Wednesday, November 10, 2010

find delight...

in tim's Color Washes...

used with Claudine Hellmuth's Studio gesso...

as Ranger's senior educator, I get to participate in "top secret" projects...

I've been dying to tell you about this very fun technique since I created this piece...

here goes...

this is my rectangle art parts base, painted with an uneven coat of Claudine's gesso...

while it was still wet, I misted it with tim's Color Washes, to create a great textured background...

which now looks like this...

and here's the finished hanging...

take a closer look @ the flowers I cut, using tim's tattered florals alterations die...

what are they cut from???

check out Ranger's site for complete instructions...

you'll find the "secret ingredient" listed there...

here's how this "secret ingredient" happened...

I opened the junk drawer...
spotted the "secret" ingredient...
and wondered...will this work?...

it did!...

I loved the result & now I have another "material" to use with the Color Washes and small dies...

check out Ranger's BLOG...

leave a comment there & I'll choose a lucky someone @ 7AM on Friday...
and I'll send them a goodie package...


come back here, leave a comment & I'll send another package to someone chosen from the comments here...

2 comments = 2 chances to win!
it's simple...

I hope you try tim's Color Washes when you...

make art!
ps...this is why I LOVE Ranger's products...
there are TONS of possibilities for mixing them, to create a totally different effect...


  1. Wow what a fabulous piece Wendy, I love the texture created by the uneven Gesso and the color washes, looks fabulous. Off to find out what the secred ingredient is now. Have a fun filled day, Tracy Evans x

  2. Wonderful piece of art! And I was wondering what that secret ingredient was, lol. Thank you for the continual inspiration!

  3. I love it!!! i did kind of the similiar thing the other day with the gesso and mist... i thought oh no.. patience diana patience.. but it turned out beautiful!!! it was my SAME on my blog if you wanted to check it out!!!!i have learned so much from you !!!! the biggest thing is to have fun and just do it!!!!THANK YOU!!!

  4. Love the BG! I love it's unevenness, Great idea for the flowers! TFS...very pretty!

  5. Two posts in the same week--I'm in Wendy heaven! I love these color washes. My birthday's coming up and I've been hinting to family members. Got to get my hands on some. Great job on this piece Wendy!


  6. How awesome, and who would have thought that "secre" ingedient would have worked. I am definatley going to give this a try! Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Your ideas and wonderful art simply amaze me.

  8. Gorgeous piece. I love all that texture. And what a great idea for the flowers. I have some of those! *grin*

  9. Thanks for sharing you delightful ideas & projects! Your secret ingredient is ingenious :) I just picked up some Gesso last week & have started playing this week - FUN!!

    Debbie C

  10. How cool !! I couldnt' even finish the whole blog I had to jumpr right over and see what it was .. you are brilliant!! I love it. I guess I'll have to get some Gesso at lunch. Thanks Wendy !!

  11. Ok Wendy -

    Only you could look at furniture pads and think "FLOWERS"! This just gives me a brief peek into how you view the world, I think I like your world - ROFL! What a beautiful piece of art and I really love the background technique.

    Elaine Allen

  12. Isn't it just amazing what we can find in our drawers to play with (oh, that doesn't sound very nice, but you know what I mean ;>). Love it.

  13. Felt furniture pads! I can't believe. I have a box full of them and now I know what to do with them! Thanks Wendy!

  14. What a beautiful piece! I love the texture from the gesso and colors from the color wash. And furniture pads, who would have thought? I will never look at the contents of my junk drawer(s) the same way again.

  15. Love this! You're a creative genius! :)

  16. Furniture pads! Brilliant, and already sticky!

    thanks for sharing!

  17. I just adore this Wendy and what an ingenious idea for the secret ingredient,who'd have guessed???? luv Georginaxx

  18. Just when I think there isn't any possible way for someone to come up with yet another FABULOUS medium, here come the color washes - oh how these just spark my creativity!

