Thursday, September 16, 2010

start with these...

Ranger's jet black archival ink...

ink with rusty hinge & a bit of vintage photo...

stamp any background, using jet black...

then mist with sunflower sparkle Perfect Pearls Mist...

form & shape all petals...

*largest flower & one small flower...
cut a slit to the center (between petals) & staple with tiny attacher as close to the center as possible...

*second small flower...
cut between petals & cut off one petal...
overlap petals & staple, again as close to the center as possible...

*half flower...
overlap end petals to make the center & glue...
don't staple this one...the staple will show...

your pieces should now look like this...

layer & assemble to create a cute mini flower, that's just about one inch in diameter...
it's really mini, but so simple...

several variations...

use a long fastener for the center...
or a custom epoxy memo pin...

use the mini flower as is...
or use it as a center for a larger flower...

the Perfect Pearls add just the right amount of bling...

now what will I do with these??

not sure just yet...
the memo pins can easily be used as push pins for a cork board...

but I'm thinking the larger will coordinate well with tim's new alterations Sizzix tattered leaves die...

and speaking of the fall dies...

even the awesome rosette!

and then there's the fence...
it's my favorite ...
ok for today...

Ok...time to ship more books...
then pack for Buffalo...

I'm going there to spread the inky word & to...

make art (with friends)


  1. Imagine my surprise at finding flowers on your blog this morning! LOL
    Very cute! TFS

  2. These tiny flowers are just precious! I can think of a hundred possible uses for them and by being able to use the tiny attacher on three layers they will be quick to put together. I'm heading to my local stamp shop today to see if they have your book or Art Parts yet. If they don't carry your book, I'll be back to order it from you. Have fun in Buffalo (I know you will)!

  3. These flowers are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing. Barbara

  4. Just another way your ingenuity shines!! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Love this idea! Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to start using the PPearls Misters...have been making my own-this will be so much easier.
    I am in your classes at For Keeps Sake next month-really looking forward to it! Enjoy Buffalo!

  6. Wendy, I just LOVE the flowers...they are my favorite element and you do them with such STYLE!!!! Great project,thanks!

  7. simply ooooohing & aaaaahing over those great flowers...gonna add this to my to do list:)

  8. Love the new flowers! They are great. When can we get those mists? So hard to wait for new stuff to come in! Have a great trip.

  9. I like the sunflower color for the large flower. The color is making me think of fall which is around the corner! I love fall! I love fall flowers!

  10. These flowers are so pretty! Can't have real ones inside because of the cats but these I can..and they don't bother any allergies!

  11. Great tutorial babe, love the diddy flower....I will have to give this a go, it will cut down on the flowers I buy :)
    Have a great trip :)
    *hugs* Heather x

  12. Oh WOW!!! Gorgeous flowers!!! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  13. Love the new flower. Now I have to have that stamp set. Thanks for the instructions.

  14. Great flowers and love the bit of perfect pearls.

  15. OMG, the dies are out and available now???? I am hoping to pick some up tomorrow at Scrapfest. Wish you were going to be there too.

  16. Wow how very cool - I am going to make some of those flowers real soon!

  17. What sweet flowers Wendy. And I love that you used the tiny attacher for them, so fast. If I have not said it before, I'm saying it now - can't wait for your Art Parts! Do you know when they will be available for purchase? Do I seem a bit anxious to you? I am dying for the spools. LOL! Have fun in Buffalo.

    Elaine Allen

  18. Oh, I love these!! I caught sight of this post at work but couldn't read it properly. Must get me the smaller sizes of these flowers, lol!

  19. I am so glad that I checked your blog today! I've been making paper flowers based on a tutorial referenced in someone else's blog. I'm ready to do some grunge ones, though! What's exciting is that I can make the flower on my Cricut Expression.....although it will be my first try with Grunge material--either board or paper. Thanks!

  20. I looooove all of your creations!!!

  21. Love the flowers, Wendy!!! Very cool! Can't wait to try some!

  22. soooooooocute! xox u enabler u! xo cher

  23. These are the cutest flowers! Thanks so much for the tutorial on how to make them -- and I too am anxious to get ahold of some Perfect Pearls Mists -- and your wonderful ARTS PARTS! And -- nice to be able to figure out now which flowers are the medium ones :)

  24. These are darling flowers! The sunflower mist looks really good on the larger one :)

  25. WOW, loving your layered flower... and adding the Memo Pin to the centre... just inspired!!! BTW... ssssshhhh, don't tell anyone but... I got some of the new sets... ROFL... I have no will power where your stamps are concerned LOL xx

  26. cute, cute, cute!!!! I love that you used the tiny attacher instead of having to gluing, truly brilliant!!!

  27. Thanks for the tut, luv the memo pin in there!

  28. Love the flowers how cute. Can't wait to see what you make with them.

  29. I'm thinking several of these in different colors to form a bouquet.

  30. There's always room for more flower tutorials. Love this one, especially it's demure size! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Love these flowers. And you make everything look so easy to make, thank you for that.

    I think my most favorite "Wendy" technique/style that you have is how you just use the Distress Inks to give the grungeboard &/or chipboard color. They always have that really cool, muted & matte finish to them. That's always a sure sign of your beautiful artwork.

  32. Love the flowers! Thanks for sharing how to make them!
    Aloha, Kate
