Thursday, January 20, 2011

a set a day #11...

thanks so much for sharing your excitement about all my new stamps and art parts...
ART FRIENDS are the best!

the stamps & art parts were a blast to design &
let me tell you...

they are even more fun to USE!

I am TOTALLY over the top thrilled...
and counting the SECONDS 'til I see them on display @ CHA...

today I have a "special announcement" that has been another thrill for me...

RANGER will now be stocking ALL my products...

so STAMPS, ART PARTS & the "Clearly" products will all be available directly from Ranger...

for store owners,
that means one stop CHA shopping...
anything I demo with or used in my Ranger booth samples
will be available right from Ranger!

HUGE THANKS to Alain, Justin & Tim for having faith in me...
I appreciate your support!

and I'll say it for everyone to hear...
it's as simple as that!

one more thing before chatting about today's stamp set...

I think there was some confusion about the "creative covers" post from yesterday.

included in each kit are 4 art parts covers & 4 art parts spines...

these are not tim's ring binders...
they are the ART PARTS spines with holes to perfectly fit tim's ring binder...

you will want to get the ring binders from your LSS or from your favorite on-line shopping site...

ok...back to stamp business...

set #11 is a large set called...


"Be yourself" is a nice large stamp (4 1/2 inches) that fits in the large book plate that I showed yesterday...
I have a very fun...
out of the box project completed...
and it was perfect...

I like the mixed funky font & it's a reminder that you do NOT have to be like everyone else...
just be you...

the dress form stamp is a perfect fit for...
an ART PART!...
it's about 3 1/4 inches tall...

this is fun to "dress up" with all sorts of fun embellishments...
after it's stamped...

and speaking of dress forms...

here's another ART PARTS...
dress form...

I inked this one with butterscotch pigment ink &
I used the medicine bottle label to stamp over it...
it's 4 inches tall...

"specimen"...I'm hooked on these...
flat out...

the distressed font makes me think that it was used
"out in the field" to collect evidence...

"every accomplishment" is good for cards for all sorts of occasions...
and again...
for art journals/mixed media art too...

this ledger page is from a vintage notebook that we rescued from an antique mall...

I loved the writing & the numbers...
it had to come here to live...

it's good sized @ about 4 inches tall...
and makes a good background...

the last stamp has a little story associated with it...
in my other life,
I was a surgery nurse manager...

one of my favorite surgeons was an orthopedic surgeon &
from the moment we met, we connected...
he was originally from Korea & has a wonderful funny personality...
his name is Bok Choi...

one day he told Rick that he liked me because I was a little sweet, a little SPICY (because 'd yell @ him when needed) and I had an attitude...
attitude? imagine that! YIKES!

it became a standing joke between us...

I'd yell...he'd say "she's spicy today"...

so that's how the bottom stamp came to be...
I think it fits well with the things we make...

I plan on using it with "the queen" stamp...
and with the new silhouette stamp I showed a few days ago...
I liked her attitude...

this next photo shows another
it's a pocket watch...

it's sized to fit a configurations compartment...
or it's the perfect embellishment for a collage...

it's simple to use...
a 2 inch circle punch is the exact size of the opening...
so, no need to try & cut a perfect circle...

there's that medicine label again...
I use it on almost very project these days...

the photo shows the pocket watch in tim's printer tray...
along with that adorable coat hanger paper clip...

now this next photo is LOADED with brand new
ART PARTS & idea-ology...

we have a total of
40 new ART PARTS being released...

they have been divided into 12 packages
plus the 2 creative covers packs...
so, we have a total of 14 art parts sets...

today I want to show you these art parts...

scallop trim...
there are 3 sizes designed to fit the configurations compartments...
I've used them on everything...
you'll be noticing that, I'm sure...

a heart, the same size as this heart stamp...

be still my heart...

3 sizes of houses...
they are 6, 4 and 3 inches tall...

I LOVE these so much...
I used all I initially got & HAD to order more...
they are so fun...

they come with 2 styles of roofs & a mini door...
for lots of mix & match options...
I didn't used those pieces on this sample...

how cute is the fractured doll?
and the plaquette and that hanger again?

and the last of the photos for today...

more...ART PARTS!

the scroll/leaf is 4 1/2 inches long...
so any of my background stamps will cover it with one stamping...
lots of backgrounds = tons of options...

this one has been meadow color washed &
stamped with this background...
color washes are PERFECT misted over art parts...
just mist & dry...

the mini hand made me flip...
it's sooooo stinkin tiny cute & just 2 1/8th inches tall...

another perfect fit for those configurations...

and the art parts flower is mini too...

there are 8 new art parts flowers in that set
& a mini stem too...

