)

    Dawn "inn" Michigan

  48. I think the HOME stamp will match perfectly with the set of tiny chipboard houses from Maya Road. They have been waiting for the perfect addition...your stamp!

  49. -the images in this stamp set would be perfect for minis and cards!

  50. I can vision this stamp set on "welcome to the neighbourhood", "just moved" cards,
    baked goods with a tag attached "from my house to yours", I can see it used to make business cards or small gift cards for people in real estate ... lots of possibilities with this great set!!!

  51. I would use this stamp set at the store where I teach for a make and take. We'd probably make an ATC card. I'd have to warn everyone they are going to get inky, but thats the price you pay to make art.

  52. I've been looking for an ATC stamp (for the back) since a while, so I would love to use this set for...ATCs. I love the little swirl, and the little house. So maybe make artwork for my little sister who just bought her first house.

  53. The mini house is the cutest. It would make a great house warming card. The sky is the limit.

  54. I love those HOME stamps! I have a blank chipboard house book just begging to be filled and embellished . . . yup, that's what I would do.

  55. I'm so glad Paul is keeping a great attitude.. it's really important. LOVE the home projects... very inspiring!!!! Now I NEED the stamp set :-)))) And since I didn't win a book... I'll be ordering just as soon as you give the word!!!

  56. Awesome giveaways!! THANKS for the update on Paul and everything else! He is in my prayers! I just joined an online group and am doing my first swap of ATC cards this would be an awesome bouns to use on them for my first swap!! TOO COOL!! Anyway thanks and have a great weekend!!
    Congrats to LORI!!
    Larissa Heskett

  57. I would love to make a mini album about home for my daughter who will be going away to college this year. Just a book of pics of some of her favorite "spots" around the house - her spot on the couch, her bed, her messy messy make-up mess in the bathroom. I think that might help ease the homesickness. Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. I am so glad that Paul has a great attitude -----it sure beats sitting around and let the sob get ahold of you and keep you down.....I have friends that did the same thing about their hair, shaved themselves and be like telly savales, so now you need to get some suckers.........the stamp is a great one, love it, should of be named paul's home of art............thanks for letting us enter the contest and i will see you for class in novi at scraptales. therese

  59. There are so many possibilities with that stamp!!
    As for Paul, glad he is hanging in there. My nephew did the same thing to his head...just shave it all!

  60. Thanks for sharing Paul's progress, a good attitude is good medicine. Ooooh that son just bought his first home in Japan and ya know how things are downsized there. Would love to make him a 'little' house! Hope your new stamps and book will be at Stampaway..flying in from CT and making it straight to the SA booth! Thanks for sharing your talent.

  61. hee hee hee...I was going to ask whether that house stamp is small enough to fit on an inchie? Inchies and ATCs are my new loves, so I'm now on the lookout for miniature EVERY thing. :)

  62. Love this stamp set. The little house would make great new home/new address cards. I can also see it stamped multiple times on chipboard or grungeboard and added to a "Welcome" wreath for the front door.

  63. hi...I love that house...I need a little something to finish an Ali project I started 2 years ago! It will make the completed project really COMPLETE! and will be making atc's as well for trades..good luck all..did u see the Wendy houses? google it...very very cute!

  64. Wendy, so glad Paul is doing well. I would love to win your set of stamps, becuase
    a) I don't have a single one of any of your stamps :(!
    b) it would save Hels have to carry hers over in a suitcase every time she came to visit! and
    c) I could start my collection off with one from your own fair hands!
    Do you think I have grovelled enough to win?... lol

  65. So glad Paul is doing better! I would love the new stamp set!! I would use it to teach a class with, need to spread the love!! I love all of your stamps and have most of them but none of your new ones yet, would love to win this one!!

  66. I need to make a house warming gift for a friend who just got her first house and these stamps would be perfect!!!!!

  67. Would create ART to welcome new neighbors with this adorable stamp set! Who wouldn't love a little Wendy?

  68. It's been years since we did some remodeling and haven't done anything with the photos. Nothing like a set of HOME stamps to get that HOME remodeling project album started. ;-) Have a GREAT weekend!!

    ps. My sis did the same thing when she was going through chemo..shaved her head before chemo took it! TO HE** WITH CANCER!!

  69. Love, love anything to do with houses....Really liked your CHA project for Maya Road. Thanks for taking the time to answer all our questions. It's much appreciated. Hope Paul continues to do well.

  70. Well, if I had that set of stamps, I would first gaze at them adoringly, then fondle them for awhile. I would gently but thoroughly introduce them to my ink pads. Since our house is red brick, I would probably start with barn red distress ink. I would lovingly stamp them on some pages and make beautiful art! That;s what I would do if I had that set of stamps!

