Sunday, February 6, 2011

art & shopping...

the perfect combo!

I am posting links to help you SHOP!
it's my duty...
hey...what are friends for?

it killed me go give this to Ted & Michelle for a booth sample,
especially since I realized that I didn't take photos when it was completed...
in a hurry I guess...

I am IN LOVE with the new art parts creative covers, because they are so versatile...
they can be covered with paper, painted, inked, color washed, distress stained, tissue taped or inked and stamped...

and speaking of stamps...

tim's sized these for a PERFECT FIT for both the large & small creative covers...

below is the small creative cover, adorned with some fun art parts...

I'm thrilled with how some art parts have coordinating stamps...
like these ink bottles...

the outsides are covered with tim's yummy new kraft resist,
then misted with color washes...

the mini butterfly was stamped with the gold dabber onto "clearly for art BLACKOUT"...

the flower is an art part...

as is the scallop...

"evidence of art" seemed a good title for this project...

the paint brush was stamped on grungeboard & cut out...

and don't miss tim's new cute nib...

here's what it looks like when opened...

you can see Claudine's sticky back canvas holds it all together...

grrr...the back cover wasn't complete here...

the dress form was fun...

on the spine I used tim's new alpha parts...
it says...I STAMP!

the letters are mounted on the insert from the new art parts mini frame...

and here's the inside, so you can see how easy it is to assemble...

tim's ring binder is held onto the art parts spine with fasteners...

again, I used the kraft resist for inside the covers & misted them with butterscotch, denim, sailboat blue & meadow color washes...

this shows how the kraft resist really does...

one more thing about the creative covers...

they aren't only for books...
since they don't have holes, they make a great solid surface for the base of projects too...
I like the large size...

tim made a cool project for CHA with the large cover & his ring binder...
I hope he'll post a photo to show you...

I made sure to size the new art parts to fit with our current pieces...

I REALLY am addicted to the kraft resist...
used it here too...
but this time I inked it with the new distress stains...

the red is fired brick...
the blue is weathered wood...
forest moss was used to ink the frame, after I clear embossed it, with my polka dot background stamp...

the wings were die cut from grungeboard...
& inked with weathered wood distress stain...

the flower is stamped on Blackout...

I used tim's new drill punch to put a hole in the new nib, so I could hang it from a hitch fastener...
it works like a dream...

with love...

and @ the top of my new art parts favorite list...

there are 3 sizes in the set with lots of mix & match possibilities...

the base for this piece is from the large art parts square frame...
these pieces were all inked with the new distress stains...

this time I used wild honey, walnut stain, weathered wood and forest moss...
the flower is an art part & it has a coordinating stamp...
makes it easy to stamp an extra flower on grungepaper to add some dimension...

it you look @ the bottom of the smaller house...
"proprietor" is from my most favorite medicine bottle stamp...
it's stamped on a straight flower stem, cut down to fit the house...

LOTS of new stamps on this guy...

the roof is this background...
the green house is this one...
art is here...
and the flower...(it was changed from the one on the top right to this style..
I liked it better!)

the little arrow is cut from this arrow border...

here's my shopping strategy...

I'm doing separate orders...
stamps & items shipping in February on one order, so I don't have to wait...

March items with March...

that way there will be something NOW & something coming soon...
I like that...

my stamps are done & shipping to those who ordered first...
art parts are scheduled to ship @ the end of Feb...
beginning of March...

store owners who ordered first, get their orders shipped first...

after looking @ all these new things...

I think I'll run to the studio to...
make art!
ps...I hope the hubbies don't hate me...


  1. My partner has given up!! If i mention the words Wendy or Tim followed by art, he just rolls his eyes!! Thanks for all the glorious goodies to drool over......i'm off to have another looky!!!

  2. Oh my!! what gorgeous art - Lesley is right - I am drooling too!

  3. This is all so much fun and offers so many possibilities with all the art parts and stamps. I need to keep saving.


  5. I got to see all up close & personal at CHA...loved it all!!!

  6. I have been making art all weekend all weekend now it's time to pack it up and head home! Thanks for all your wonderful inspiration!!!! I'm waiting for the stamps to hit For Keeps Sake and th the Art Parts-- yea team!!!

  7. I love it all!! Can't wait!
    Grtz Marleen

  8. so so wonderful! saving my sheckles...might need to sell a husband...u just never know!