  19. Who knew! This is so beautiful, like all your projects. I love your book, bty. I look through it all the time and feel inspired by it.

  20. Oh boy something to add to the ever growing list of things I want to do! I just finished my Halloween project last week and I just might get my Christmas was done before Christmas! Thanks for the inspiration Wendy!

  21. Love this beautiful techinque!! Also, love that you are always thinking "outside the box".

  22. What great inspiration! The things you can do with the stuff laying around. Lovely project.

  23. Another genius project: Love the secret ingredient - brilliant idea. Fabulous background too.

  24. I'm simply at a loss for words, anymore! EVERYTING YOU TOUCH, TURNS TO BEAUTY!!!

  25. Great idea for the flowers. I wan't to follow you around when you are shopping. You come up with the best ideas.

  26. Wonderful idea! Love those flowers. Furniture pads, really?! Hmm, may have to look into those Time H dies! :) You've inspired me to try 'gesso'. THANKS!

  27. What a gorgeous piece of art....and can hardly believe the secret ingredient!!

  28. Love your cool projects Wendy
    thanks so much
    Lillian Mederak.

  29. A real artist can find art in most anything. The felt pads just prove you are a real artist. Not that we didn't know that before. Love your work, you are so talented.

  30. Just lovely! I made hardware flowers using replacement screens and nuts & bolts. Now to see if I have anything else that can have another purpose other than the one for which it was intended.

  31. I just got some of the original color washes and am making art journal pages with them. Can't wait to try them on canvas board!!!

  32. does your talent ever end? SERIOUSLY!!! love this! i wanted to email you and let you know i couldn't make st.louis. ;-( the funds were just so NOT there.

  33. Hardware Store find...Love it! Will have to try this out. How do you sleep your mind must be working at all times. Thanks for sharing!

    Sue Bockrath

  34. How clever is that? Brill idea.

  35. When I looked closer at the flowers I kind of knew what you had used. Will have to scope out the junk drawers here as I know we have some of the circles or pads here somewhere. Very clever idea. Have to play with the mists again and soon since it is nice out today!

  36. When Wendy and gesso meet....magic happens! Spraying it with color wash while still wet, adding a couple of felt flowers and an unconventional happens! It's a beautiful thing.

  37. Amazing as usual Wendy, love what you use to give us all inspiration.I need to go check out my supplies now.

  38. Wow, I love the texture you have achieved. The finished piece looks like something you would buy from a high end store here in the UK. I have some gesso,but no colourwash! It's not fair; I want to try this!!!!!
    But I'll pop over to Ranger to see what the secret is......

  39. This is why I love Ranger Designer's ! YOU ROCK !!!!!!
    I love this project and I cant wait to try this! Thanks for sharing ! Kind regards, Olga

  40. Awesome project and great use of those leftover bits around the house. I didn't see anywhere to leave a comment on the project page at Ranger's site, so I'm leaving it here. ~ky

  41. Are there any special tips on stamping on Claudine's gesso? I love the look and the whole project. I plan on using the gesso, stamps and embellishments to create some custom gift boxes.

  42. Hi Wendy,
    I learned so much from you at The Queen's Ink. But apparently there is need to come stay with me for a week and teach me more, more, more! Thanks for the inspiration, and the little secrets! I must make art now!

  43. Love this! I am still tuned in waiting for Q & A day. Need to find out why that gesso is better then my gesso?
    I'm sure you have done this, but if not maybe someone on here would like to try....Cut felt out with tim's flower die then take it put it into one of his embossing folders and emboss it. This is just beautiful. Adds more texture to your project.

    (a pre-holiday present??lovin it)
    Anyway, I love the felt and the way the stamping looks on top!! I hope you added perfect pearls mist to them?? Anyway, thanks for sharing and hope you have a GREAT DAY OF CREATING ART!! Can't wait to see what you will have on FRIDAY!! =) LOL!!!!

