Sunday, January 16, 2011

a set a day...#7...

after this post, we're half way thru the new stamp set reveals...
this has been so much FUN...

A MILLION THANKS for all the wonderful comments...
I sincerely appreciate each & every one of them...

today is another of the small sets...
that leaves one more small set after this...
& it's a flipping blast...
I can't wait to show you, because it has 2 coordinating art parts...
OMG! phew...gets me sooooo excited...

ok, back to today's rubber fun...

this set is called...
Rick named this set...
just thought you should know that tidbit...

let's begin with the scallop border...
I am TOTALLY addicted to scallops...
I didn't realize it until I looked @ my lineup of CHA projects and noticed it...
most of them have a scallop of some sort...
very interesting...
take a look @ the stamp storage sheets...
duh...why did I not see that before?

anyway, that's why I designed this scallop border...
it can be stamped vertically or horizontally...

the little dots in the center make is very easy to add a bit of hand stitching...
just follow the evenly spaced holes...

even if you don't normally sew,
it couldn't be easier...

the holes also make it easy to add perfectly spaced pearls..

the border size is good for ATC's...

the solid flower on the left was designed to fit our current flowers...
it fits several of them...

it can also be used alone with other stems...
stamped multiple times,
it makes a cool background stamp...
I want to emboss it...
I've been wanting something like this for a long time...

I LOVE this next flower...
it's about 4 inches tall...
I LOVE the postal center...
it fits a circle punch...

the center is the perfect size for the those little cutouts from the art parts spools...

you can either press the little circle onto the inked stamp or stamp it on a scrap, punch the circle & glue it to the art part...
save those scraps to make quick & easy flower centers!

the flower can be masked off & the stem can be used with other flowers...
or just the opposite...
use just the flower with other stems...

it's fun to stamp on grunge & layer...
like this...

stop the press!
could that possibly be another new art part?

I flippin LOVE the saying...
I LOVE the font...
I LOVE what it says...
what else can I say...
I totally LOVE it...

"specimen" fits with lots of other stamps...
evidence of art etc...
it too is sized for ATC's...

thank God...
UPS understands that this REALLY IS...
it sure is...

it was FULL of...
be still my heart...

7 down...
7 to go...

stop back tomorrow...
not sure what I'll show...
maybe___ or possibly _____???

I hope your Sunday is FULL of ART!

Rick is off to the grocery so that I can...
head to the studio to...

make art!
ps...I get a 3 hour lunch break today...


  1. Oh, I love these and the pics too, along with your intriguing hints for what more is to come. Enjoy your day.

  2. Love the set, love the art part, love your whole line up so far!!!!!

  3. this set is terrific! Hope is early in the delivery schedule after CHA...
    Scallops are going to be super fun to work with as is it all! Looking forward to more sneak peaks and GO BEARS!

  4. Oh I love this set Wendy. S x

  5. Wendy this has been such an incredible week - so many great things!!!

  6. Another great set! Love that solid flower. Good stuff!

  7. Very cool. I especially love the lacy border.

  8. Ooooooooooh, a box marked extremely urgent... how exciting!!! LOVE this set too... if this carries on I will have to have a fight with myself as to which one I get first LOL Thank you for the sneak peek... tis VERY exciting!!! Enjoy the Bears - hope they win... *go Bears, go Bears, go B E A R S....**adjusts pompoms** LOL*

  9. I'm not sure I can follow Hels' "pompoms" comment... ROFL! But I will say that I am LOVING all the new art parts! And the fact that they have coordinating stamps is just over the top COOL.... Love each one more than the last! Keep it comin' girl, you're on a ROLL! Love it! And, since the Ravens lost yesterday... I can say... GO BEARS! (I had to turn in my pompoms... never was the cheerleader type...LOL).

  10. All your sayings are just adorable. Oh and that scalloped lace border is to die for.
    Gloria H

  11. another great set, wendy! makes it hard to decide which one(s) to save up for. :) GO PATS!