  9. My hubby loves all these art things cos he knows he gets brownie points when he buys them for my Birthday and Christmas, so keep them coming!

  10. I've got stamps on pre-order - need to do the same for Art Parts. I guess I better do that today, huh?

  11. I have already started saving my money for the RSC in March! I can see already that those art parts are going to be a favorite on mine!

    See you soon - xo

  12. How lucky are all of you that were at CHA and got to see all this goodness first hand. Love the residences, they are stinking cute.
    Gloria H

  13. I'm looking forward to seeing your new book with all the projects. Your new line is the best.

  14. Who knew February could be such an expensive month?
    Still....cheaper than therapy, right?
    Love all your samples, Wendy. I'd go make art myself, but I can't find my work table. Time for a clean-up I guess. :(

  15. Hubby doesn't hate you...hubby doesn't know!!

  16. Fabulous creative pieces, I need to order soon especially the art parts. Love the look of the Distress Stains too. Thanks for the inspiration. Tracy Evans x

  17. Ok, I had a whole comment...gone! Just gonna say it all looks awesome! Not sure what to get first (after all the new stamps already on preorder)!

    Thank you for sharing with us

  18. Corrrrrrrrrrrrr... these are ... GORGEOUS pieces of art Wendy... and yes, shopping and art go together so well... .like I NEED that Kraft paper... NOW!! Wondering if I wish hard enough there will be a little puff of smoke and as if by magic, a pack of that paper will land on my desk... ahhh, here's wishing LOL Hope you having fun in the studio! x

  19. Wendy,
    You and Tim are killing me!!! My goodness~~~I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT ALL NOW!!! I'm gonna have to get a 2nd job just to support my stamping habit!!!
    Love all your projects!

    Karen S. Ohio

  20. I love the house art parts, they are just so dang cute !!! The covers have endless possibilities too. Your projects are totally adorable as always !! Thanks for the shopping .. just what I needed. GO PACKERS !!! :)

  21. BEAUTIFUL PROJECTS!!!!! I am so excited for all the new supplies!! I have my craft stash so my hubby will NEVER KNOW!!!

  22. Love what you did with the creative cover. Can't wait to try one myself.

  23. These are all wonderful Wendy, don't have a favorite I just love them all. I think I'll start out slow and go from there do some shopping each month to add to my stash. TFS!!! :-D

  24. My head is spinning...! I am coming back to this post tomorrow so I can take time to let all the amazing ideas soak in. Great idea about staggering your orders. I'm heading back to SSS to place an art parts order tomorrow. Keep those great ideas coming....

  25. All totally wonderful, of course! Lovin' all these new art parts and the coordinating stamps, and those book covers are DIVINE!

  26. I've got a pre-order in! I guess I better do another! LOL

  27. love the ¨sell your husband¨ idea....maybe i can rent him out...he is a great cook and i could use the proceeds to buy stash...

  28. Very, very cool! Gotta work on my shopping list! Hwy, sSaw 2 eagles up your way this weekend-also very cool!

  29. WOW!! SO beautiful to say the least!! I was so happy to see Laura with Following the paper trail have some of your products and that she was probably going to make art!! I can't wait to see what she will do with it!!
    Anyway, I LOVE all of you pieces as usual and the colors you used with your new stamps are just to fun for words!! I too can;t wait to get my hand on those book covers and the stamps to match and the book binders!! THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!!! =) I also can;t wait to play with the new shapes of art parts!! SOSOSOSOSOS EXCITED!! =)
    THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING THE PICS and so glad that you had a BLAST at CHA!! Can't wait to see more!! =) Have a FABULOUS DAY!! =)

  30. Love your art and your shopping plan! :0)

  31. Yes, thanks for having items coming out at different times so we can pace ourselves. I want to buy it all now though. I guess I can be patient for another month or two.
    Aloha, Kate

  32. I love looking at your art and finding all the little details that make such a difference!!! Thanks for including all the links (I know that takes a lot of time).

  33. Love seeing the projects you made using all the new releases and my hands are itching to create with them too! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas!

  34. can you hear my poor piggy bank moaning???...:)

  35. Oh my! It is so hard to wait for all of this to come out. But thanks for sharing with all of us. I can see that I will need the Distress Stains in addition to all of your stamps and art parts. Love the books!

  36. Thanks for sharing your lovely art, loving the "look inside" with your house doors!

  37. those are some beauties of projects

  38. Great post, thanks for sharing. Keep it up!
    push up bra