  45. Wendy,I LOVE this! You do such wonderful art. I haven't checked the secret product yet but I would guess felt. I will go there next. I love Claudine's Gesso, muliti medium and everything. I just finished using almost an entire jar on calendars. Need to order some more.

  46. OK! Just too clever. Who would have thought!? We are on vacation now but going home Fri. I am anxious to go though our "junk" drawer and think outside the box! What a fabulous idea with such a darling outcome. Can't wait to get back to my craft room and MAKE ART! Yes I AM a stampin' addict. :)

  47. Too cute! I love the look of those felt flowers!

  48. Once again - amazed and in awe at what you find to work with! I'm showing my hubby so he knows why i keep all of those miscellaneous items in drawers all over the house! Now to find Tim's new Color Wash!!!

  49. Nothing is sacred anymore. My husband just shakes his head. Wait till he finds out the furniture pads can be used for art. He will by amazed. Thanks for the idea and the awesome project! You've done it again.

  50. WOW THAT UNEVEN BACKGROUND IS FABULOUS.....i never stop learning from you...thanks so much

  51. Ahhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhh so sweet, luv it GF!

  52. Just love this, the colour wash is fabulous and the "secret ingredient" is inspired. Love it.

  53. I love how soft it looks cozy which makes me think with some white dabber paint it would make great snow. I love hardware many possibilities! Love the Art!

  54. Beautiful Wendy :0) The fowers look like felt...whatever they work perfectly with everything else.
    Kate x
    PS i bought 3 colour washes today cant wait to get them in the post.

  55. great idea for the flowers. and i like lumpy gesso too. had some old, sort of dry gesso that i used to use to make textured backgrounds. but didn't have the mists back then. this looks like fun. i love it when a plan comes together and this one sure worked out. you did it again. you sure do your part to help us all keep spending and helping the economy recover.

  56. I love this project. My hubby is giving me a craft shopping spree this weekend for my bday so I will be keeping my eye out for awesome ranger products!

  57. I NEED some colour washes!! LOVE this project, fantastic textures :)
    Gayle xx

  58. so very pretty glad u share with us...and I thanked Ranger for hiring you! your stuff always rocks for me...luv luv the washes..and thinkin I have some felt pads here...hmmm xo cher

    hilly77 at comcast dot net

  59. Yet another amazing project!I would like to see through your eyes for just one day...
    I left a comment over on the ranger blog too ;)

  60. It's amazing what you find in drawers! Great idea - love the background and the colour scheme you've used.

  61. Ok, now I have to go look in my junk draw and see what could be die cut...

  62. Love, love, love the wall hanging. Can't wait to check out Tim's blog for the secret ingredient! Wonder what my junk drawer contains??? When are you coming back to Buffalo?

  63. oh, i saw your fabulous creation on the ranger site! love the texture and the colors! beautiful! thanks for sharing and have a great day! *hugs* steph:)

  64. Ohh my god, I love this. I really need to give this a try.
    Thanks for sharing.


  65. Wow that looks wonderful, I love it!

  66. Wow!!! I have lots of this "secret ingredient" Darn you, Wendy, I thought I could actually start working on Christmas presents this weekend, but I see I'll have to play a little, first.

  67. Just gorgeous!
    Might have to pull out the gesso this weekend, thanks for the inspiration.

  68. Love this piece Wendy! You and a couple other bloggers have me looking at everything around me with new eyes!! Love it. Thanks so much

  69. the more projects i see the more i think those color washes are going to have to find their way to my house! beautiful project!

  70. so clever... furniture pads eh!!! love the wash over gesso technique.
    All round lovely project...again!

  71. wow! wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing your excitement is contagious you know!

  72. Need...gesso.....this is fabulous!

  73. I like the soft, worn look. Keep the ideas flowing.

  74. really love the look of this technique. I will be using it for sure.