  71. I just want to wish you all a lot of strenght , and Paul, remember: Anyone who goes his own way , will never be overtaken by anyone. So good for you to make your own decision! Good luck, Soraya x
    PS. Wendy, I adore your work and stamps! Love the little house!

  72. OK I LOVE this set...I am an ATC nut, I gotta tell you!!!

    I'd use this set for a few different things- one, in classes. I teach scrapping, rubber stamping, and mixed media classes, and I can see SOOOOO many ways to use it. I do an ATC class at Scrapbooks in Lima, Ohio every few months (have one in October) and that little house would go great on a couple of the designs floating around in my head.

    Pick me! Pick me!

  73. what a cool looking set.. my friend & I have been talking about making a mini album to cover all the remodeling done at her house.. this house stamp would be just right for that!

    As for the rest.. I see a play time in my craft area in the future!


  74. I have been asked to make some cards for a real estate agent - the house would be perfect!! It would also inspire me to start my album on our house!!! Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win!

  75. Hi Wendy: Glad to hear your brother is doing OK. This is a set I have not ordered so I would LOVE to win it! Thanks much for the opportunity to win them. I have been thinking about altering a lampshade and would try to incorporate these stamps???

  76. I first saw your stamps at CHA and fell in love with them. Next on my project list is an album about all the homes I've lived in. This set of stamps would be perfect for making tags and embellishments for that album.

  77. Some friends and I are going to be doing an ATC swap in September and I would love these stamps so I could make them all an ATC with this great set! I would also use them on some cards, altered art, in a mixed media porject....the ideas are endless.

    Cheryl Stauffer
    Cheri926 at aol dot com

  78. Hi Wendy,
    I would like use the house stamp to make some little wall hangings for my 4 grandkids. Sadly their parents are divorcing, and they are having a had time of course and I am too. I think little cute hangings with this little house and their names around it might help bridge the "dad's house/mom's house" feeling...maybe make them feel more a part of where ever they are.

  79. So glad Paul is doing better...

    I really like houses and doors. This set would be a great addition. I could use it for cards or books or ATCs, etc. Limitless possibilities!

    Thanks so much for sharing. Just love your stamps and artwork. So creative!


  80. I would make cute little vintage gifts for my family and friends with your great stamps and ART!

  81. I would use this darling stamp set in my family reunions scrapbook - you know these people live or are from this house. The set is just so very cute. Thank you for the chance to win.

  82. This set would be perfect to help fill my ATC carousel that is looking woefully empty except for the 6 ATCs from a swap. The house would also be great to use on my heart shaped mini album. After all, "Home is where the heart is!"

    Glad Paul is doing well. Just saw a doctor's report on t.v. a couple weeks ago confirming that a positive attitude definitely helps in the cure.

  83. For the homeless, home is a memory of comfort, warmth and security.
    This stamp would make wonderful handmade tags/cards or fliers for charity events to raise funds or request donations to assist those in need. Ruth

  84. I may be too late here, but, regardless .. my daughter's getting ready to move into her first apartment (no! she can't be old enough yet! *lol*). She's asked me to make her a recipe box, which I will do, but I also plan to make her a little memory book as they pack & move in. Your stamps would be great for that!
    I'm glad Paul's doing well with his chemo! Love the "I'll be the one in control!" attitude!!
    Congrats to Lori on winning your book! How cool is that??? She is such a sweetie!
    Hope you & Rick have a great weekend!

  85. Can't believe you are making Paul get up at 7am on a Saturday to choose a winner- LOL. Whoever wins will be lucky to welcome the new stamps to their home. I am starting to gather pictures and family stories for a Heritage Album for myself and cousins. Thanks Wendy for the opportunity!

  86. Ooh wow, love these pieces Wendy - well I love all your work ;-) Have no idea whether I'm late or not as I'm in the UK and have no idea what time it is where you are but -these stamps would be perfect for a mini album for a new home amongst other things of course, new home cards, or just about any card or mini album
    Anne x

  87. Hi Wendy,

    I don't know what to make yet (except for ATC's ofcourse...)
    I just got to have all of your stamp sets :o)
    Greetings from The Netherlands,

  88. Wendy,
    I am so glad Paul is doing well. Tell him to hang it there!!! My Dad had Pancreatic Cancer and I can fully understand your battle.
    I love this Home set. I can see tags and ATC's with it and I can see a mini sign to display like the top of your blog~~~love the mini house!!!
    The stamp for the back of ATC's would be very neat and you can never have enough flourishes!!!
    Karen S. Ohio

  89. Gorgeous!! You make is too easy to .. make art.. ;)

    Glad to hear Paul is doing well!!

  90. ohmygosh, i love your home hanging! it's so gorgeous in all the details and colors. thanks for sharing! have a wonderful week! *hugs* steph :)

  91. Gosh, there is a great deal of effective info here!