  12. Another WINNER!!! (I hope I get to say that about the Bears today, too!) The lace scallop border stamp may just make this the first one I'll be getting - LOVE IT!

  13. Another GREAT set!!! Enjoy your lunch!

  14. You have to stop with the art part teases!!! They are killing me!!! Will this month ever end??? When will the shipping begin?? Pre orders now available my credit cards are about to melt--- lol

  15. Absolutely love that flower stamp!! And the border, what possibilities!! I'm so looking forward to CHA and seeing them all in person!! Can't wait for tomorrow's release!!

  16. Love those flowers and what you have done with them on the sneak peek. IMHO!! the lacy scallop border is rather sexy looking. So much fun. Enjoy your Sunday. TFS!!! :-D

  17. Ohhhh...this is my favorite set yet. Love the flowers(they are my favorite) and the scallop is awesome too! Can't wait to get my grubby little hands on this one!!! You ROCK!

  18. Another great set. I know where my b-day cash will go next month. Can you show us some art parts too? It is so hard to wait to see and get what is new.

  19. Love the quote and that flower and that art part - oh all of it really! Missed coming by yesterday, but that new queen set is really fun!

  20. Oh yeah, we're rockin'now! I'll be working EWV birthday cards, maybe using some of your new ideas, and watching Da Bears!

  21. Another great set Wenday! Tell Rick he done good! perfect title for the set. Love that postal flower!

  22. Love this one too. Oh, boy, am I in trouble, LOL.
    The lace scallop is fabulous, and I just LOVE the specimen stamp....I know I'll use that a lot, and the flowers.....well, I think you get the idea....LOVE them all!

  23. I love this set! Those flowers are fantastic and the lace scallop a must have!

  24. Another great set! I love the versatility of your stamps.

  25. Wow, I think this is my favorite.

  26. great saying .... I am in big trouble ... tuition bills or art products .... I may have a very long wish list for a long time!
    Sandra ltb

  27. Go Bears, just hit 14-0! Yea baby! Luvin' every day here, today's release is another great one, as well as the sample. Can't wait to get my inky fingers on all of this!

  28. u know if u are running out of room in your studio, I can stash stuff for you? no problem at all, really...would LOVE TO GET MY INKY FINGERS in that box! hmm..luv that idea...send the man to get food (cuz we all know they dont know jack about grocery stores lol) so I can go play...u might be onto something here..and umm...yessss...luv luv the scallops right along with you...funny thing...I didn't have a scallop stamp and needed attempt was pitiful...didn't even make it into my scrap box! LOLOL
    u go girl...we are loving your new goods! xo cher from EVV

  29. What's not to love! They are so cute.

    Boo, Bears - beating my Seahawks! LOL

  30. You know you've turned me into a flower junkie ... this set just adds to my addiction!

  31. Love the set, the flower is too pretty. I love the font of the saying .. awesome !! Your Bears won, but next week they play my team the PACKERS so I'm sorry but I'll be hoping your team loses :) Thanks for the sneak .. I can't wait for more !! The art parts, well the rest of them is what I'm waiting for.

  32. love the postal flower...yea Bears....watching the wheels come off the Patriot bus...good for everyone else if they vanish....looking forward to mondays peeks...have a great night...

  33. You do THE best flowers! I love this one with it's postal center. Brilliant. Love the scallop border.... Naturally, great idea.
    Can't wait for MORE!

  34. Love them, love them, love them!!!

  35. Another very useful set I know I could use.
    Loving that scallop!
    Oh I keep forgetting you are in Chicago- YEA PACKERS!!!
    Guess where I live?
    See you next Sunday

  36. wow, the stamp looks great on the nice flower project.

  37. another set that i must have right that postal flower:)

  38. Oh I love this set a lot. Can't wait to see it in person.. I also have to just say that I am from Illinois but I am a die hard Packers fan so it will be fun kicken some Bears but AGAIN... woot

  39. Its all so cute and exciting!!