  75. Off to buy Gesso!!!!! The rest I can find in my drawers... LOL Thank you!

  76. Your creativity and openess to new things around you amaze me, love those great flowers. You teach us to be more open and I thank you for that. I adore my Queen's Ink classes that I took frm you, girl you rock.

  77. I love the subtlety of the writing on the gessoed piece. I also love the colors that you chose. Truly a lovely piece.

  78. You are such an enabler!! LOL I can't wait to try your latest to hunt for some Color Wash!!

  79. color wash? do the new products never end? it's kind of good news, bad news. just when i think i have everything, i don't. thanks for the chance to win!

  80. Gorgeous project!! Love the 'secret' ingredient!! Who knew?!!

  81. Love the use of felt. I am in awe of your use of the unusual. Keep up the wonderful work. you are an inspiration to make art.

  82. I can't wait to try those color washes! And I love what you did with the secret ingredient. Looks great!

  83. I love how you think outside the box! It takes a special type of person to look in the junk drawer and see art parts! Keep doing what you are doing're an inspiration!

  84. You keep telling us to look at the things around us and figure out how to use them in our art. Guess I need to be looking down and under things as well from now on. Thanks and love love love the project. Can't wait to start playing with color washes.

  85. This is just a wonderful project!

  86. That texture is just fabulouso! Love the colors on the gesso. And the furniture pad idea is brilliant! Pure genius! Top secret - hahaha, I feel like I'm spying....

  87. Girl... You are so stinkin' creative - LOVE the furniture felt! Will def. be checking that out! Glad you've had more time to *make art* - Love seeing more projects on line. Count-down to UK - 17 days!! Weeee!!!
    ~ Ellen xx

  88. This is stunning! The Gesso and washes are definitely on my wish list. What a great item to use for the flowers.

  89. Love it! So nice! Thanks for the chance to win something fun.

  90. looks like the little flowers are made of felt.

  91. I just love how you incorporate your stamps, and art parts while showing us how to use lots of other products we have in new and exciting ways. It's always fresh with excitement, wonder and a good laugh! This is just the idea I needed as I recently pulled out my gesso and played collage...and am wanting to EXPAND my color wash color collection - ta duh - a marriage made in heaven - LOVE this effect and of course I have a couple of junk drawers to explore. Thanks Wendy ;-)

  92. LOVE this!!!! I gotta get me some of that furniture pad. I think the staff at Home Depot thinks I'm nuts. I'm always wandering around without any list of stuff to buy. When they ask if they can help me I tell them that I'm just lookin' around. Everything is a potential art supply!

  93. Love the pad flowers. I thought they were wool fabric, I have been making those! Great ideas!
    Dawn in sc

  94. Hey there,,,,,,,,,,well i did ordered the whole set of tim's color washes, so i should be able to get them next week.....i am out the door first thing in the morning to pick up some foil tape to do embossing on it after the alcohol ink dries up.....and the wonderful furniture pads.......cannot wait to try it must be dreaming all your ideas while you sleep and then play and make art when you are up and about.......well take care and have a great thanksgiving.....hugs, therese

  95. love the texture & depth of the "secret ingredient"...just 1 more thing I need to start collecting:)

  96. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us. I think this would make a great Christmas gift!

    With Warm Regards,
    Carol Broney

  97. Great idea to use the felt. I'll try it on the birdcage. See how thats gonna work out.....Thanks a million.

  98. You are such an inspiration to us!! I love Tim's and Ranger's products and you show us such fun and wonderful ways to use them. Thank You!! Teri-Ann

  99. Are you still coming to Madison's OOAK convention 11/20 and 11/21?
    Furniture pads? I love that kind of creativity!! Just as I love the color washes, et el to make art!

  100. Wow Wendy .. who would have thought "furniture pads" for flowers ... now you have my mind racing as to what other household items I can use along with the Ranger products to make "ART". As always another stunning project ... thanks for sharing.