I'm hoping to have the art parts package photos before I head off to CHA...

if I do...
I WILL certainly share them here...

PHEW...lots of beans spilled today...
and I still have 3 more stamp sets and
a few more surprises...
coming soon...

nails & a hairdo today...
I'd really rather...

make art!
WAIT 'til you see...
tim's new...
distress stains...

Ranger made the announcement today...


  1. PHEW!!!! How much goodies!!!
    I'm out of breathe and i've only been sitting here reading!!
    Love, love, love them all!!!!

  2. Everything I have been seeing is fabulous, and I am trying to figure out what I would want to get first! Thanks!!

  3. Wendy----You are flippin amazing-------your stamps, your blog, your creativity, your bubbly personality........ I am in awe of your stamps, your work, who would of thought of snaps for hubcaps............your art parts.....I will have to go and get at least 3 of each.......take care and thanks for everything.......hugs, Therese

  4. Love the hand! The art parts in this sneak peek are unbelievable.

  5. DANG...lovin' me some Wendy Art right now!!! Can't wait to see the ENTIRE COMPLETED's gonna be "DA BOMB!!!"

  6. Would love to have an Inky Arty Party (get it, an art parts party). Yes a bit corny but so many wonderful things that can be created, oh how I want them all!!

  7. Ohhh total awesomeness!!! How exciting that Ranger will be carrying your products!!

  8. My goodness, I am so glad that Ranger is stocking your products now. I love this stamp set and the art parts and well...... everything. I think I need a loan.

  9. So much excitement. I'm making a list of what has to be purchased first. Your projects are gorgeous Wendy. Now I can get all my supplies at one place how terrific that Ranger will be carrying your products. TFS!!! :-D

  10. Just love the way the art parts are coordinating with the new ideology line. Will definitely need a configurations tray to play with them all.

  11. I settled in with a cup of coffee on this cold, snowy day and loved reading every detail of your post--so many wonderful things happening for you, Wendy! This stamp set and the art parts have been added to my must have list. Helene

  12. The last stamp set and this one are my favs so far!! WOWIE!!! Gotta have them!! :)

  13. Wendy, Art form is my favorite stamp so far - I really, really like this one and can't wait to get my hands on it!
    Lovin' the new art parts - any thoughts of selling these in bulk so we can fill bins with bits and pieces? I would love to see type trays filled with your art parts in my craft room!


  14. oh my goodness! I am overwhelmed so I can only imagine how you must feel! How exciting - so many new things you've created to share with us....thank you!

  15. The stamp set is amazing but oh all those art parts have just blown me away!

  16. wooohooo! dress forms...more art parts...DELIGHTFUL!

  17. Wendy yesterday and today's stamp set are really my faves. No matter what else you do I just love these two sets. I love dress forms. This is going to be so much fun. I wish CHA would hurry up and be over so we could look forward to the relese of these products. You have outdone youself.


  18. Love this new set of stamps and all of the art parts! I want them all. That background stamp is really cool. Have to get this set for sure. So glad Ranger will be carrying your products!! Congratulations.

  19. Congrats GF! Big Time news, I am so excited that Ranger is stocking you! I can't wait to see everything up close and personal, hey when will the new book be out, I luv your books! Luv this new set, lots! Can't wait for all these babies to get into my hands!

  20. Oh boy, your "peeks" today really have me excited and I can't wait to see the whole configurations box that you made. The idea that you now have Art Parts that fit the little boxes is SUPER! I purchased the smallest c-box awhile ago and have been intimidated to try it, but no I want a bigger one! Hooray, Ranger now carries your products - GOOD FOR THEM!!!

  21. Wow!! That was alota, alota (as my grandson says)stuff. 11 down and 3 more to go. This is going to be so much fun playing with all the new products. Love the watch art part.

  22. ahhh your killing me lady! love this stamp far this will be my first Wendy purchase after CHA. LOOOOVE IT! and the Art Parts..oh my, I have been hoarding the last release, time to knock out a few projects so I have an excuse to buy MORE. Thanks for sharing your ART.

  23. Girl, I am lovin' all these art parts!!! And another great set of stamps!!! Gotta have the pocket watch and the minis and the leaf vine... and I KNEW there had to be houses coming... I would have been amazed if there wasn't any... awesome!!!

  24. I am so loving all the new art parts and stamp sets too!! You have a gift, not only as an artist, but also in the way you relate to your FANS! I love that you were a surgical nurse....I always say that my hobby is my left brained activity in my right brained world!!!

  25. Oh you did it again! Another set I HAVE to have, and I know I need every single art part too.
    YIKES! Now, why couldn't I have been born rich instead of beautiful? LOL!!!

  26. I am so loving EVERYTHING!!!...Can't wait to see it all at CHA next week!

  27. How in the world do you keep up???
    I want it all ya know!

  28. My very FAVORITE stamp set of the new release!!! The sewing bust will get me every time!!

  29. Cool stamp set! As for all these art parts....well I want them ALL! If I could just win a small fortune from the lottery commission....sigh. Guess, I'll have to buy them bit by bit one by one until my money ship sails in :)

  30. Wendy -

    Too many wonderful things to process all at once. I LOVE that stamp set and in particular, the last sentiment and the dress form. ANd in case you didn't know, I'm an Arts Parts Junkie! I LOVE them, gotta have the pocket watch, the dress forms, that sweet teeny tiny hand, the flowers, oh heck - ALL OF THEM!!!!

    Elaine Allen

  31. Every bloomin' day you bring us another stamp set that is AMAZING and goes to the top of the "must have NOW" list.... and as for those Art Parts.... love them all. Where is the money going to come from to pay for it all?!!

  32. Oh my goodness, another stamp set that I will have to buy! And all the art parts, so amazing! Just loving all the sneak peeks! And I went to Ranger first before your blog and saw about the distress stains. Oh how am I going to afford buying all this new stuff! Must pace myself.
    Aloha, Kate

  33. my favorite set so far....want to see thr art part set too!

  34. I love every single stamp in this set!!!! Oooh, & the great art it all

  35. WWOOooooooOOOOOOOWWWW I am sooo loving your new releases Wendy I just want to try EVERYTHING, all those art parts, and fabulous fantastic stamps! You must be giddy with all the excitment!!!
    Thanks for sharing your talent
    BiG HuGs Kim :)

  36. Again: LOVE THIS! Love it ALL!!
    Congrats on the bigger/new association with Ranger!
    With all you're sharing here, all of these stamp sets & art parts & all - have you been sleeping at all??? Good heavens, woman! You're a whirling dervish! (is that spelled right? hope so! lol)

  37. Congrats on Ranger stocking your stuff, that is awesome now I have another spot to look for you and Tim ! You gotta love Ranger. The house's are so cute .. I can't wait for those to hit the store. I love the attitude stamp, kinda remind me of me :) Have a great day Wendy !

  38. Oh, dear, how will I ever be able to pick what to get first?!! LOL

  39. I'm over the moon impressed with what I'm seeing! Do you need a house cleaner or cat sitter? I'd work for goods! :)

  40. I'm going to sleep each night dreaming of acquiring all the arts parts and new stamp sets! And, what perfect timing! My brand new craft/classroom will be completed within the next 2 weeks! I'm planning on lots of extra storage space for all my new stuff! lol

  41. todays reveal is so far my favorite, from the dress form to the wonderful sayings, this is a must have set for me.

  42. O.M.G. for cryin' out loud, Wendy, I was really hoping I wouldn't have to take out another "CHA" loan this year, but it looks like I will have to. The new art parts are fabulous, and I will want one of everything. Stamps are so fun, and I'm sure I will end up with all of them. My "art friends" tease me - So, is there a Wendy Vecchi stamp you don't have?? I say NO!

  43. dress forms, every girl should have dress forms for creativity! Thank you for your best set of stamps yet!

  44. \it's all looking good.

  45. I look forward to your previews each day and as I am reading, studying, enlarging pics, and oohing and aahing, I feel my heart pounding and my pulse racing!!!! You really DELIVERED on this CHA release. I really enjoy your blog and how you described and comment on everything.....really makes us feel like we are right there with you! Thanks for all you do. Think you can talk Ted into releasing your stamps on each day of the previews? lol (one can dream)

  46. Wendy - you really have me over the moon on this stamp set...I just have a thing for dress forms & seeing the art part makes me still my heart:)


  48. fabulous stamp set and fabulous creations, wendy! thanks for sharing and have a great friday and weekend! *hugs* steph :)

  49. As usual...I LOVE ALL OF IT! I have yet to get my hands on some art parts...they are hard to find in these parts...Canada. Thanks really rock!

  50. More gorgeousness, the art parts are fantabulous :-)
    Anne xx

  51. Oh my gosh - such a wonderful assortment of awesome goodies!

  52. Hey, "grey classy broad" (St. Louis FKS), where do you get those adorable coat hanger paper clips?

    I LOVE your new stamps and GREAT art parts! Can't wait to get my orders!

    Reggie (other "grey classy broad")