  101. Hi Wendy,
    Loved this! I first thought the flowers were felted know me and felted wool! How lovely and unique and once again you have inspired me!

  102. I do love the colorwashes, but have been mainly using them with fabric projects. I will look to them more often now, I'm sure, after seeing the wonderful piece you did.
    And furniture pads? Like I said the other day, in my world, that makes you a genius!
    Eileen in NYC

  103. I love the colors you choose! They are always gorgeous. Thanks for inspiring.

  104. This is a great project. I have lots of color wash sprays but have mostly used them for fabric. Thanks for the inspiration.

    At first, I thought you used wool felt for the flowers - great idea!

  105. Wow!! Who would have thought felt furniture pads could be so pretty!!!! And I am absolutely going to have to check pug Gesso too!!! You are an inspiration each day with these incredible projects !!

  106. Such fabulous inspiration - that's why I love to come and read your blog!

  107. This is fabulous Wendy! Love the flowers!!

  108. LOL!!!! Furniture pads!!!!!!!! LOVE!!!!!!! YES, Ranger's products are so awesome - I am constantly amazed at all the random things they work on!!!! And I love finding random things to find new artsy uses for! BEAUTIFUL project!

  109. OOOO OOO OOO! looks so cool! need to try it for sure!

  110. Those felty feet things you put on the bottom of the chair legs to protect the floors? Really? WOW! totally cool.

  111. Seriously. We can spend bucu bucks on stuff and find the best things right at home (NOT that I'll ever stop buying stuff! LOL) This is one of my very very favorite creations!

  112. WOW...that is too cool. Who knew...Wonderful texture and a beautiful piece.


  113. Terrific idea, Wendy. I also love the configuration creation - very
    creative as usual.

    Cheryl S.

  114. wow I love your work
    it looks great.
    I just buy the art parts love them
    great to play with.

    hugs betty

  115. this is way to yummi not to try it out one day! and if that day could be tomorrow it would be even better :) i know your blog will always help me on the way whenever i lack inspiration!

  116. I LOVE the gesso with the color washes!!!!! And furniture pad.. amazing!!!! The whole piece is gorgeous!!!!

  117. This is a second comment so don't count it :-)) The words stamped really well over the uneven gesso... that is amazing... you are very good!!!! What glue do you use to attach the ornate from to the back??

  118. I am so loving those flowers and so loving that you have once again taught me something new!

  119. I love the texture. Very cool art piece Wendy,as always. The fun you have shows in your art.

  120. Thought it looked like felt, but wouldn't have guessed felt furniture pads! Another amazing project! Guess I'll have to add canvas, gesso, color washes and furniture felt pads to my wish list!

  121. You've been creating such fabulous art with the new goodies! Thanks for making the time to share with all of us.

  122. More stuff to look for in the hardware store, thanks for the idea!

  123. I heard that Claudine Hellmuth gesso is wonderful! Haven't tried it yet. What makes it different from other gessos out there? Love the added deminsion the gesso gives the project!

  124. I love to use Claudine's gesso its amazing--along with all of Rangers other products. I sound like a commercial for them at all my month card meetings. I have been told I should get commission.--Free product would work. LOL

  125. Make art with the new gesso. Just gorgeous

  126. Fantabulous project. Love it. Thanks Wendy for sharing. Cant wait to get some more colors of the color wash and try this myself with the furniture pads. :-)

  127. I so love your creativity! You see art everywhere - possibilities everywhere - awesome!!
    As I said on Ranger's blog: gesso & colorwash, here I come!

  128. love this project :) I will definately go for the gesso and colourwash technique - great results

  129. Love the results. The secret ingredient - well that was clever - the pads now resemble hand felted wool - so pretty.

  130. I think I am about to get very inky as I am feeling so inspired by this project.I think I have all the supplies except the furniture pads so a trip to the store is first on my to-do list. Thanks for the inspiration.
